No webm threads? Lets fix that
I need to record some new ones.
Gayme? Looks fun desu
Destiny 2.
fun is subjective. I enjoy it
5 When
Is it fun without friends?
it's an Oblivion mod
You can look all you want; the game basically plays itself.
god damn that hud is fucking killing me
It can be, but not a lot of content out for solo play outside of just running strikes and world events over and over.
user please.
fuck you BANG get out of here
It's barely fun WITH friends.
Love you too /vg/
/wsg/ has far better video game webm threads because they're free of sony shills and they have sound
why did she take her jacket off
Took me a few times watching it. It's on fire. You see it at the start and when she throws it.
To save our mother earth from any alien attack!
>luck build
may as well play pyro in das1
I don't lift, but that guy shouldn't be bending his spine, right?
Is this that "lifting with your back" thing they're always talking about?
Yes, he basically failed to deadlift it because he's a leglet so he used his back
Earth Defence Force 4.1
Well it was fucking disgusting and I'm embarrassed just having watched it.
I hope he breaks his back and dies so nobody else has to see him do that again.
you are like a little babby
watch this
full video?
>When he pans up for the final time and the kid is closer than ever
That's scarier than any horror movie I've seen
Did you mean to post one where something impressive happens?
That webm is the single reason I have not bought Wolfenstein TNC.
cant tell if that is a boy or a man
to an extent, the only thing you're missing out on is the raid and nightfall which I suppose is a big deal, but I made it through all of Destiny 1 without friends/doing the raids and had a lot of fun with it. Getting pretty burnt out with 2 right now though, once you hit the higher level soft caps you'd probably want to be doing the raid otherwise you'll just be grinding public events with chumps like me hoping to get exotics from them. Also there's the PvP if you're into that.
no I meant to post the one where I pressed Q
I'm having a lot of fun with this game so far. The combat is simple but fast. The writing makes it obvious that this is a ninja adventure game for kids, but it's still charming and pretty.
The spine gains
What in the fuck?
That's a very shallow reason user. If you liked TNO or TOB then you'll like TNC.
If fondling Isla makes you smile, she would have wanted you to do it.
Eat well, Sup Forums.
Fuck this, fuck every bit of this.
oh hi gaben
Can someone explain this? Why does this dude have giant blisters? Is it because he can't bathe?
TAS is cool as shit
Are those fucking maggots inside his blisters?
I raise you American walks to the store.
Those are bedsores. They are the result of being bedridden due to a life of poor hygiene.
All that fat puts pressure on the skin, resulting in callouses, leading to blisters and the disgusting moist environment + cracked leaking skin leads to gangrene
It's what happens when 400 pounds of unwashed flesh rubs and pushes against itself under that sheer amount of weight for years and years.
Do you guys think Boogie has this problem?
It definitely seems like TAS, but I haven't seen the original video. How did he fuck up and fall in the pit, though?
symbolism for normal philosophies and perspectives always moves towards sublety
what is it about progressivism that brings it in the oppsite direction?
Nevermind I just rewatched it. Crazy.
Destiny 2, also known as Autistic Warframe
Well often you get bed sores for being inert for so long as the weight of your own body against a surface (a bed or shit like a wheelchair) stops bloodflow.
You couple with that fact that, not even not bathing, he probably hasn't moved outside of medical necessities and then his sores rub against his fat/themselves and burst and fester underneath his sheets.
He's effectively turned his own body into a swamp.
I have some various multi-player WebM's
The sores are one thing but the fact like half is leg looks like it's hardened and started to crack apart is worse.
I honestly don't know how I see some WebM's that are under 3MB and like 1 minute long. I can barely fit 20 seconds.
I'm surprised the purple dude didn't get hit from the horrible hitboxes this game has.
Don't like that
It's basically a cult and they're only ever subtle enough to not get everyone involved arrested because they're ran by idiots.
>Wasting an opportunity to introduce someone to this niche as hell Japanese game
Worse than animal cruelty.
Purple Dude is me. I like invading as a grape because there's a much higher chance of getting 2 to 3 people. I love spanking ganks solo.
And I just learned to dodge early when it comes to online.
Why is everybody in a "fuck the sky" pose?
these are shit
What's your favorite boss from DS3, user?
I like Gael and the Twin princes a lot.
Gael is up there for sure. I think I enjoy Nameless King, Freide, and The Champ the most.