>no crossplay

you know exactly why

will the beta need PS plus?

yes, also it's a beta, so you can only play for a few days, unlike previous demos

>few weeks
It's like a week and a half.

Well then capcom and sony can fuck right off. I'm not gonna pay for Plus and neither spend 60$ on this game without having at least a demo run. I'll pirate it when it comes out on PC and they decide whether its worth it.


Who else is getting this on the xbox? I want to add some people to my friends list for this game.


wait until it's almost out, aspie :^)

Whats funny is I told all my normie friends about this game and they had no idea. They watched a few videos I showed them and now they all have it pre ordered on the xbox. Its going to look pretty sweet on that thing too. And with game share I wont even have to buy it to play it.

The BETA is starting on my birthday! YAY!

Any ideas how long it's going to take for the PC release?
If it's too long I'll just get the PS4 ver.

My bet is 1-2 months
But just so people don't have to reply I'll just say it myself: CAPCOM THOUGH SO ITS PROBABLY POSSIBLY DEFINITELY 100% GOING TO TAKE 1-2 YEARS

Expect either :
A)few weeks-month similarly to nier
B)around the summer or may
t.prediction pro

You will be playing as our girl, right?

Nah, I'll be playing on PC

What? Aloy is in this?

Aloy is a PS4 skin/armor

Of course!

No, really. Why? Because of all the hacking that happened on PC? Yeah, you're right. It's a good thing they released the last few MHs on the 3DS, where no one ever hacked.

Oh, wait.


3DS has been cracked for years dipshit. PS4 hasn't.
Heck even the Switch is on the verge of being cracked

hes' talking about monhun in particular, even before 3ds hacking was huge there were custom quests and hacked gear in the monhun games, it's been like that for every game, even back on the PS2 it was rampant

Fuck free games for december suck and i play only singleplayer games

Holy fuck that robot Palico

Mecha Palico is legit great.

>he didn't futureproof by buying a year of PS+ at half price on black friday
o i am laffin

Feels good to be a Sonypro

I know most people on Sup Forums don't expect vida games to be good anymore, But I'm hype as hell