So what's the best review in youtube on this game?
So what's the best review in youtube on this game?
Wait for them to patch
It's anime trash, no review needed.
But Sup Forums use to talk about this game I never paid attention to it
Its talked about on here because of how bad it is, to the point where its laughable. Its like Sonic 06
So $5 dollar game?
Okay so.. I played the Xbox 360 version.
I can tell you that the story, voice acting, characterization, dialogue, and uncanny valley models were all AWFUL. It seems like the models are improved a bit in the PS3 and now this remake, just going for a traditional cartoony style rather than this uncanny valley porcelin doll look they used on the 360.
The gameplay itself is actually pretty good. the combat is great, and I liked the settings/locales (though the last zone is kind of weird, being in outer space and it starts breaking down reality, the last boss being who it is, the ex dungeon and all that. It takes you out of it being a real world and reminds you that in Star Ocean Canon.. this is all just a simulation in a computer because of Star Ocean 3's plot), and the soundtrack is good. The gear crafting system isn't too bad either.
So it's a fun game to play, but an absolute dumpsterfire as far as plot goes.
I have been getting sick (you)s from normie sites posting "Thanks for the beta testing. Pc wins again"
... I wouldn't consider it a win.... I mean, it's not a great game.. I kinda wanted Star Ocean 5 to come to PC but.. I heard that was also a hot mess. Why can't Tri-Ace make the Star Ocean games have a story and dialogue and acting to match the quality of the combat and soundtrack?
Looks like I was wrong about them not using the porcelain doll models in the PS3 and PC versions.... they only changed the character portraits for menus and dialogue subtitles to a more anime style.. but the character models in all other gameplay are still the porcelain dolls.
It's a damn shame though, watching the preview video reminded me how good the combat system was. I loved blindsides.
>You never be so unlucky to actually have "Edgy" as your nickname
SO5 is way worse
Does this game have any new content?
New costumes at least?
Edge Maverick
Doesn't support 21:9 aspect ratio and if you have a high refresh rate monitor (More than 60Hz), audio will be too fast, goes out of sync, and there is no way in the available options ingame to fix it."
Fucking nips can't into PC
No. You don't get any new outfits or such. It's just prettier and 60FPS
>VP died for this
My only question is how is the port?
5 is much worse than 4. It's an absolute piece of shit.
Maybe i'll get it if it hits $10 on a sale or something.
But I've already played and finished it twice over
Getting enough party members to reduce Lymel's role to bare minimum made the game much better.
Lymel and Faize having their relationship is.. creepy as fuck even if technically Lymel is an adult, she looks and acts like a child. Wtf Squeenix/Triace
>We could have had SO5 take place on multiple planets like SO4 and have the games at least pretend to have variety while still recolouring the same 5 enemies.
>Instead the entire game took place on one planet, barely 7 maps.
So5 is pretty but this shit was disappointing. Don't even get me started on how lazy the cutscenes are.
This is when I gave up on tri-ace. They used to be one of my favourite companies.
Don't tell me you didn't enjoy the epic space battles, user.
My only answer is read the thread.
>So4 had a half hour long space battle with an army vs. a planet.
>So5 has you standing in place watching some guy sit in a chair shouting orders for what seems like an hour.
It was like night and day. I refuse to believe these games were done by the same people.
I love how you don't even get explore the whole planet in SO5. It all takes place on one continent.
In my headcanon the entire budget went into the slut waifu, and everyone instantly forgot about her because 2b was cute too and her game wasn't trash.
At least when SO3 had the balls to do that after cockteasing you with being on a ship so long, it let you explore the entire political climate, both sides of the war.
Why was 3 such an abortion? It has the worst plot twist I've ever seen in a piece of media.
It was good though and the twist was fine.
it was terrible and made everything in the series irrelevant.
You don't get to explore the entire planet of 3 though. The major planet is Elicoor II and there's supposed to be a technologically advanced continent, Greeton, but you never get to see it.
It's shit, 'kay.
Who cares if it's a simulation. It's still real to the people living it.
I know. But it felt more like a blueball in 5 more then anything else.
should i have gotten a key? rip
The plot twist is "god doesn't exist, humans created your universe".
It's a pretty neat twist. Someone probably created their universe (the 4d beings one) in much the same way.
And so it continues.
Turtles all the way down.
>Star Ocean game
>single planet
Doesn't even the first star ocean game, which takes place mostly on Roak have some parts in space? WTF. That's one of the appeals of the series, and one thing that Star Ocean 4 actually did really well. You got to go to several planets. Although really only Energy Nede II and Roak were all that comfy. Lumeris and Aeos kind of sucked, and Nox Obscuris is just the final dungeon.
MP Deaths, other than that it was a good game desu
The very final area of SO5 takes place in """space""". That's it.
Gotta cap that framerate to 60 then.
that's dumb. Dumber than having to change discs in the middle of Roak.
I suppose if I ever feel like replaying SO4 I might actually pick this up on sale so I can avoid changing discs.
I bought so4 on ps3 so I never had to experience changing discs, thankfully. It was a good game, could have been better. The in game trophies can go fuck themselves though.
>tfw you might be the only person in 3D space who liked mp deaths
They're. a interesting mechanic at least. I can't really say I hate it either.
I liked them at first.
Then those executioners appeared near the end of SO3 and I got wiped repeatedly just walking from town to town because of those fucks.
Oh yeah. fuck those. I completed the game with all private actions and all that and..... only 40/100 achievements. Because most of them were locked behind the battle trophies for each character.
I did you fucking mong, one person says to wait for a patch and thats the only comment on the port, that doesn't tell me whats wrong with it, or whats right.
Reminder that Star Ocean 3 rendered every single game pointless and so bad that every game after 3 was a prequel because the story was uncontinuable due to the fuck ups
SO3 was enjoyable.
Fuck off, worst character ever. Only Tidus comes close
If only I could remove your tongue then you'd be tolerable "Little girl" then
>Star Ocean 3 rendered every single game pointless
Imagine being so retarded that you parrot everyone else instead of actually playing the game and understanding SO1-3 wasn't taking place in a videogame.
Torrent when
I'm split on them. On one hand later bosses have so much fucking HP killing them by MP makes more sense, even early on you can kill a boss super quick to MP but then it's too easy to die to MP death yourself.
>Love SO2
>Years later play it again
>Discover you could fucking mix some spells if they are cast at the EXACT same time
>Game literally never tells you about this
>they keep milking a series nobody likes and ignore VP
That's all I needed to know.
We don't need more So4 cutscenes. The word doesn't need that. I think SO as a whole has many good ideas they just need to get everything down pat for a "revival" like Ys VIII
>pcfriends constantly (and I do mean CONSTANTLY) shit talk Japanese games because they don't have them
>they get a Japanese game, but one of the fucking shitty ones
>it's suddenly good now
>the only Jap games PC ever got were games that console gamers thought were already shit
What did PC gamers mean by this?
press z to buy
>The gameplay is great BUT
>The story and characters are trash
How trash are we talking? No hyperbole. So trash it will ruin the experience completely, or just cliched and inoffensive?
The PC frequently gets weeb games now though.
The characters are 0/10 everyone I've ever met never completed this game.
>tfw you are a pcfriend and would fit as many dicks in your mouth as it would take to get all of my weebshit ported to pc so i can stop paying ~$250-300 a console to play 3 games
From my observation the people who rag on Japanese games are almost exclusively normies who don't belong on the internet in the first place.
Question before I buy this piece of shit. Does the little "kay" gremlin loli take up a lot of screentime and is she actually the main love interest?
Yes and no.
i like them. i appreciate the difference between physical and mental fatigue, specially since skills cost one or the other
Tri-ace is still fucked if they can't get a proper budget and development cycle.
>Does the little "kay" gremlin loli take up a lot of screentime
>and is she actually the main love interest? No Edgeboy's love interest the childhood friend. Not her. They do tease her and space elf fuckboy though
>not even nip dub can salvage this shit
How reliant on the previous games is this one? Should I stop procrastinating and emulate the earlier games in the series or is it fine to jump in and play 4 before them?
Okay thank fuck she isn't
This game isn't worth playing.
You are literally retarded.
4 is a prequel to the other 3 titles, and borrows heavily from 1 and 2 especially.
Chronologically it makes sense to start with 4, but the fanservice callbacks won't make any sense
>problems on launch
oh wew lad, will pirate.
>not hd remastering till the end of time
The writing and voice acting are unbearably bad even by jrpg standards
Remember playing this on my 360 when i was starved for jrpgs. It's the type of game only a jrpg-starved weeb would enjoy.
Why the fuck does this game keep getting ported and enhanced?
I don't know what they were thinking. If they remove Denuvo and fix the refresh rate issue I'll buy this shit. Hope they bring SO 3 to PC.
the 9 party characters are not just cliches, they are caricatures.
really the entire game seems to be a parody of its own genre. there's also a lot of shots at japanese popular culture in it.
as long as you don't try to take the game as serious as its pretending to be, i'd recommend. playstation version because the 'realistic' models are uncanny valley as fuck
Play in order. 1 is a good game. I think 2 is better, but some people disagree. 3 is good or poor depending on taste. 4 and 5 are considered bad.
There are two versions of SO1. The classic SNES game and the remake on PSP. I liked the PSP version more.
Jap devs are so useless.
>lets add denuvo and barely any graphic changing options to a game thats already buggy as fuck
was there ever a denuvo game without problems on launch?
Because Tri-Ace are lazy cunts.
>Should port the PSP SO1 and 2 remakes to PC or at least PSN
>Should we at least fix the PSN version of SO3 that crashes?
>Should we port SO4 again?
Can I switch targets in this version. I remember it being a problem in the 360 version. I ended up quitting because of it.
Least it's not Koei Tecmo. If it was, it'd be $60
And they still can't touch up the graphics. Making it 4K and HD doesn't fix shit, all it does it make the ugly shit look more obvious.
The voice acting and dialogue are extremely stiff across the board, the animations don't match the voices, etc. Japanese audio MIGHT be better. But the characters are all pretty cliche'ed and in at least the English Localizations, all have vocal lines/themes that they repeat a lot that are extremely cliched and make you cringe every time you hear them.
Edge Maverick: Your lead character, mostly a typical JRPG moralfag cliche, is barely coming out of being a teenager but is given command of a ship.... cause... Japan. Way too chipper most of the time. Goes unbearably emo 1/3 through the game for a good chunk of the plot, extremely awkward with female characters even though they seem to like him. Uses the phrase "walk forward on our own two feet" and misuses the word "evolution" way too fucking much in the ending.
Reimi: Edge's cliche childhood BFF, also everyone expects them to get married someday and neither of them seems to make any effort to dispel that even though they're not officially a couple. Her main role is to get jealous as fuck of Edge being around the other female characters, and slapping him when he does something perceived to be perverted, like "cheating" on her (even though they're not officially together), or catching her in the shower while accidentally going in the wrong shower room or being asked to fetch something by another character there.
Faize: Basically a younger autistic Alien (Elf) version of Edge, looks up to Edge constantly, and mopes around a lot pretty much always in emo phase, kisses a (15 but looks like she's..) 6 year old girl and one ending puts them together as a couple... kind of creepy. Gets even MORE emo about 2/3 of the way through the game. He continues to get more and more emo as the game goes on and departs from the group and later becomes the final boss of the game, due to his emo feelings consuming him completely to the point where he wants to destroy the universe
>very positive reviews
PCfags really will enjoy just about anything as long as it's a weeb console port, huh?
I mean, I play and enjoy a bunch of weebtrash but SO4 was bad enough for me to sell it before finishing and still feel bad about making another person experience it, I would probably go mad if I heard 'kay loli say something just one more time in-game before I sold it.
>on a PS3 game no one liked
What the fuck is wrong with them
They want it to fail. If this does poorly after the flop that was 5 then they can bury this series for good.
You're the creepy one if you think Faize was romantically interested in her and didn't just see her as a kid.
I finished it on the PS3 and I thought it was great, especially the atmosphere was really nice all throughout the game.
She's important on one planet but after you get enough party members she kind of fades into the background a bit though she likes to play with Meracle the catgirl and she becomes Faize (the Elf)'s love interest.