Why do nu-males like Nintendo so much?
Why do nu-males like Nintendo so much?
We don't
Sony is our choice of company
Its the most child-friendly of the big three. They have the physique of children. Easy.
that nu-male is closer to a woman than you've ever been user
They don’t. Nu-males gravitate toward Sony and their movie “games.”
>that nu-male is closer to being a woman than you've ever been user
Stop participating in console-wars.
T. Never met a playstation owner before. Its all mexicans and blacks who play FIFA and Madden, and everyone knows sports scare the shit out of nu males.
Stop participating in console-wars.
I unironically misread it as that at first
It's literally all just nostalgia. They remember that one time they played Mario or LoZ as children and when they see them as "adults" they spazz out going "holy shit my childhood".
Why do soyboys like Sony so much?
Fucking manlet is the same height of the woman and smaller than 3 goombas
The best Nintendo games I've experienced were played while I was an adult.
Is that Chris Hardwick?
I blame Scrubs
Do you guys ever wish you were a goomba?
Its also because Nintendo IPs are the most recognizable. Remembee we're dealing with people who really dont have much personality here, so they signal their interests so others recognize and validate them, and stuff like Pokemon, Mario, and LoZ are the easiest to slap onto a shirt or bookbag and wave arouns for "mad merd cred". Same goes for capeshit.
i wish i'd get mooshed like a goomba
You niggas are just mad that some nerds can rock it and still get pussy.
Yea you are some how more manly because you are a social reject too afraid to show off his interests.
Like who even gives a fuck about how other dudes act? Worry about getting your own woman to fuck and keeping friends that you enjoy being around.
Even the top Goomba is disgusted by it.
Sony and Nintendo = numales
Xbox = sports/CoD Chads
PC = level 99 basement dwelling neckbeards
Prove me wrong
because they are manbabbies.
soyboy really is up there with pissbaby as a contender for the weakest sounding insult.
T. Roastie
Move Sony down to the chad bracket and this is correct. PS4 owners are either sports game players or shit like Assassins Creed. PS4 weebs are a bit of a minority
Yo i bet you poop from your butt!
A weak insult for a weak race of men. Seems right to me.
Ooooh that incel lingo. Must be tough being all alone :( don’t worry buddy you’ve got your weird beliefs and Sup Forums to keep you company in the lonely years to come
>have older brother with actual autism
>he likes nintendo, plays it while in crowded places to help with social anxiety
>sitting outside target, he's on his DS
>chad walks by and flicks the top of it and calls my brother a faggot
>brother stands up and freaks out, doesn't like people touching his things on account of the autism
>starts attacking the guy
>despite being chad he cannot deal with the random flailing and the tard strength
>try to keep my 450lb older brother from falling on him and crushing him to death while he beats on him
>off duty police officer comes over and helps me pull my brother off him
>calm my bro down as the chad screams at us
>tell the cop he is autistic
>try to explain that chad triggered the fuck out of him
>nearby woman who saw the whole thing backs our play
>chad goes to hospital, drive my brother and mother home
because they often forget to check this 6
Honestly Sup Forums will force anything into a meme if you let them. They'd probably make Milhouse an unironic meme if they ever got the idea.
Soyboy is one of the most powerful weapons we've had in a long time. The first time I read soyboy I knew it had the power to change the world.
Sure nu-male was okay, but this is the true successor to "cuck" we've all been waiting for.
What gives someone personality?
Im engaged
But keep telling ylurself that anyone who calls out weak-willed akinny soyboys an incel you projecting cunt
>mouth wide open "i'm so wacky"
>dead eyes every time
I need to start using this insult in public
The average Switch owner is a numa-
It's already gone mainstream. CNN talked about it, so the #MAGA crowd's latching onto it.
No wonder why Sup Forums hates Sony.
>Calling a 46-year old comedian a "nu-male"
Because rejection of traditional adulthood and masculine gender norms is a common element of liberal philosophy.
Why do Soyboys like Sony so much?
>Sony is for numales
>Sony is for niggers
>Sony is for bro jocks
>Sony is for virgin weebs
>Sony is for mudslimes
at least stick to one stereotype you jabronies
Thank fuck cuck is fading away
It's been stale as shit for years
Why does the PS4 library consist of 95% nugames?
Gee I dunno man.
This, unironically.
The rise of some memes can take you by surprise, but every now and then you get something where you just "know". Memes that knock you on your ass and command your attention.
Seeing soyboy for the first time was like the first time I scrolled over smug pepe. The power hits you, even if it's impossible to articulate why.
I wonder if people throwing that insult around so much has caused the effect I was afraid of, that people that're actually into that shit-tier fetish are now just accepted rather than being shit on and mocked like they need to be.
Because the same thing happend with the insult faggot over the years.
so that's the #soyexcited face
Why do you get so triggered about a company's runaway successes?
Switch owners are soybo-
That's real rich coming from a site whose web traffic is almost exclusively manchildren
This user speaks truth but no one will listen to him
Thats a complicated question I dont think I could answer in one post on Sup Forums. I can at least tell you what its not, and thats the stupid entry level shit that soyboys attach themselves too. Thats not to say Mario or Pokemon are inherently bad, but if you ever talk to these peacocking skinny twigs you quickly realize they only scratch the surface of a hobby just enough to give the illusion of interest. Be it vidya, music, movies, or tv, they attach themselves to the 10% of the topic thats hip and mainstream without ever bothering to dig deeper and form a more developed interest. Ever notice how any skinny white dude these days always brings up SM64, Majoras Mask or OoT, but when you ask them about any of the games outside in the series outside of these you get alot of "uhhhs" and "ummmms". These stupid motherfuckers dont even want to bother to explore the hobby they pretend to like. Most of them havent even played stuff like LttP or Super Mario World. Because its outside of that 10%.
>still using wojak
>yfw you will never be as cute as Vinny
There's group A: FIFA and CoD playing mudslimes and group B: numales, virgin weebs, niggers who actually use the console to play other games
Because Sony games are the emoji movie of videogames
Can I enjoy what I want but not bother with 3DPD?
I got a few friends at least.
>Adult sitting in a shopping cart
I knew Target attracted white trash, but Jesus.
Amazing to see how angry people can get and who are you calling out exactly? I mean it’s not like any of these people are here. All you're doing is posting your anonymous opinion on an anime image board thread where no one but yourself and a few dweebs will care about.
People like you are like animals in a cage to me. It’s really funny to see you squirm around and act like you’re top tits because you hang out on Sup Forums.
youre such an insecure turbo virgin
what is a nu-male?
A soyboy
Effeminate weak willed dudes.
>Because Sony games are the emoji movie of videogames
A success despite everyone hating on them?
What IS it?
Nintendo is both ends of the chad and numale spectrum.
Sonybros and Xbones are basically all just FIFA playing spics and therefore irrelevant.
>Carlos Hyde, Pierre Garcon, and Travis Kelce are white trash
If you don't know who these people are then you are the literal definition of soyboy
Any man who play videogames while also having a wife/children/social circle/employment
An PCfags are all numales and weebs according to the Steam storepage
How does that not apply to most Sup Forumsirgins? Its a board full of literal neet virgins without the will to even leave their houses
The average Nintendo console owner is typically more well adjusted and wealthy than any other faction.
>you and your millionare chad bros will never play 6 person smash bros midair on your teams private jet
>twitter memes
Not him, but not knowing who a bunch of, what looks like, college football players are does not make you a soyboy.
tbqh "cuck" was terrible as well when it showed up yet people still use it
I don't like soyboy though, I feel like "nu-male" was the perfect term to describe most modern males.
Sony is for everyone because Sony actually sells.
Keep crying, spectrum soy Nintenbro manboyfattie.
So what do we call people who post on Sup Forums and play video games all day pretending not to be social reject, scrawny teenagers and early 20 year olds?
Meme war veterans ie real men
>is typically more well adjusted and wealthy than any other faction.
Not according to amiibo sales
That's the thing though. It does.
But at least most of these shut in faggots don't do things like have dumb twitter arguments over inconsequential shit or get their picture taken doing the wimpy man equivalent of duckface.
Christ it's all so tiring
>mods deleted the Yumi thread
>this garbage is still up
Reddit is so much better than Sup Forums at this point its literally not debatable. What an absolute sewer of retards
Those are pro NFL stars and even the most casual follower would know who they are.
>b-but sports are for idiots, I'm above that
Literally soyboy to the core.
I'm so sick of this toxic website. LEAVE SOYBOYS ALONE Sup Forums
>can afford pointless shit
>not wealthy
does this turn you on user?
This might be a shitpost but it's actually true, Playstation is so popular because there's something for everyone
people who don't have wives or children typically have lots of disposable income.
daily reminder nippon eats soy
daily reminder nippon men are true men
>getting pussy
They're only allowed to watch
I think Sup Forums is mostly redditors like me who vacation here to be unabashedly retarded and lower the level of discourse here. The best part is that they're powerless to stop us because they can't downvote here.
I come here to shit up the place as hard as possible in hopes hiro gives up and closes Sup Forums so that we can remember it how it was in 2006, but it's just wishful thinking