Who would even watch a channel with an anchor looking like that?
Who would even watch a channel with an anchor looking like that?
Future people
Me with my dick out.
um it's [current year] shitlord
no, nu-deus ex is fucking garbage
no what? the fuck are you saying no to nigger
no. it's shit.
Why animu?
the fuck are you saying no to?
*unzips dick*
you're garbage, stinky basement dweller
It's hard for me to see that she has a neck. What a weird as fuck design
the shit game, which is garbage
you're a bizarre person
Mankind Divided was better than Human Revolution. Fight me.
this is the general consensus of anyone who played it
I remember I played this game with long gaps between sessions and had literally no fucking clue why anything was happening in the story. Especially when this anchor became a part of it.
I'm so glad Ross did a long-ass segment on HR's retarded character design in the game dungeon episode
It would be fine on its own but it doesn't work as a prequel to a game mostly based on the modern world.
I never thought Deus Ex needed any prequels or sequels, but I think Eidos did a very good job with both prequels and them making Adam Jensen into a prototype for the Men in Black works very well.
Kudos to them for that and I'm sad that the team that made HR/MD will never touch this shit again because the Thi4f team took over.
I just wish they made golem city a bigger, expanded hub with more side missions
was my favorite level by far
aw, let eidos montreal some slack. It was their first project and of course some artists would be excited and plaster those futuristic designs everywhere.
Golem City from MD had peasant clothes fixed, somewhat.
Did you even play the game? The regular joes on the street look like absolute degenerates.
Think about how hedonistic and fucked the world is now and realized Deus ex is like 30 -40 years later
locations and level objectives were a cyberpunk/spy movie wet dream.
I literally came at the large party at the end eliminating guards at the party.
Fake news.
That was my favourite side mission.
>tfw check out your apartment building to find her room after you meet her, sneak inside, find telescope pointing at your room and that she loves cats, think she must have a thing for big strong robotic men, then discover she's the killer in the end
Ha ha. Good times.
wait what? All I'm hearing is that Eidos Montreal doing AR mobileshit, what's this with the Thi4f team stuff, source?
How did DXMD do? I heard a lot of buzz around HR but hardly any with MD.
Currently replaying HR so I can play MD which I bought on Steam sale, forgot how fun it was, how's MD's gameplay changes?
the original source reported that the MD team got relegated to doing capeshit while the Thi4f team had been working on the MD sequel for a while.
Plays similar to HR except:
>one big battery instead of cells
>more augmented enemies
>new ammo types (emp for robots / aug enemies, and AP for armored)
>toggle weapon mods on / off
>AI is marginally smarter
Well recent interviews with SE says the same about eidos but nothing about individual teams, I'll take your word and hope the worst I guess.
At least it didn't do as well as SE wanted it to. You'll start to see Wolfenstein NC follow its route in price cuts. They both tried to ride on some political bullshit that had very little to do with the game itself. Also there was the microtransaction for singleplayer controversy, kinda like Shadow of War. Now that I think about it, SE was really ahead of its time with their jewry.
the game itself is fine, even amazing, save for the story which was no doubt cut by SE to force it into a trilogy. World is still amazing to explore, gameplay wise the combat aspect has been enhanced and more viable, stealth also had more toys to play with, goodness all around. Also seek out for sidequests, it's gonna be the best parts of the game.
Is Square done making these games or are they just on hold?
Wheres the fucking neck?
>It was their first project and of course some artists would be excited and plaster those futuristic designs everywhere.
If you listen to the developer commentary they originally wanted it to look more like this. One guy said an early version had sky cars blocking most of the sky.
>not having a floating detachable head
Look at this purist and laugh
her neck is covered turtle-neck style and it blends in with her hood