What the FUCK when wrong?
Not gonna lie, I don't even hate this game, I had some fun with it, but how did they fuck up so many things?
>remove a shit ton of planets
>easy as fuck, even on the hardest difficulty
>all but TWO (2) weapons are recycled from previous installments
>writing is complete shit-tier, not gonna act like the future series was that well written, but they're decent compared to this shit
I just want Insomniac to take a long-ass break from Ratchet, and come back with something really good.
What the FUCK when wrong?
This game was one of my first on PSP ;(
It's a movie tie in game I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up
It was made to promote the movie, that's why it received limited budget and why the writing is so shitty, the tone was set by the literally who animation studio that did the movie, which completely bombed, so at least Sony wont be trying that shit again anytime soon
dem graphics tho'
Yeah it was fun I just wish it wasn't tied to the movie, that's what made the writing feel so dissapointing
Ratchet looks cool. Should I play the ps2 version?
>Sly was about to get fucked too
Glad that didn't happen.
It sucks though, because I think Ratchet might be able to make a half decent film.
Weren't some of the cutscenes straight from the movie?
Anyway it wasn't a bad game. There's just been so many of ratchet & clanks that it just gets somewhat boring after like 20 titles. Especially when sudden movie tie in reboot
Sure, the PS2 trilogy is great
>Weren't some of the cutscenes straight from the movie?
God why is Sony Pictures such a disaster? They even managed to seep their poison into video games.
If you have a PS3, get the HD trilogy and then if you like it, play Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty, Crack in Time (this one especially, best game in the series) and Into the Nexus in that order. Avoid the numerous spinoffs like the fucking plague.
I started writing a response but I can't be fucked to waste the energy. Apart from a few moments of gameplay, this game just made me sad.
I'll just leave this youtube.com
Honestly I'm not sure where they can even go with the franchise at this point. The Future arc is wrapped up, the movie bombed so nobody gives a shit about that continuity anymore which means there's no point in continuing it, and another reboot would just piss everyone off.
What can they do at this stage? Is it time to put Ratchet out to pasture finally?
All mainline games (Original 3, Future Trilogy, 2016) are decent at worst and worth at least one playthrough.
>Crack in Time
>best game in the series
2&3 were better though
>What can they do at this stage?
just make a new story, the original trilogy were all separate stories, what's stopping them from doing that again?
I'll concede 3 is pretty damn good, but 2 is fairly unmemorable, there's an overreliance on huge empty spaces to pad out the maps and the story just kind of... stops at the end with no resolution after a weakass final boss.
Angela's a qt though
This game's only enjoyable with the voices turned off.
Because Sony will mangle its own departments and throw them under the bus if something completely unrelated to said department goes wrong.
Actually the Ratchet series is chock full of waifu material and yet I never see anyone mention it.
I would a Talwyn.
Ratchet 2 is my favorite in the series, but I'll agree with that final boss point.
After playing through Into the Nexus, man I'm so disappointed that they rebooted the franchise. Sure the story is stagnating a little, but dumping all the lore so it can be even more focused on Quark, goody-two-shoes Ratchet, and Nefarious is awful.
>people are still upset they removed that shitty lightning planet
Fuck off that shit is still awful and will always be "that part".
You act like the vendors in the previous games weren't annoying.
If anything, the reboot is just continuing series tradition.
git gud
Those weren't annoying because they didn't keep saying the dialog when YOU WERE OUTSIDE OF THE VENDER
>being shit
If I remember right, in 3 whenever you would come back to the hub Al would pester you if there was some new armour in.
And in Crack in Time the vendors definitely spoke to you outside the store.
In Ratchet PS4 you could be miles away from a vender and it would still speak.
That's not inherently bad, it's a more interesting way of telling you a new weapon is available than just having a bland text box pop up saying 'BUY NEW SHIT.'
There is a severe lack of R34 for her
It's bad when the vender is reminding you to buy the same weapon over and over again.
I'd say it is worse than a text box, because at least the text box isn't spouting the same audio file every five minutes.
Tell me about it. Her and Sasha need more love.
It's pretty heavily implied that Ratchet banged them both at one point or another too. Lucky bastard.
The weapons are all from the PS3 games
No Oltanis or Eudora
Lack of character development and Ratchet is immediately a do gooding hero.
Skill points are trophies
Planets are very linear.
It is a bit shit. Like why were the ACiT tribals in the reboot when they're from the Polaris galaxy. Why was Neftin Prog referenced? Where's Helga?
Anybody notice how the hacker minigames only get worse and worse with each game? The one in 3 especially gets to me
I was more offended over them just reusing the Grummelnet voice for Gadgetron
World building, fanservice, and not PC enough for 2016. In that order.
Better question. WTF went wrong with insomniac. Everything they do now days just pisses me off
To be honest I don't mind them. Much. 3's is pretty fucking shit and unfun though
But the ACiT tribals hate technology so why would they live on Veldin?
>literally who animation studio
That really depresses me. The Canadian company Rainmaker Entertainment used to be known as Mainframe Entertainment, and back from the mid-80s up through the 90s, they were pushing the edge of CGI. They're responsible for the Money for Nothing music video, ReBoot, Beast Wars, Shadow Raiders: War Planets, Beast Machines, and was the reason I was proud to be Canadian. Then in the 00s, they went downhill and made numerous Hasbro tie-in shows for Hot Wheels and Barbie. It's like they stopped trying to push the envelope and settled into mediocrity. Even the ReBoot reboot sounds disappointing.
Brittany Gears confused my penis as a child.
>I wana fuck it
>Where do I fuck it?
Don't worry, they'll make a total drama island movie for you Canadians
>Reboot reboot
Is that still a thing? I thought it died with the mighty no 9 and megaman cartoon
That fucking motion controlled one in ToD made me want to kick puppies.
Actually, was anyone ever able to get the motion controls on things like the Tornado Launcher and Dynamo of Doom working properly? It never steered correctly for me, it was always a crapshoot trying to wrestle the shot into the direction I wanted it to go in.
you need to hold the controller level
All of those are baffling to me. How did the mechanic that Ratchet work with know about the Zoni? Why did anyone care at all except Ratchet in the end about Veldin when in the original it was just a mud ball? Why isn't Nefarious a weird human? It's all so weird.
Motion control memes are better left turned off for any PS3 game. I never got them working properly but their AOE get so large it's impossible not to get shit with them
These things pissed me off the most
Yeah, it's called ReBoot: The Guardian Code, and it's going to premiere in 2018. It's basically Zixx though.
I feel like the game was basically just a tech demo for Insomniac to learn how to develop for the PS4.
It would explain why stuff like the Swingshot and grindrails don't work that well. Also the game just decided to kill me in midair over some gaps in Batalia.
Is it really that disappointing? I bought it for 7 dollars, never played a game in the series. Should I just ignore it and play something from my backlog?
I've yet to play the PS4 game. Did they keep the Gemlik moon base? Because that's my favorite "planet" from the first game.
Nope. They didn't keep the Visibomb Gun in, either. It's the absolute worst.
I'm so fucking pissed at what Insomniac did with Nefarious. The only games he belongs in are 3 and ACiT, but he's forced into almost every fucking game. Reboot is the most insulting one though, ruining Drek when he's probably the biggest scumfuck villain in the whole series is the most insulting thing I've ever seen what the fuck Insomniac??
I'm sorry user
i didnt even know about this movie until this thread. why is sony pictures so bad at advertising their films? literally every other big studio has shills on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums shitposting about their movies 24/7 and I never heard of this one
such a good villain ruined
If you've never played a game in the series you'll love it, it's a fantastic entry point for a newcomer as it resets the canon.
All the REEEEEing in this thread is from series veterans who are mad the new continuity doesn't feature every detail from the old one. The actual gameplay and visuals are top notch.
Don't worry though, the Combuster is back. Definitely worth it
The worst part about the new Drek is that he was trying too hard to be friendly. His cold nature and constantly elongating title worked so well to make him a good villain and they thew it down the drain.
Also why is Ratchet a nerd now when he lambasted Clank for it earlier? Where's my gear-head everyman mechanic?
I actually enjoyed this one more than all the PS3 games to be honest.
I see. Too bad then.
I hate it. Don't get me started on the lack of the Tesla Claw, either...
>megaman cartoon
>he doesn't know that it's still coming
he doesn't know that in the same sizzle reel that Heathcliff is also getting a new CGI cartoon series as well
Twisting my cranium in a negative motion, relative.
The video was taken down and replaced with youtube.com
Just pirated the booty game
Will I like it considering that I didn't pay for a 2 hour game?
But we got the FUSION GRENADE
Don't forget about the fucking preorder exclusive weapon that will cause an empty slot in your quick weapon thing if you didn't get it
Starts off great with the open ended feeling of exploring the wind turbines, ends up boring after you get weapons
That's my problem with the newer ps4 games, they feel so short and have little though put into them.
Infmaous 1 and 2 had tons of stuff to do and were really long. Infamous SS was short and the choices didn't feel as fleshed out.
The alignments felt like you were missing out on gameplay elements rather than a different playing style.
I really wish they went back to substance over style.
This isn't even a legitimate complaint, this is just OCD
>the game based on
>the movie based on
>the game
the gameplay isn't that good desu
circlestrafe ad infinitum
You say this as a joke, but the marketing for the movie used this as its actual tagline.
'Play the game, see the movie, based on a game!'
I was playing through my first game when my ps3 bricked because the new hack came out for it and I made a big mistake while doing it. At least I got the ps3 for cheap but I lost my save file. I started on the second game but did I miss out on too much? I think I was a bit after Orxon
>implying the technique for winning in previous Ratchet games has ever gone beyond holding fire and strafe and jumping around a bit
I literally won the Qwarktastic challenge in 3 (100 rounds of enemies) by standing in one place and holding down the fire button with the chicken ray.
I kinda regret dropping 20 bucks for this as I know I won't touch it again. Gameplay is boring as fuck.
There are several weapon switching rounds though
So stoked about it. I'm actually not.
In the rounds where I could, obviously.
This 100%. though to be fair i didn't mind his cameos in Ratchet Deadlocked or Quest for Boots.
her and Juanita Alvaro made me come to question things about myself.
Ratchet has the best taste in women really.
>One of your girl friends in Polaris Defense Captain.
>The Other was at one point mayor of Metropolis.
I always enjoyed that challenge, except when I failed a timed round at like 95/100
I always enjoyed the Trespasser from the first one and whatever the one with the paths on the sphere is called from the second one.
Always felt like the electric current one from 2 and the hacker in 3 were sort of missing the point, the point being that they give you some breathing room between action with a slower paced minigame, that requires thinking more than reflexes.
>2018 E3
>R&C2 reboot confirmed
>rolls out in 2019
>All your favorite weapons like the generic shotgun, crappy electric whip, and Mr. Nokruz (because megacorp is stealing ideas from gadgetron haha so wacky xD) and more, none from the actual fucking original game except the plasma coil pre-order dlc that is unobtainable any other way
>Ratchet has Clank searching for places to be a hero instead of Megacorp contacting them
>they travel to Bogon and go through training
>gameplay constantly has Qwark calling them from prison to give his quirky commentary since he doesn't hate them in this game
>every NPC is some test dummy robot who spouts their dull dialogue about how you're disrupting their jobs or whatever the fuck
>half the bosses are removed and replaced with some snide comment about how stupid it is to have bosses all over the place
>optional boss on Oozla is now mandatory and way too easy
>Ryno salesman replaced by Smuggler from the Future series or some gay shit
>space combat just like in R&C 2016
>arena fights are ranked bronze silver gold and platinum, just ups enemies and waves for each rank
>unique enemies on planets mostly replaced by Thugs-4-less or some robotic force of some kind
>Thugs-4-less are just some working class guys instead of actual thugs, leader probably voiced by some famous celebrity
>Slim Cognito replaced by the 2016 RYNO salesman/smuggler guy
>hoverbike races completely braindead infinite boost garbage
>Angela being a Lombax is jokingly adressed somehow but still not surprising to Ratchet
>Angela voiced by some celebrity probably
>Clank's robot girlfriend voiced too, keeps talking to him during Clank sections
>Thermanator removed because too hard, replaced by swingshot sections and grind rails
>Fizzwidget turns out to be Nefarious all along, trying to use Protopets to kill organic life in Bogon
ples play my game
I would be so fuckin' pissed
This is the future and it is beautiful
what the fuck happened to Insomniac?
just no
they're probably gonna continue where they left off in future games and pretend that the reboot never happened.
movie tie in game what did you expect?
Something good because the dev is competent