2017 has been such a fucking good year for games

2017 has been such a fucking good year for games.

I agree but I don't like any of the games in your pic.
It's epic to be a contrarian like me :^)

It has but I'm not sure what upper left is and why Horizon is even in that picture because that game is mediocre as fuck after you look past the pretty graphics.

>not sure what upper left is
What Remains of Edith Finch

Fully agreed OP.

Maybe I've just been incredibly lucky but I've not played a single bad game this year.

Is the top left game Edith Finch?

I don't think Horizon deserves to be up there with BotW and Persona 5. And while I like Yakuza 0, it's far too melodramatic to take seriously.

Didn't that come out last year?

>MFW Death of the Outsider is my favorite game in that list

I thought so too but after checking it seems it came out in April. Weird.

I wanted to like it more than I did but the fact that there was a tiny piddling amount of content and it pushed you towards sparing The Outsider were major negatives for me.

Like really, the first level was tiny, the second was good, the third was partially a rehash of the second but still good, the fourth was a smaller version of a level from D2, and then the final level was mostly a single enclosed space. There was a lot of neat shit in it and I still enjoyed playing it but man that was a bummer considering they acted like it was an expandalone before release.

Agreed, but it was still very enjoyable and I played through it two times. I just love Dishonored too much. A shame it apparently sold like crap and Arkane is in deep shit.

>take seriously.
that can't possibly be the point of the Yakuza games

Bait thread?

This year and this gen in general has been pretty fucking great. Only faggots like >398465663 think otherwise.

Mario Kart 8 came out three years ago.

ebin le may may

I fucking love Arkane as well and yeah, their recent issues have been troubling me. Especially after that podcast were one of the staff admitted they'd probably have to start looking at games as a service models going forward.

Hopefully Bethesda will give them one last chance since their shit marketing is just as fault for the issue as Arkane's awful optimization is, and they've seemed pretty lenient in light of how it's fucked over their other non-Todd crews lately.

>All these amazing games yet RE7 is still my favourite.

ok but why did you include that awful horizon game instead of nier or nioh or mario? is this bait?

Not him but are you fucking stupid?

>demonstrable facts are memes now

what's the deal with the edith finch game
i haven't heard anything about it, but from what i read, it seems like a walking simulator

>being actual blind idiots who can't tell it's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which only released this year and that the dude was memeing by acting like it wasn't

Alternatively I'm the blind idiot and you're just memeing me too.

you guys are forgetting the greats in fighting games. i'm talking about injustice 2 and Tekken 7.

It is but it's also well written and spooky without dipping into any themes or politics Sup Forums finds controversial so it seems to get a pass on here surprisingly often.

>it's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>a port of a game from three years ago

while mario kart 8 did come out years ago its irrelevant because his post didnt have it.

It's not just a port if it includes new content, it's an enhanced release then.

I am not entirely sure if you two are being some serious nintendicksuckers right now or if you are serious.

Kinda. I get the distinct impression from the camera choices and music during the important story bits that this is meant to be seen as serious business, and if you turn your brain off a little and ignore how retarded it is that two people throw away their weapons and shirts and proceed to Dragonball fight their way though a couple of rooms, it's okay stuff.

All the side stuff though? Yeah, it's meant to be silly and funny.

>lootboxes and streamers: the year.

No it hasn't.

Replace BOTW with Hollow Knight and I agree.

Let's see...
SJW garbage arpg with invisible walls everywhere
Empty open world arpg
Also shit

Good year bro xDDd

I'm not a nintendo fanboy, MK8D just has enough new shit in it that treating it like a regular port doesn't make sense. This isn't like Wii U cucks trying to pretend ME3 and AssCreed 3 were big 'gets' in its first year, it's legit.

There's plenty of other games you could have put in the upper right and no one would have an issue.


Cmon OP...

No. It's a port with a few extra bells and whistles. Stop lying to yourself.

But then it wouldn't get easy replies.

OK, then it's an "enhanced rerelease." Whatever, we'll go with your obvious PR marketer term. Still doesn't get to be listed as one of the best games of the year because it's an "enhanced rerelease" of a game from three years ago.

i may be a bit literal, but a port counts as a re release, especially for a low seller like the wiiu.

Glad to see some love for Prey. I had a good time with it, scratched the itch far better than Mankind Divided did last year.

No user, you're wrong. PS4 also managed to get some super special awesome new games this year like the FFXII HD release and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 remixes.

>especially for a low seller like the wiiu.
Suck my dick. I can't believe I've been wasting my time replying to you.

But it isn't listed as one of them on that list?

>the entirely new battle mode and stages, new racers, new kart parts, revamped progression system, fundamental changes to drifting and how item stocking works, new items, new driver assists, new 180 degree snap turn, balance changes to kart parts, bug fixes, and new LAN mode are just a few extra bells and whistles

well you seem like the type whos more entertained looking up news that pisses them off to lambaste it than finding actual joy so it couldnt be a huge waste of time

But what new content? It has the DLC that I already have on Wii U, a few new characters (which doesn’t matter because nuMario Kart is only about weight classes), and totally revamped and fixed the battle mode. That’s it.

>FGO on there but not the superior FEH


A ton of new content. Just like the Playstation™4 exclusives that came out this year, Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Edition and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 remixes.

>all these butthurt pc fags in this thread

I think I'm a console fanboy now because the only new games I really enjoyed were Nintendo.

I can't get over the flaws of other good games like Nioh or Nier: Automata.

I havn't been as lucky but it's still a damn good year

Sup Forums doesn't like video games and is also intensely contrarian so don't expect much positivity in this thread OP

>But it isn't listed as one of them on that list?
Then what the shit is this, fuckface?

You're wrong though, the three weight classes are granular and different characters in them fall into different degrees of weight. Bowser and King Boo will have different stats, as will Luigi and Peach, despite both being 'heavy' and 'medium' respectively.

Sure there'll be multiple super heavy and super light and etc. characters and everyone has a few other characters with the same stats, but the roster is more diverse than just three types.

Also consult I only really have enough time to waste on one gacha game and I care more about Fate than FE.

Pretty far down compared to what are clearly being listed as the actual best games of the year.

Did you not read the headings?

i still don't get it
is it nee-oh or nye-oh

Surprised to see DDLC as average, think you're the first person I know of who didn't either love it or hate it.

Good taste though.

Nee-oh I think.


I love the game, don’t get me wrong. I had 400 hours on the Wii U and I feel like I’m playing the same game on Switch. It’s great but acting like the Switch port did all that much to be anything other than a “port” is outrageous.

2017 has been a great year tho.

I only own a PC.

How anyone can like such shit voice acting is beyond me.

Is it a toaster? Because if not there's still other stuff you could and should play.

it's semi high end.

>not playing with the Chinese VA work for maximum immersion

also i'm a jew.

Can I ask why you've not at least pirated the likes of Prey, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Nier: Automata, Bayonetta, Vanquish, and The Sexy Brutale?

>splatoon 2

>Nier: Automata
were boring
>The Sexy Brutale
>Divinity: Original Sin 2
haven't played yet
have and like both but they're not 2017 games

>Sonic not under great

Prey is awful get that shit out of there.

Is horizon zero dawn really that good? I just got a ps4. Is it worth it?

Hmmm? Let's see....
lol nice try fegit

no, its really bad. theyre baiting you.

Can't tell if serious or if you're the one who's actually baiting me.

That’s how you know you’re getting the real Sup Forums experience.

It's a generic soulless AAA with good graphics and terrible, terrible writing. Your call really.

It's pretty good yeah. Highlights are definitely the giant mecha fights plus scenery and worldbuilding, though the sorta lacking sense of exploration, weak cast, and pretty middling combat versus humans drags it down.

>he lik bideo gms

>Divinity: Original Sin 2

lol no

>not liking the best CRPG of this millenium

not with that dialogue


If you want a more polished Ubisoft style open world game then go for it, if not just skip it and buy Bloodborne instead

You mean the most impressively responsive dialogue in any CRPG since Planescape? The one that shifts and adapts seamlessly to account for your choices both in character creation and the game itself while still remaining coherent?

The games were good this year. Too bad the game industry has also been absolute shit this year.

>the lootbox year
pick one

it's still nails on a chalkboard

This tbqh

>some shitty companies put faggy lootboxes in some garbage games

Literally every game that had lootboxes added weren't even interesting to begin with what's the big deal. I like the Req system in H5 fwiw, though Titanfall 1 had the tightest card system of all time

Nier is goty.

no RE7 is

The literal first interaction you have in the game as a skeleton clearly doesn't account for the fact that you are a skeleton.

Not him. but it's garbage.

Not him, but nope

What a fucking great year

Whoops meant to post mine with this reply

Nier, Zelda, Mario, Persona
>Great tier
Sonic Mania, Nioh, REVII
>Good tier
Gravity Rush 2, Cuphead, Hollow Knight, Nex Machina, Blue Reflection, Splatoon 2, Samus Returns
>Decent tier
Fate Extella, Fire Emblem Warriors, Horizon
>Mediocre tier
Hellblade, Prey, Nights of Azure 2, Warriors All-Stars, Arms
>Didn't play yet but I heard it's excellent tier
Yakuza 0

No, not really, it's been pretty fucking boring.

some of you niggers need to play Hollow Knight