Who has the better taste, Sup Forums?

Who has the better taste, Sup Forums?

But I am Sup Forums and I like some of those games on the right

neither. o wait, Sup Forums has aoe2. remove that. now, neither.

This image's a total ping pong

Sup Forums is not a hivemind, perhaps you should go to R*ddit if you want to be part of a groupthink.

Are you kidding?
The binding of isaac is somewhere there in top 10 games of Sup Forums
Also OW and Skyrim are loved by about 60% of the people here and the 40% hate them because they are popular

why is sonic mania on the other side?
Does nu-Sup Forums hate sonic because it's too hard???

Im confused. I like all of these. What does this make me?

What was wrong with AM2R?

But Sup Forums loves earthbound


Looks like Sup Forums lost.


>popularity determines quality

fixed it for you

but Sup Forums doesnt know anything about quality. they think skyrim is good because you can mod lolis in it

But Sup Forums likes Battlefront too, since reddit hates it.

I know you're trying to make a strawman "normies have shit taste" bait list but even normies didn't like Battlefront, user.

I'm pretty sure the type of people who use Skyrim for sex and loli mods do not actually think it's a good game.

>Sup Forums doesnt like earthbound, isaac, undertale, mario 64 or sonic mania

get the fuck out of this board

im sure they dont either but they are the ones saying skyrim is only good with mods.
For a board that supposedly hates skyrim they sure do talk about it and its mods quite a bit

*redditors on Sup Forums who take the contrarian meme too seriously like battlefront

Sup Forums liked undertale and am2r.


my bad, meant for

>nu ace of spades

kill yourself we hate that


reminder that people that don't like OOT just weren't born/didn't own a n64 when it came out.

looks good. i would peronally add skyrim on the normie side and skyrim with a loli on the Sup Forums side but good enough


>sonic mania
>sonic in general
>hard at all

>all the weebshit
>actually liking FRLG

Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is not a hivemind
You're probably too new to have realized.

Making the best out of shit list.

RCT2 is one of the greatest games of all time, of course Sup Forums has better taste.

>Oh wow guys, we’re so much better than everyone else
Hmmm something tells me you don’t have that great of a social life

Same, I'm Sup Forums as fuck and I like how all of them look.

You're saying that like any of the games on the right side were bad.

I am a frequenter of both Sup Forums and the rest of gaming internet (basically just reddit and ResetEra) and I like games from both sides. Am I a bad person?

go away

Please be bait.

Sunshine fag trying to spread his delusion as truth.


Reddit does.

That's actually pretty awful.

where do you think you are?

>Sup Forums
dog shit thread 0/10

Wouldn't agree more.

>Resident Evil


>Lo-fi beats
>Electro Swing

I absolutely hate these.

okay, the anime list is actually kino
everything else is hilarious

Literally NintendoGAF