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Xenoblade 2: more days
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Wrong image faggot.
a niche JRPG is not getting the same/higher score than Mario and Zelda.
I preordered the special edition the day it was announced from gamestop. A few days ago they charged me, still hasn't shipped, then they retracted the charge and it still hasn't shipped. I picked it so that it'd be delivered to me on the same day the game releases. I tried calling support but they said I'd be waiting 45 minutes listening to their on-phone adverts for Destiny 2 and Wolfenstein before they'd have support available for me.
This happening to anyone else?
We've established in the previous thread that it's getting a 91 though.
How many sjws will this game trigger?
Bought it a few days early from a small store that didn't give a shit. It's fantastic so far overall, but is anyone else blown away by how fucking awful it looks? I've defended Switch games before, always said that people are hugely exaggerating how bad the games actually look in real life. But this is seriously unacceptable. Everything is incredibly blurry, their idea of antialiasing is apparently just make everything blurry, which somehow also leaves jagged edges everywhere. Even the in game text and icons are blurry as hell somehow. It literally looks like I'm emulating a PS2 game. And that's not to mention some of the worst lipsyncing I have ever seen in a videogame. I have no idea how they considered this acceptable, I really hope there's a patch coming to fix this.
Mid 80's, at best.
>KOS-MOS along Mecha-Fiora in Project X Zone
>Very Possible KOS-MOS cameo in XC2
>Bandai Namco is making at least 3 exclusives for the Switch
I like and am waiting for the game and all but OP, you're just asking for console war faggots and shitposters with an image like that.
>not Pac-Man World 4
I have to admit, I was looking forward to this game. Inspired by Skies of Arcadia, a game with artificial intelligences that live in swords which manifest as solid light talking cats? That's my jam. I love out there Science-Fantasy, it is very much my favourite. However, I am also a human being. I have introspection, empathy, and sympathy. I feel for other people. I've seen a lot of sexism aimed at Pyra and the other women in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 due to their raunchy depictions. There's been so much disturbing 'humour' surrounding the women in this game that I feel it's normalising the misogyny of Nazi groups like the Alt-Right. When your game is encouraging rape jokes against one of the main protagonists, I feel that you're doing something wrong. When you're responsible for normalising that level of intolerable misogyny? That's really unfortunate. Women exist as people, too. They're not just objects to be mocked or lusted after. I know what it's like to deal with prejudice, being gay, and how dehumanising it can be. It can erode self-esteem when people are treating you like a thing, rather than a person. And that's exactly what sexist media encourages. I know it's hip and cool for the Alt-Right to be misogynistic blow-hards who get off on ruining the lives of our fellow gamers of the female persuasion, but I'd like to think -- hopefully -- that they don't speak for all male gamers.
It's goint to be 8X
weeb shit doesn't appeal to most of the critics
86 will be the score
What game is the reealistic bottom right here? Metroid Prime 4? Pikmin 4? Pokemon Switch?
Can anyone comment on the dub quality?
Tetris Switch, the sequel to Tetris DS.
Only Mario and Zelda ever truly dominate metacritic like that, but I can see Metroid Prime 4 getting close to them if they knock it out of the park.
None of those are coming out in 2017 so none of them
Oh shit. I thought he was done for today when part 7 stopped. Guess he's breaking it into smaller sections for processing reasons?
It won't score high because of all the misogynistic soyboys who review games
It's so inappropriate that I'm happy that I learned Japanese for years, so I can enjoy the game in its proper form instead.
Slow down user, take a rest and don't die pls.
It's pretty good.
i need this fugging game
In case you haven't noticed, part 7 was 2.5 hours and the is longest part so far.
50/50 on sub vs dub
I just finished Fire Emblem Warriors, I had to play it incessantly these past couple weeks whenever I had time but I'm glad it's done before this comes out. Guess I'll just chill tomorrow.
So Zeke's first scene cemented him as the game's best character, right?
VAs are not bad at all but it seems they had a shitdirector who did not tell them the context of some scenes so it can end up sounding kind of awkward.
Nothing unbareable, but I guess you can try it out when the game comes out and than change it to Japanese if you don't like it, but the subs will still be for english voices.
I plan to do first playthrough with English and second with Japanese voices.
Tolerable but not an option to take if you have access to the Japanese audio.
>In the middle of playing XC1
Fuck I picked a bad time
>tfw got shipping notification for the pro controller but not the game itself
Very mixed opinions. Some like it, some hate it. But so far no one loves it and some can't stand it.
I feel Rex's voice is actually decent, the villains are top tier. Poppie's is actually cute too, so is Tora's. Gramps is fantastic. But Pyrra's voice feels too unemotional and Nia's voice contrast to her appearance is very jarring.
I would play the dub but my issue is I know there is going to be some powerful scenes coming up with Pyrra and I am 100% sure her Va is going to ruin it with her sublime monotone.
>2 days
It's the 1st in like, 12 hours though.
So does it look really bad in handheld mode, or are fags here just baiting? I'm still picking this up either way.
>having to deal with the stress of online shipping
That's why I prefer just going to a store on day one whenever I have the option.
Not for the important parts of the world, bub.
How is it? Worth full price or wait for sale?
What kind of logic that? It's a hypothetical, you sperg.
Kind of subpar. Nowhere close to XB1 dub.
Problems depends of the VA. Rex' for example is fine with cutscenes, but he is quite dull in combat, and he can't yell for shit.
Pyra is worse because she can do proper serious voice for battles, but any emotional, comic or embarassing scene, she is absurdely emotionless and mismatched.
It is quite a mixed bag because a lot of voices don't match the characters design and/or personality, while a lot of dialogues fail hard to match the context or characters expressions/movements.
At least, antagonists voices are legit fine.
What the fuck is a Topple?
Do characters attack while standing still?
Does Anchor Shot just give you potions? Can you save the potions for later?
Finish it nigga
That fucking common blade dog is going nuts. What the hell.
Happened to me before. Best Buy and Amazon sometimes upgrade your package to 1 day shipping and I still got it in time.
so is morag a party member
So I've been watching the stream since it began yesterday, and at first I was really enjoying the characters and story but now I'm feeling a bit meh about them. The story just isn't locking me in like I want it to. The animations and lip synch not matching up with the voices has started to bug me more than I thought it would and some of Rex's lines just pull me out of the moment because of mismatched animation + plus lack of energy and incorrect context of some of his lines. I'm also not a fan of this Akhos guy, he's giving me bad XCX vibes where the antagonists are like pantomime villains. Plus I hate his design and I hated H.B. too.
I hope the story can grab me again and make me feel invested because the attachment I had to the characters has worn off quite a bit.
>CE and controller are being processed for shipping according to gamestop
Help me anons, I'm dizzy from excitement
I do believe I've got he vapors
No one leaking is past the tenish hour mark.
>wah wah wah, look at all these girls in tiny outfits
Buncha faggots
Entirely depends on how much you enjoy Fire Emblem and Dynasty Warriors, plus how accepting you are of the unbalanced and polarizing character roster they went with. If you like either series (or, even better, both), it's definitely worth the price, tons of content and the gameplay is among the most refined ever in a Warriors game thanks to the various mechanics they added to tie it in with Fire Emblem. Otherwise, I'd still suggest picking it up, but on sale.
Why do I hate Americans so much?
I feel like all your problems will be fixed with the Japanese voices.
It varies depending on what you're doing
Looks good in low population areas, looks like an impressionist painting with News station banners in shitty areas
Status effect that is the usual fanfare for xenoblade.
Basically, you have to weaken the enemy with "break". Once they are under break state, you can topple them, which incapacitate them for few seconds. There is an additional status effect, "launch" which basically send the enemy flying after they are toppled.
Characters perform auto attacks only when they are standing still, so you have to position yourself properly. You don't need to remain stand still for arts, but they deal more damage if you combo them from autos.
Anchor shot generate party pots yeah. You can leave them on the ground for a bit, but they will disappear after few seconds, so you shouldn't spam it all the time.
>and I hated H.B. too.
Your opinion is inferior and unworthy of such a perfect individual.
Sup bitches?
Are you European? Or from the Middle East?
>all these people too slow for in-store pickups
the preorder for the special edition didn't allow for in store pickup
North Korea.
Reverse for me, streams have kept my hype at fucking maximum especially with small details like Gramps knowing Jin and Malos 500 years ago, and Pyra's previous wielder being the same race as him
>the only way this game could get below 90 is if the reviewers hate anime!
maybe the game just isnt 9/10 material or has too narrow an appeal? 8/10 adjusting for personal taste is fine. the hoops people jump through to discredit any dissenting opinions is getting absurd in Xeno2 threads
I hope I don't have to shoot you.
Same user here. There's parts in the big cutscenes where a character will be doing something that takes a lot of strength and effort but they'll say a line during this where they're just talking normally like they're not actually doing that thing and it just hurts the energy and intensity of the scene. Like they're not in the moment. And I know it's typical of JRPG localisation but the "You..." "You mean...?" "What?... But that's..." kind of dialogue is niggling away at my enjoyment of the story too. There's too much of it.
One other thing is that I feel like things in the story are just happening too fast and sometimes the game shows something in a cutscene but it's done in an awkward way and I'm confused about what actually happened.
Zeke is a fucking nut.
Says you. Mine took my money just fine.
This, sadly. Even if XC2 is literally a perfect game, it has no widespread hype, which is what review scores are largely based on
Will it top XC1
My gamestop did.
That's normal, you hate everyone who doesn't have guns trained to their heads 24/7.
Ah. does the game explain these status effects early on?
Lucky, my local ones didnt :(
People are saying it does
>he was too slow to drive up into usa and make a preorder at goystop
Fucking plebian.
I hope you get nuked
Play with Japaneses on
I went to mine and they said I had to preorder it online
Yeah, and XB2 does a good job at teaching you the basics over time. The tutorial lasts something around 10-20 hours afaik, so you have time to digest information thrown at you.
At worst, you can buy books item that remind you about what the tutorial taught you.
Don't be like that moronic "reviewer" complaining about too much information without reference to rely on later.
the eng dub is terrible stop recommending it
>Wake up
>Go to sleep
>Wake up in an hour or so
>Try to sleep again
I want to impregnate Pyra
The trick is to live in a place in the US that matters, not bum fuck nowhere. Loser stores don't have your back, all they have is cow a dooty and fifa.
Get in line
Do I have to play any of the previous Xenoblade games in order to enjoy 2?
>fags say the dub is bad
>actually like it and most of them are pretty good except pyras
>fags say the jap dub is good
>pyras high pitches screams and Rex's voice annoy the shit out of me but the rest are good
I never been conflicted in choosing a voice option.
I live in Orlando, my town has actually been terrorist attacked unlike yours.
Supposedly no. Monolithsoft isn't above pulling some twist out of their ass in the last hour to connect it to the first though.
Back off cuckold, no one who loves her would share her for a line of other dudes. She's mine. Claimed by the power of this 5.