Did nobody during development ever go "hey this new armor system sounds nice on paper but in reality it just makes...

Did nobody during development ever go "hey this new armor system sounds nice on paper but in reality it just makes players focus on one damage type and that's not really fun or interestig"?

They had no equivalent to Josh Sawyer to keep them from straying. This is why Pillars of Eternity 2 will be a much better game.

Who’s not Triss Merriweather on the right?


no but seriously it takes like one fight with a "balanced" party to realize balanced damage sucks

The thing that makes it worse is the stat bloating towards later levels

How does it make you focus on one damage type? Not every enemy has an equal amount of physical + magic armor. You will be more effective if your whole team leans towards doing damage of either or, but sometimes it's still more effective to switch to the other if the enemies you're fighting are weaker there. So for example my party focuses on physical but there's been plenty of times where we use magic, like all the time really.

tl;dr don't see the issue really

my biggest complaint is that none of the characters look like they do on the cover art

If everything just had an "Armor Score" that was shared between magic and melee, but any given monster would be stronger or resistant to certain damage types, the combat would be 2000% better


Because your playing ezmode. Mid/late game armor difference types are irrelevant as they are tiny on the harder difficulties.

Comp wise its objectively full physical > full magic > > > hybrid

t. retard

you are way, way too rarely confronted with enemies with very distinct weaknessess armor-wise
you know, enemies with truly shitloads of one armor type and little to no of the other where you really want to have that other type and thus a balanced party

I have a mainly physical too and when I get enemies with a bunch of phys armor i just tear through it. And the synergy between same damage type is just too strong, I have a ranger, a rogue and warrior with some heal/support spells and a mage on top and the mage never feels good because the three physical attacks quickly destroy physical armor and get their statues off while the mage just always hits a like fuck wet noodle on the mage armor

>people scrutinizing the combat in a game where you can throw a chest around to one shot everything


They definitely got feedback saying the new armor system was bad. They just chose to ignore.

I think the combat has huge potential, the elemetal shit is fun, the combinations are fun, lots of fun spells and combinations too but it's just completely undermined by the armor system which discourages combinations and fancy, fun stuff

Lohse but she looks nothing like that in game

Do you just spend your entire life waiting online to post this?

Enough actual discussion of game mechanics. Post Divnity memes.

More often than not that seems the case although magic has still saved my primarily physical based team on occasion.

Oh well.

that's The Red Prince user



balanced party is fine if you have flexibility in your damage,
mages with shields get shield toss and phys necromancy abilities, and warriors get a little bit of offensive magic along with their utility spells


doesnt shield toss scale with strength?


Not the user you're replying to but I finished Honour Mode with 2 physical / 2 magical damage dealers, both having buffs/stuns of both types, and the split damage wasn't really an issue at any point. It even became advantageous in certain fights I'd say.

Who's the elf in the center? She's on all the art for the game and is kind of the face of it.

Scales with the armor on your shield and with physical damage; the only physical damage type multiplier is warfare

is there a mod that fixes this?
because this would make it so much better

Sebille, a mary sue that does an amazing job of not being a mary sue.

she's great.

I'm guessing it's a pre-canon model version of Sebille, since she's a rogue and has the scar and all

They really changed the look of her, then. I tried looking up the characters but the art didn't match up to this character model so I wasn't sure who she was supposed to be.

I really wish everyone wasn't such a smug cunt in this game. Really dislike this "oh man how do we make our characters likeable? I know, let's have them always be super cool and super confident and with a witty quip".
Is it too much to ask to have a normal fucking conversation with people?

she's wearing endgame rogue gear, and you can see her scar if you know it's there. to a layman it just looks like strands of hair

The elemental shit WAS fun. In game 1. In game 2 it's ruined by cursed surfaces.

Who gives a shit about all the elements when everything in the second-half of the game bleeds cursed blood that is then inevitably set on fire by something and overrides every other surface? You can't even put it out except with bless or tornadoes or a few other long cooldown abilities, and even that doesn't matter since as soon as you hit a guy again he'll bleed cursed blood which will again curse every surface in range, which will then catch fire. Again.

The game has a lot more problems than just the armor system. That's like the mildest end of the problems. Then most extreme end of the problems is something like having a permastealthed character running around smashing everything to death with his telekenisis-chest without even entering combat. And we have a billion others in-between those extremes.

prince and sebille are the biggest offenders, but as the story goes on you find out that they're doing it to cover up actual fucked up pasts. I think it fits them.

Also Red Prince is best boy, on par with Alistair

I dont mind chest memes because you know you're not playing the game at this point
it's obtuse and gamey enough for me to ignore

that undead fucker is the biggest offender

idk, i didnt even bring him

>I MUST use this overpowered mechanic that's in the game like my life depends on it
>I can't just ignore it and play the game in a more enjoyable way
First Divinity:OS also let you play the system and skip whole battles and/or puzzles by fucking around with the physics and world interaction. Doesn't mean you can't play the game normally

That's just the most extreme end. There's lots of other, less extreme stuff, like oneshoting enemies with soul link, or teleporting enemies around so you can fight them one at a time, or killing a boss' minions while he's talking to you, or resetting combat whenever you feel like it, or teleporting around with pyramids to trivially start with max fate points every single fight, or the free respecs, or (several different ways of) stealing everything in the game to make gold pointless, or the way stats scale to make the game easily soloable by one lone wolf, or a billion others. There are just so many ways to break the game that you don't just not have to put effort into doing it; you have to put effort into avoiding it.

teleporting enemies is fine because I do it
no but seriously ever since they increased the cooldown on teleport I think it's not too gamebreaking, everyone has mobility out the ass

but I get your point

>teleporting around with pyramids to trivially start with max fate points every single fight
oh, this is a good one. I never thought of this before