What's the greatest single-player FPS?

Looking to get into the genre. Mostly been playing RPGs, platformers and strategy games since my childhood.

Recently played through the entire Half Life series for the first time and I'm craving for more action.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shadow Warrior 97


-Doom 1, 2, FINAL, 64
-Duke Nukem 3D
-Shadow Warrior 3D
-HL1 & 2
-FEAR 1 + expansions
-Far Cry 1
-Quake 1 & 2

These are some standout choices if you're looking for mid-late 90's

>Quake 2

Quake 2 isn't that good. Quake 3 is way better desu.

I just got into this game through Sup Forums and it's fucking fantastic, can't believe I didn't play this as a kid

fuck your shite kids. Q2 is not only the best classic Quake, but Q3 literally had NO SP CAMPAIGN. Also has the best OST.

Dying Light is pretty good, but it's not your standard First-Person "SHOOTER" but more like a First-Person Slasher.

Quake 1 and No One Lives Forever 1, depending on whether you're looking for a pure action experience or something more adventure oriented


Just as a side note: most shooters I've tried with aiming-down-sights are fucking horrible slogs. Fuck those.

Wow, love the low-poly visuals and the pixel-art textures. Gonna try this one, thanks.

t. OP

>Wow, love the low-poly visuals and the pixel-art textures. Gonna try this one, thanks.
you're gonna have to play with source-ports' settings / console commands to enable non-filtered textures on modern OGL / D3D visual modes, but it's worth it IMO.

Remember that player made maps/scenarios exist too,so if you end up really liking the particular gameplay of any one game you can get more out of it. DOOM is obvious for this but good custom content exists for most other classic FPS as well. Try asking /vr/

What happened to the top 100 list we were going to make?

>Just as a side note: most shooters I've tried with aiming-down-sights are fucking horrible slogs
You're in luck, because that didn't really become a standard before mid-00s. Before that, it was kinda rare mil-sim only feat.

there's been tons of such things. Which one do you mean?

Brutal Doom, no other fps comes clos in terms of fun

The latest one, check the archives we had two threads to nominate games.

What game is this?

>That gun detail
Looks Eastern European

Vivisector: Beast Inside.
Quite literally "Kill furries: The game".

BD is just edgy as fuck trash made for GenZ kids who have no idea what Doom even is, but have heard some silly memes about it.

Unreal Gold
Serious Sam the First and Second Encounters

No my man, I played Doom when it came out, its not even comparable to brutal doom.

Is it edgy? fuck yes but the gameplay was speed up in such a positive way that I cant really go back.


>its not even comparable to brutal doom.
You are correct. Original Doom is galactic miles above that boring slogfest that the BD is.

you play through EdgyDoom once, and then just forget about it for all eternity. Trying to make it sound any bigger than that would show some very... worrisome symptoms.


Good taste

Quake 1, 2 and the Arcane Dimensions mod for Quake
No One Lives Forever 1 & 2
Duke 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior
Fear 1 (maybe 2)
Turok 2
Far Cry (maybe)


Quake 2 has way better multiplayer

>Not posting the updated version

maybe painkiller considering that most of the stuff have been already mentioned

How can you criticize something for being edgy and then type like an edgy autist?

It's just the one I had saved, thanks user.

I fail to understand what could have been seen as "edgy" in my post. Unless your criteria is something as simple and silly like the mere number of the term "edgy" itself.

just your average doombabby
they whine about BD ruining the purity of the original doom while playing mods like russian overkill and demonsteele

Daily reminder that DOOM turns you into a school shooter

Not knocking the multiplayer but if you're into single player stuff quake is hot garbage.


No I don't.
And I'm just sick and tired of people treating BD like some sort of savior of Doom, or even worse: a modern compatibility patch.

He must not have gotten a prompt reply

Going to have to agree with this guy. BD is made for people who can't appreciate anything and need a bunch of unnecessarily "epic" moments to justify their time with the game. Original doom is simply the way to go

>best OST
That's not Quake 1

good posts

Quake or Quake 4 for multiplayer.

>m-muh NIN!

Don't even bother replying to burtl dowm babies, they have no clue what they're talking about

Does Jedi Outcast count?
That's probably my favourite single player FPS campaign

get a load of this shit taste

Typing kys genuinely makes you look underage also don't be rude it's just opinion. Both soundtracks fit their respective game anyway.

I unironically like the early FPS levels of JO.

Devil Daggers


Wrong. The first game has some great level design and really frantic gameplay at times.

If you have a powerfull PC, then you must play the new Doom.

>dat Quad Machine
>dat Rage
Best OST forever.

As much as I love NIN, Q1 OST is basically a main theme and rest of it is pretty non-descript vanilla dark ambient and occasional moaning, negro. Even though, main theme is fucking badass, back in times when Trent was a junkie and made a good music.

By the way, Andrew Hulshult made a great cover.

I like you

Could you be any more of a pleb? Q2 SP is average but Q1 is god tier.

>rest of it is pretty non-descript vanilla dark ambient and occasional moaning
I like that stuff too

maybe if you're a cuck who likes shit games

Kill yourself you negoid cotton-picking nigger faggot, yourself but first your whole family.

Duke 3D
Unreal 1

Titanfall 2. Dont listen to these old fags with their boring shit.

Lovely Planet isn't very well known but its one of the most fun fps I've ever played. Very fast, short levels, feels like I'm playing an arcade game. If you don't mind a katamari damacy artstyle in your fps then I definitely recommend it, though I can see why the art style would be a dealbreaker for some.

Marathon 2

What do these games do that others dont?

Add to everything else:
- Alien vs Predator 1 and 2.
- Painkiller.
- Metroid Prime (more adventure than FPS, but if you liked Half-Life I think you'll like MP too).

timeplitters 1,2 and 3
NOLF 1 & 2 revive
soldier of fortune 1 & 2 community edition and gold helix
MoH:AA revive
DUKE 3D+ mods
SWBF 1 & 2 (2004-2005)
SW jedi outcast 2
rainbow six+ rogue spear
AREA-51 (freeware)
007 nightfire Revive
SWAT 3&4
Deus Ex
powerslave EX
Grezzo 2
HL1 & 2 + multiplayer and single player mods
doom + doom2 and expansions
TC's ghost recon
Unreal tourney 1999 and 2004
hidden and dangerous (freeware)
die hard nakitomi plaza
house of the dead 1,2 and 3
time crisis 1-4 (console and arade only)
urban chaos riot response (console only)
1996 emulator which allows KB+M with golden eye and perfect dark
IGI1 and 2
gunan chronicles
JFK reloaded
Gaylo 1 and 2
chronicles of riddick dark athena and escape from butcher bay
second sight
peter jacksons king kong
Quake 1-4
kingpin life of crime
COD WaW (singleplayer)
COD 4 (singleplayer)
COD MW2 (singleplayer)
COD BLOPS (singleplayer)
all those goverment and military based shooters

BONUS category for mods or games with FPS view:
hitman 2, contracts and blood money
MGS integral, MGS2 with modded FPS view and MGSGZ and MGSV with FPS view mod
Max payne 1 and 2 with FPS view mod

Sup Forums will shitpost the series forever, but Halo 1 is a legitimately fantastic game. Especially if you want to play through a co-op campaign with a buddy.

Without online multiplayer the biggest draw for 2 and 3 isn't available anymore, even the remastered collection has a dead community. The campaigns are less fun than 1 but still pretty good fun with a friend.

>gaylo 1
how?? sounds fun

Any console version has it.

If on PC you can play together via LAN iirc.

Good writing

Bioshock. The game's textures are a bit dated but the remaster is lazy at times
Pick your poison

The first Halo game has one of the worst single player campaigns in the series though, it lacks variety and is super repetitive.

That being said, that's not a big issue relative to most of the other FPS's in this thread, which have similar issues due to having similar technical limitations due to their age. It's almost like Sup Forums is filled with nostaliafags or something

its still a must play game tho


beat metro 2033 and last light this year even though I'm not an FPS fan at all.
Both are pretty linear, but in a very good way and the story is sweet in my opinion. Many funny scenes too and creepy atmosphere in the tunnels.

>FPS games are dead
FPS rennasaince when??