Just got to the castle, rate my inventory, and post yours if you want. Also RE4 thread

Just got to the castle, rate my inventory, and post yours if you want. Also RE4 thread.

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>semi automatic rifle

>riot gun

Could use a few more eggs OP

He needs to make Ashley eat all of them

Its alright, i would never have gone with the blacktail though. And if you are going to go with the TMP then get the stock. Also ignore the mine thrower its a meme. In fact id say just add broken butterfly, upgrade your current load out as you progress and you are set.

Why would you ever use the bolt action?


It’s stronk af and the reload is aesthetic even if it’s animation is locked at 30fps for some reason.

Ditch the Riot gun for the Striker ASAP

I think I'll get the BB, but what do you think I should use over the black tail?

I don't use sniper rifles for bosses, only popping heads, so power doesn't really matter does it? You are right about the animation tho
That's the plan

Red9 for raw power or basic handgun for that critical hit x5 upgrade.

>using a camera to take a screenshot
Your average console player right here folks

>but what do you think I should use over the black tail?

Even the default pistol desu, but probably red 9 given it’s fire power when fully upgraded.

>only 2 flash grenades, not other grenades
I'd stock up on grenades, especially flashes.
The Blacktail is decent if you're not playing the GC version, but I think it's the most boring pistol. The Red9 gives you aesthetics, rifle power and accuracy at the cost of space and fire rate. The Punisher is weak overall but good for groups and shield guys, and the defaul pistol exclusive is fun times.

What's wrong with the riot gun? I feel like the regular shotgun and riot gun are about equal, and the Striker was always underwhelming to me until you got the exclusive.

We have a share button now user :3

Why do you have guns other than the TMP?

Riot gun is narrow shot, while the others have widespread.

They are handy when surrounded.

For the purpose of recreational entertainment and flavour user. Must you turn everything you love into a “git gud” scenario?

>I don't use sniper rifles for bosses, only popping heads, so power doesn't really matter does it?
No you're right, sniper rifles always one hit kill with headshots when it comes to normal ganado or plagas. I never bother upgrading the SAR at all and it still kicks ass.

Not a git gud situation at all user. For that I'm going to drive by the shit out of you with my cheap, yet effective TMP.

The bolt action has a much higher firepower fully upgraded at 30 in any version besides the US/JP GCN version.

The regular shotgun has ridiculous range when fully upgraded.

The striker has the widest spread but I feel like there are so many times where it doesn't knock back enemies unless they're practically touching you. I kind of like the riot gun for that.

Just sold all of my rifle ammo whatever

I do not - I repeat, I DO NOT - give a fuck.

Thinking of doing a Matilda run. Is it viable?

If it's a Matilda only run, then it's completely fine but it pisses through ammo so you'll end up using the knife a lot.

I figured. Since I got a lot of ammo in this playthru, I'm thinking about carrying like 400 handgun ammo to help on the next.


What? Tmp is a great weapon for stunning and suplexing.

You can tell a beginner from someone who knows their shit by how they respond to the TMP. Even without specifically shooting for stuns, the thing shits out DPS like no one's business. It's just really good.

>easy mode

TMP only run is true patrician

My first professional run. How am I doing?

You look like you're managing your resources much better than I did. The whole Castle really did a number on me. Some of that shit was really messy.

I bought a ps4 should I play RE4 for the millionth time?
I really wanna beat it in under 10 hours.

soon lads



Is this the game that killed its series thread?
Fucking RE4 babies

its true that the BAR is much stronger than the semi-auto, but I feel like the damage is super overkill. the semi-auto already kills most things in a single headshot, and if you're gonna shoot anything that doesn't die that fast, you might as well hit it with the broken butterfly

but that's just me.

9/10 get the stricker when you can.


Someone post the story

If the loot is based on what weapons you have, will I get unlimited rounds for the bolt action rifle if I keep it as the only item in my inventory?

>ignore the mine thrower
Is this a joke?

red9 is obviously better, but Blacktail is still a respectable sidearm.
It takes up less space, has decent power and faster speed, and most important selling point it has ridiculous ammo capacity for a pistol leveled up.

>All dat ammo

How are you going to fit the rocket launcher into your case with all that cluttering it up?

Yeah but money is always available as a drop and rifle ammo doesn't drop in that big of stacks so you run the risk of getting ammo starved on something other than a handgun or TMP.

Water room my dude

Handgun ammo also drops even if you don't have one. Or at least it did on gc/ps2, can't imagine they changed it

Yeah I'm pretty sure the only ammo you get no matter what is TMP and handgun. Handgun is a potential drop, and I'm pretty sure both are set loot from breakables.

What's wrong with the semi auto rifle?

please tell me how to make wesker in dragon dogma.

>No magnum.
>Pointless amounts of magnum ammo.
Y tho.