Why is this considered an "ironic weeb" game? Are there any other "ironic" games?

Why is this considered an "ironic weeb" game? Are there any other "ironic" games?

No, that's a good game. Rebirth and the rest are garbage.


ironic to what

the ironic weebs won't even touch this original shit. This is for us elites

>pcfags will never experience this masterpiece

I still haven't completed the bestiary yet.

>platinum'd it


>like most of this shit
>full blown weeb

>will never have Nisa and Gust in my party
>OG Vert will never replace Hyper Vert.
Actually kind of bothered by that.

Lost Pause thanks you for the free advertising.

IF will never be lesbian for Vert again.

There's nothing ironic about it, they just enjoy shit games because there's little anime girls in them.

Are Hirame's doujin's weeb irony as well. His art is pretty good.

>being proud of eating shit

>here's a list of things i don't like!

Chris-chan likes it.

>tfw like the vidya and anime in that picture
Well shit, guess I'm a faggot ironic weeb for liking certain things
Anybody that posts these are just as bad as all the worthless anime youtubers that parade their contrarian opinions as facts
Filthy Frank, Lost Pause, CR, and MAGA edits are fucking irredeemably bad though

>like all of these anime
>tfw you are an Anime IDORT

Arguing about cartoons is about pointless as Consolewars at this point.
Fuck Crunchycrap, the three YouTubers and MAGA though.

people will argue about anything until the end of time. studiowars on Sup Forums are like consolewars on Sup Forums, right now the hip new meme debate is HxH vs Hero Academia.

>Sup Forums
It's sad that they're board has gotten just as bad as Sup Forums. Both are loaded with contrarian bullshit, but the amount of normalfags ruining both has skyrocketed

Aside from the gameplay, the original HDN is the best in the series.

Sup Forums was always shit

Same as Sup Forums, it's just gotten even worse

no idea what made Sup Forums worse but Sup Forums made Sup Forums worse

Yeah they couldn't stick with it for 15 games, but the actual Console War storyline was great. The characters and writing were top notch. I do also miss the whole floating landmass thing as well It was a neat world. THe goddess blogs were also good.

Don't forget calling EVERY female character "waifu".

it's not
the steam version is

This is true, Seeing Sup Forums go from literally the best board to one of the worst in the span of 2 years was heart wrenching.
That's not because Sup Forums liked that piece of shit, it was because Moot was drunk as fuck and shitposted in the Infinite Stratos threads.

I don't think the OG HDN is an "ironic weeb" game. The ironic weebs are the people that keeps creating "look at this Nep" thread on Sup Forums that worsens up the image of the series more than Sup Forums trolls.
The original HDN is hardcore stuff, story was neat, but rest was terrible.

>Only like the dragon girl maid one because of my monster girl fetish
>Don't even care for the loli or the cowtit shotacon


>Seeing Sup Forums go from literally the best board to one of the worst
Name a better board.


Youtube. Gigguk, Digibro, all the big meme youtube bloggers openly refer to and discuss tastes and trends on Sup Forums

Awhman, i like some of that stuff because its fun and campy. Guess im a fucking loser.

You got me, that's held of the cancer better than Sup Forums. But considering Sup Forums's popularity it is still doing a lot better than how most boards have turned out.

"look at this nep" and all that shit didnt start until after the games started getting ported to PC along with le epic "dad walked in" reviews and "Guys what if my normie friends see me playing this."

Remember when weeb was about people wanting to actually be Japanese? Now people use it normally to describe themselves. What happened?

>Gigguk, Digibro, all the big meme youtube bloggers
They all need to fuck off, they're either contrarian no taste faggots like the two mentioned, blatant CR shills like Mother's Basement, or both. Either way they're all faggots that have no idea what they're talking about and are ruining any online anime community

What's an ironic weeb again?

>What happened?
They forgot the word otaku existed or weren't old enough to use a computer when it was used

The PC release made the series more popular, enough to make those retards appear. In other words, it made the "normie" comunity start playing the games, people who aren't even into moe and think it's cringy.

What i dont get is what makes any of that shit ironic

Nothing. It's just an user trying to trigger people from any of those fanbases. Mostly because any of those games have a couple autistic people following them.

/jp/ pre-interview

Can't be mad at them because they are just nigs trying to make a living but it is true that they do share and discuss anime like Sup Forums and therefore their fanbase floods Sup Forums with subpar opinions. What I hate the most is how Sup Forums slowly became an echo chamber.
Hell you could see it happen as soon as 2007 when retards started spamming shit about the big 3 and blaming shonen for everything wrong with anime. As soon as you posted anything naruto or one piece you got sagebombed and reported.
Then thanks to low quality anime becoming popular like Idolshit around 2010 everything just completely went to shit.

Truly one of my saddest experiences on the internet.

Is the fact that liking anime even ironically makes you a weeb. Ironic weebs are hated because they enjoy the medium "ironically" and in an obnoxious way like calling everything a waifu, exclusively watching popular easy to digest stuff and/or otaku bait shows and games just for the fact that they are otaku bait (overly sexualized, raunchy themes, aimed at people with little to no social interaction, wish fulfillment no quality stuff.) and while this, although being trash media, is not exactly bad, they are still fun pieces of entertainment but the problem then becomes the people l mentioned before, the ones who exclusively and openly enjoy this trash media and made a culture around it.