Play on my high end IPS gayming monitor

>Play on my high end IPS gayming monitor
>oh wow this looks so goo-- *motion blur everywhere*
>Play on my old ass CRT
>Crystal clear scrolling

What happened?

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just turn of the motion blur in teh settings bro

you got stuck in the last decade

So memes aside for one hot second. Will we ever get perfect scrolling on flat screens?


OP get a fucking life you fat piece of shit, lmfao

If you don't see a clear UFO, then you have motion blur

Not with lcd unless they have extremely high refresh rates.

ooga booga

this shitty site thinks I have 60Hz monitor kys

Fucking retard

75Hz mulat

Learn to read

i see a clear ufo
suck my dik

buyers' remorse much?

nope faster refresh rates than my crt at higher resolutions

Can someone just recommend a good VGA adapter for modern Nvidia cards? They dropped all analog connections so you're forced to use an adapter to output VGA and my HDMI to VGA adapter results in my CRT monitor randomly blacking out and reconnecting every 20 minutes or so. It totally fucks up my setup when it happens, especially when gaming, and pisses me off. Any recommendations?

and blurrier motion

>ghosting is motion blur
if you have no fuckin idea what youre talking about then why even make such a stupid post to prove everyone correct

if it's doing that you have to set a lower refresh rate or resolution
adapters are garbage and add display lag as well

Not him but you are retarded

hey, does overclocking a monitor lead to any damage?

Having DVI-I isnt dropping analog connections. Thats a dvi connector which also has the D-SUB(VGA) analog specifications allowing a passive adapter to fit inside and connect to a d-Sub(vga) monitor. Usually Nvidia cards come with this adapter.

>motion blur is ghosting
how does it feel being double digit iq

No, it's completely safe. I run my 60 hz monitor st 100 hz and only had a house fire once.

>he doesn't even know what ghosting is
How does it feel to have a single digit IQ?

ghosting is motion blur

test it in nvidia panel instead of CRU if you can or if you're forced to use CRU, don't override your old video mode
restarting your video card only to have your display complain about out of range until you hit enter because the restart utility is still there and gives you few seconds of vision allowing you to eventually fix it can be hell
other than that, getting a 60Hz even slightly higher is nice if you play CS:GO but it's also a bonus in other games. checking manufacturer info sheets on the acceptable ranges of vertical sync helps you figure out what you can expect.

refresh rate is independent of response time/motion blur dummy

and my LCD has higher refresh rate, low response time, and passes the ghosting test while being at 1920x1080 resolution dummy

thanks user

All LCDs suffer from motion blur
They are a sample and hold displays

>motion blur
Here we go again.


>I'm retarded

high refresh rate displays have systems like black flicker to stop the motion blur
go back to 2009

I have an i5 4590 and a GTX1080. If I can get an 8700k, 16 gb 3000mhz RAM and accompanying mobo for a good price, should I upgrade now or play the waiting game for a few more months to see what's coming next? Would it benefit my video games at all?

Why would you spend a fortune on a high refresh rate monitor with BFI and strobbing when you can just get a CRT for free?

um, every video card I've bought to date has a DVI to VGA adapter in case a cathode ray tube user bought one.

I just overclocked to 80hz
ima try it with tf2 and see how it goes

lots of cards nowadays are DVI-D only which means that kind of converter won't work

>tfw Windows XP used to detect 120hz
>Windows 7 and later only let me use up to 85hz

Philips 109B here

>black flicker
that doesn't stop motion blur, it tries to hide hide it and fails

Custom Resolution Utility
Make sure it's actually activated and that your game starts with it too.
I think I had to set -freq 75 even once I got it to work on desktop for CS.

Don't bother, just upgrade your GPU to a 1080 Ti or waitâ„¢ for Volta. Honestly, the 1080 is good already.

Get well soon!


I was just concerned, had to actually enable it using custom resolution inside Nvidia Control Panel.

Aww, it speaks!

>you're poor if you use a CRT
>widescreen is the future
>letterboxing sucks
>get a life, looser
>the only reason to play on a crt is for the scanlines

What else do these LCD fags say that makes no sense from the technical aspect?


Overdrive fixes ghosting, high refresh rates/flickering fixes motion blur.

There's no difference between my IPS monitor and my friends gaymen TN monitor in terms of input delay and motion blur. They're both 60Hz so I don't know what it looks like higher

Because with CRT's it's a choice between resolution and refresh rates. yes, professional CRT's can hit surprisingly high resolutions but to hit 120hz you'll probably have to drop to 640x480 or 800x600. In modern games you'll lose a lot of detail, opposed to 1440p/144hz.

That's true, but they make passive DisplayPort to VGA adapters which work fine.

my LAN center upgraded their monitors to the high end model BenQs.

>csgo feels super weird to play
>plugged in my beatmania controller to play lunatic rave off my usb and I get up to 50~80 misses on songs that I typically FC
>quake iii arena sucks to play now

I mean, seriously. It's really just conditioning. Some people really don't care and/or don't notice but this really pisses me off when they try to convince me I should move on from CRTs in favor of greater peripheral vision.

Mvidia's default settings for CRT's are bad, I had the same problem.make sure you try CVT or the other options, don't use automatic timings. With some tinkering I was able to 240p/140Hz which let's me play DOS games as they were meant to played.

17" LCD is what actually poor people use
1600x1200 is not enough
85Hz still gives me a headache and 60Hz is completely unusable, better hope the piece of shit actually goes up to 120Hz or emulation will be torture.
I can still hear that high pitched noise.
1.33 is legitimately a crappy ratio and playing in 1.4-1.5 I just want to scream every time I spectate someone who fails to react in any way to an enemy at the edge of the screen16:9 is actually ass though.

I've tested it and so far so good
Havent tried online play yet tho
again thanks user

I only enable them if they work under CVT if my intention is to play games intended to work at that res or lower. But I will try the other preset timings because automatic seems to work but in reality seems to upscale to the monitor's default res which is stupid.

Reminder that 72Hz is the line where your eye sees flickering as smooth motion. Sure LCD's don't flicker (as long as they aren't PWM of course) but 60Hz monitors are still unnatural. games should be played at a minimum of 72fps.