Is it worth getting a Nintendo Switch this Christmas?
Is it worth getting a Nintendo Switch this Christmas?
Are you buying yourself a Christmas present?
>worth getting
When will you faggots learn?
I'm somewhat interested in Zelda but all the things I've been hearing about it are a serious turn off, like the weapon durability shit. I'm still not convinced of buying a Switch at this point. There's also Xenoblade 2 but I've never played any of the previous Xenos so I Don't know
Already got one on black friday. Super Mario Odyssey is pretty fun.
If you're into the games, do it. It is a very good system
who many games do you want to play on the switch?
Switch is for soyboys
what an estronaut
It's the same question as ever. Do you personally want to play enough first party Nintendo games to justify it?
can I play PC games on the go?
I have a long bus ride to work every day and can't use a laptop on them.
Weapon durability encourages you to use your tools. It also fits with with the theme of things being old and busted.
does it run well?
last I saw they did not
GDP has the same problem as the wii u, it's not really portable
I’m really, really enjoying it. It’s my first console ever. Been a pc only user for 23 years. I haven’t played anything on my computer since I bought it 3 weeks ago.
>got one on black friday
Did you get it at the unbeatable price of $300?
buy a ps quad
>GDP has the same problem as the wii u, it's not really portable
>picture shows its even smaller than the switch
>not portable
fucking retarded nintendkiddies mad they cant play overwatch on the go
Yes, make sure to get Zelda, Odyssey and Splatoon 2.
*in that it needs to be connected at all times to the internet in order to be able to stream said games
why would you ever need to play video games outside of your house?
get a fucking life, stop embarrassing yourself
>you need to be online to play a online game
well i wonder why
If some of the games interest you, yes
I think he meant in the sense that the GPD has connection problems
>the GPD has connection problems
for you
either you don't understand or you're completely braindead. The GPD has very weak hardware; yes, even weaker than the Switch, when people use the GPD they use it to stream their games from a more capable desktop PC to the GPD over the internet (usually over LAN as doing this over WAN poses a few problems unless you have great speeds); the result is similar to what can happen to a Wii U gamepad when you try to take it outside in a LAN connection. This is the clearest I can possibly explain it, so if you still don't understand I can only disregard you as braindead.
that is every one here duder
no reddit, 4chin is not a community in that sense.
Weapon durability unironically makes the game better.
Is it worth it for SWITCHMAS? I think so.
so my 2 hour bus ride I should sit straight and stare straight ahead the entire time?
Yeah real fun.
And dont even say talk to people. Nobody on those buses wants to talk to fucking anyone, trust me.
If you owned a Wii U - No, unless you really like ARMS, Mario and/or Xenoblade
If you didn't own a Wii U - Yes, definitely
and splatoon
>Nintendo section next to the MLP section
Forgot to mention Fire Emblem Musou Edition but that's a love it or hate it game for sure.
wew lad
>he can spot MLP shit from two isles back
Found the closet bronie.
>so my 2 hour bus ride I should sit straight and stare straight ahead the entire time?
Yes, like an adult.
>Versus being in front of it
I find this hilarious.
When the fuck will it release goddamnit.
from a simpler time
>still falling for subtle advertising threads made by Switch owners asking if they should buy a switch
Lol do you acually think nintedo will put it on special? If they do then yes but i doubt that
you're a boring person
never because they cant get it running at 60fps on it. Go into the PC version and cap at 30 and play a round and you will understand why it will never be
No, I'm an adult that doesn't have ADHD. Listen to music or something
the weapon durability is only a real issue at the beginning of the game, cause you find good weapons almost everywhere
and about Xeno2, it's a spirituel successor, so no need to play the other two games (even tough they might be connected in my headcannon)
The win is cool but you can't really play much on it unless you're willing to play at like 640p
The pocket is sliiiightly better as long as you limit the CPU turbo boost so it doesn't end up heating up too much and throttling itself.
Playing bideo gayms is not ADHD, i know its a Sup Forums meme but ive had some people not alot but some come up and talk about it to me. normies are taking notice, most get really surprised when they see rocket league in my library. It's small talk, yea.
also why care so much about what people on the bus/train think of you user, as long as you dress nice and are fit, its alright as much as Sup Forums will say other-wise.
feel free to laugh at me :^)
lol on switch? never ever. enjoy your first party releases, most being wii-u ports though.
wait, why do we need to know you are kenny?
you mad?
>Nazi frog posters
>Thinking they will matter very soon
uuummm.... idk. maybe because im not a dump ass like most other people here on Sup Forums and reddit and people value my opinion on things,unlike yours.
T. Nintenlibshit
>says a anonamous pussy
>LEGO StarWars $59.99 on Wii U
>$7.99 on PS4 Pro
The GDP isn't running the game it's just streaming it from the PC like nvidia shield does
>Ariel and Belle laughing at you from the distance as you buy the switch
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Why does that look exactly like my target
nice copy pasta gay boi, make sure to keep drinking your soy so you can be a gay soy boi one day like all your liberal college professor heroes you fag
Why did you wait until the lines were longest before paying full price?
based tripbro
You can already play overwatch on vita
>come to Sup Forums for friendship
you truly are in desperate straits, non-friend
Is there at least 5 games you badly want to play? If so, are you sure those games are enough to content you? Is the price (including accessories) comfortable for you? Is the system interesting for you? If you said yes to all 3 then I guess so. Just do some research before hand.
8 years libs
Fixed my Switch display the other day. Took off dock, reset console, placed back in dock. Presto. This isn't a hard one to fix.
Most Targets look the same. I thought it was mine for a brief second, but our Nintendo stuff is F22, not 19.
Toys is right across from all the video games. Actually, the Xbox and PS4 stuff is closer to that MLP focal (which isn't there anymore) than the Nintendo stuff. Even closer to the aisle it's contained in.
I just got one. Its the best console to play with friends. Though there aren't that many good games yet, its pretty fun to sit around playing Mario Kart or Arms.