Post one positive thing about Bubsy.
Post one positive thing about Bubsy
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got nothing
his design is decent I guess
Helped burst the quirky mascot bubble.
He makes my dick hard
I'd lick and fuck his tight butthole.
>the only positive things to be said about him are that he helped stop more shitty designs like him and that furfaggots get boners to him
wew lad
trans bubsy is the only good bubsy
I thoroughly enjoyed his visit to LACMA.
nothing wrong with wanting to fuck him though.
He's quite the optimist; he never sees what could possibly go wrong.
>there's nothing wrong with being a furfaggot
I like his feet.
His HIV status
better wanting to fuck anthro animals than being Antony Burch though
I'd struggle to be able to say anything positive about most mascot characters.
Bubsy II was fun to play when I was younger.
His existence spawned a pretty interesting AU project.
We got that browser game a few years back.
at least you can hide the fact that you are a furry, but if you're Antony Burch, everybody knows it.
Does anyone actually want to fuck Bubsy?
He's so obnoxious.
"Modern" design
he can't talk if you're fucking his mouth
His smug rivals that of anime girls.
>tfw I will never hold my coming out as a furfag speech when I become president
>why live
Why not? Sup Forums loves dominants.
What could possibly go wrong?
Unironically, this.
Ulillillia's love for one of the worst games ever made was entertaining.
It can't get ruined at this point, and it's competition ended up being Sonic force.
But why the shirt though
>that video where Bubsy desperately tried to go "HA HA SONIC FANS RIGHT" after Mania came out
He looks cute on the Japanese cover, and Bubsy 3D is the perfect example of how NOT to make a 3D platformer
She hot
Why not? What could pawsibly go wrong?