You rubbed the game case enough to release me from my prison! Now i'll grant you three vidya wishes! Want Chromehounds to come back? All you have to do is ask

Other urls found in this thread:

Can I be you?


I wish for infinite wishes!

Can I wish for a different genie?


I want consoles as they exist right now to be be replaced by a simple, standardized, high-performance one so exclusives disappear and companies compete with software, not hardware.
I want a new version of Doom 2016, this time using an engine that allows big levels and hundreds of enemies at the same time, and an actual level editor. It can keep the same gameplay as the original game
I want a Soulsborne level creator.

I want Rise to be tied up right before me so I can tickle her all over!

Doom with the old scale and new enemies/weapon balance would be a horrible grindfest.

Massive doom sounds lame

ill never understand this fetish

Not at all. With the actual scale you can max your weapons 3/4 into the main campaign so you would be able to max them in no time with actually bigger levels. Only this time you have the pleasure of doing shit like using the infinite ammo as long as you have max armor rune with the chaingun modification that increases its ratefire combination on dozens of enemies instead of five or six per per spawn per wave.

You aren't supposed to.
Fetishes are just brains wired the wrong way.

It's very sensation-driven, but through the target rather than on yourself or your dick. Think of it as pinging a girl to get a ping reply, but in the form of laughter, to see if she's alive. Explaining it beyond that is a little more convoluted.

that's retarded

>You rubbed the game case enough to release me from my prison!
I rubbed it with muh dick lol. Also I'd like to combine all my wishes into one so I can smash dat pussy irl.

Well, I don't care what you feel about it as I get to enjoy it.

>Think of it as pinging a girl to get a ping reply, but in the form of laughter, to see if she's alive.

I don't know why you thought this was a good explanation.

Sounds like you're describing an emergency crisis and or phone sex hotline

You guys are interpreting what I'm saying a little too literally. Are you guys Korean or something?

Can I be your twin?

No, I got what you were trying to say. But it was still awful. Even a food analogy would've been preferable.

you're not pretty enough

-Tales of Vesperia Complete Edition on Switch with all the original VAs to voice the extra stuff
-For Capcom to not be stupid
-Project X Zone 3 to be real

My first wish is for you to take your top off.

I want to impregnate and marry Rise

Zone of the Enders 3
Zone of the Enders 4
Zone of the Enders 5

Why is it awful? A ping reply sees if a connection is "alive". If you ping it, and it's "alive", a successful ping reply should come back. If a girl isn't ticklish, she doesn't give any kind of reaction or feedback, which kills the buzz for the fetish.

That's not vidya

For Gust to drop the shitty lesbian loli Atelier games to go make Mana Khemia 3.
For Nintendo to make a crossover RPG and give Smash Bros a rest.
I cant think of a third one

>I wish for a "proper" SA3
>I wish for the FF7 Remake to not be shit
>I wish for microtransactions to be deemed infeasible by large companies, realizing that a well made game, with the proper amount of development time, will sell better

my waifu Rise is vidya and I want to marry her

1. I want my waifu to exist.
2. I want my waifu to fall in love with me.
3. I want a gold ring.

These except the 3rd one I don't need a gold ring.

not him but if my waifu Ann existed I'd want the best ring possible to propose to her with

>not wanting to marry your waifu
shit taste my man


Ok maybe I do need the ring then. But it's supposed to be a diamond ring you don't propose with a plain gold band.

My brother. Camilla is cute too, not my waifu though.
Well, obviously. I wouldn't do that. I should have specified that, though - a genie would probably ruse me.

>Xcom 2 2: Xcom: Terror From the Deep 2
>A new fallout game made by obsidian but this time Bethesda gives them enough time to actually finish the game and make a new engine that doesn't suck
>That cyberpunk 2077 comes out within the next year or so and is as good as I think it probably will be or better

>2. I want my waifu to fall in love with me.

That kinda cheapens the whole thing, doesn't it? Wouldn't you rather make her fall in love with you by your own merit rather than basically brainwash her?

you don't belong here

First wish: Give me control over time.
Second wish: Let me fuck in whatever way I want
Third wish: No wish, I just loop back to second wish and do it as many time as I want before moving on.

I wish for her to be real and marry me.
And for her shadow self to join us in threesomes.

but I am pretty enough

>Wouldn't you rather make her fall in love with you by your own merit

Ok my 3 wishes
1. Source Code for Goldeneye XBLA remake is leaked
2. Monolith's Blood source code is released
3. The Duke Nukem Forever seen in a 2001 trailer is released

>The wrong way
I think you mean 'differently'

1) Transport me to the world of Granblue!
2) Give me powers fitting for the world or something
3) Huh you're still here?

>I want consoles as they exist right now to be be replaced by a simple, standardized, high-performance one
You mean a PC?

I want a chromehounds sequel as well as an armored core style souls game


>The Duke Nukem Forever seen in a 2001 trailer is released
All of that was made only for the trailer, there was no game.

Actually closer to jin. DECADES away from heihachi and less decades from kazuya

I wish Rise would be my gf

It does cheapen the whole thing to know that she's only in love with you because you wished for it and you've essentially brainwashed her. Which is why the correct course of action is:

1. I want my waifu to exist.
2. I want my waifu to fall in love with me.
3. I want to forget I made these wishes.

Then make that into a fun game.

I want smash 4 dedede patched to be good.
I want a balanced smash game with melee like gameplay.
I want Dragon's Dogma to be rereleased with all the stuff from the artbooks.

I wish Persona 1 got more attention than Persona 3 and 4.

I wish Armored Core would have a new installment and expansion every three years.

I wish for open world games to be hated by everyone

I wish you two would fight to the death

Can Laura Bailey be your VA again? Or at least Alexis Tipton?

Laura Bailey only does AAA roles now because she's too "important" for weebshit


I want to experience this doujin

You're going to experience it as Chie.

right way*

>new metal slug
>legends 3
>Make me a cute vidya trap

I like to believe there’s still a spark there. Just give me fucking anything that isn’t Ugly Burch please

fine by me

>Sissy white boys

Granted. You are now stuck inside the game case granting wishes until someone makes the same wish.

Bring back Silent Hills.
Have VR tech undergo 100 years worth of advancements in 1 year starting now.
Bring back the half life series.

I want people to play my favorite games again.
I want sociopolitical agendas from all sides to be expunged from video games and the internet 5ever.
I want the perfect slow paced magic-sourced non-con mtf genderbend h-rpg in full sensory VR and I want it and all relevant equipment fo' free.

Yeah, I'm the one losing it. Enjoy your shiny ring and empty, meaningless marriage.

I want to read this vidya porn.
I want Digimon games to include all Digimon designs, including recolours and alternate forms.
I want more games that basically amount to 90% boss fights with good battle themes.

Pretty OP power set but it's all I would ever need:
1. "I want the ability to create and change living matter by visualizing or speaking the change I would want."
2. "I want the ability to change matter I desire into any matter that I choose when I choose by saying, writing, or thinking the desired change."
3. "I want the ability to rewind or fast-forward time for any object I choose when I choose without affecting its spacial position relative to the surface of the Earth by saying, writing, or thinking the desired change."
I will cause myself to forget wish 1 with wish 3 (write down wishes 2 and 3, rewind my time to before I made the wishes so that I forget). I write down a note saying "I rewind to age 18 in a upon death until this note is burned", same for my waifu, and stick them in a safe. Then I can be pseudo-immortal - the only way I could die is for me to get bored of life and burn the note.
We'd live many long, happy lives travelling the world, contributing to society, generally being charitable, de-aging ourselves, having really weird sex using the effective shapeshifting, faking our deaths when we get old and being /comfy/ the whole time. I'd also open a mine, transmute a pound of gold from air every day to week and sell it so we could have money. Maybe in a million years I'd get tired of living, IDK.
pls no monkey paw, we're all fantasizing here

I'll grant wish #1.

You should have wished for the ability to read the fucking post, but that wouldn't have worked either.

>staying on topic in a thread where half the posts about marrying your waifu
do you know where you are?

Nah you're ugly

>Nintendo vs. Capcom & I get to decide the whole roster
>Capcom vs. SNK 3 & I get to decide the whole roster
>10 years of praise & proseperity for Capcom
Alternatively, I’d just wish for ArcSysfags to get more humble.

Usher in a new renaissance in arcade gaming (i.e. genuine coin-op arcades focusing on quality games new and old spring up all around and garner profits, devs return to making cutting-edge arcade games that are intense, fast, and skill-rewarding without any of the cheap credit-seeking tricks that some games unfortunately employed, players come to the understanding that using continues destroys the purpose and the experience)

Make Capcom unfuck themselves in the way that I see fit, and succeed in doing so (sprite artists are re-hired, AA games are pumped out relatively often, small-scale sequels/updates to older franchises are occasionally released, bridges are rebuilt with Mikami and Platinum allowing God Hand 2/DMCxBayo, Mega Man Legends 3 is brought back for a digital release physical on Dreamcast, MvCI is either salvaged with major graphical/UI overhaul and good, cheap DLC or trashed in favor of MvC4 or TvC2)

SNK makes another SvC, but it's good this time.

Wow, to think the first dub she headlines in 4.5 years is a botched Precure

Thanks, Rise. And don't worry, I'll still like you, even if you can't fulfil my other two wishes.

Looks like we're on the same wavelength.
>Nintendo vs. Capcom
Knew I was forgetting something. Probably could do with that over SvC2, honestly.

>I'm a fucking retard, but so is everyone else, so it's ok!
Most of the people posting all 3 wishes are actually vidya related anyway.

>Capcom vs. SNK 3 & I get to decide the whole roster
>modern capcom still makes it
LMAO that's gonna go down the shitter

Gimme Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2

I really want to marry Brigitte Quinn

Reading the OP aside you could get all that with 1 wish by simply wishing to be fucking omnipotent

>We are Braiking Boss-Sigma. All organic life must be destroyed!

Look sweetie, I know it’s still “cool” to hate Capcom, it’s the “in” thing to do right now, but Marvel Infinite is confirmed to be a great fighter, so the meme just doesn’t work anymore. Why don’t you give it a try?

I wish to be brought to my beloved Fuuka's city!

I'll save the other two wishes for emergencies

>Laura has looks to match her voice
>Now only does AAA games and that D&D show

you think mvci is cool
but there are some things that you would change
if it were up to you

No, a console.
PC is a completely different beast.

that's the best wish this genie has ever heard

deep, but makes sense

take a shower then