What do y’all eat while lurkin
Sup Forums nutrition
Other urls found in this thread:
ur mom's ass
hot dogs and butter
I don't need to constantly have something in my mouth unlike you faggot
roll for your loli
4 dog dicks and a stick of butter? You on a diet OP?
>americans eat whole sticks of butter as snack
Almond cookies and hot coffee with soymilk.
are you aussie?
euro doesn't eat keto, prefers soy, more at 11
>tall glass of soy milk literally in the OP
Lmao get the fuck out of here manboobs.
We have healthy butter, ya know?
comfy eating right there.
user, I...
No soy boy here.
What makes you a bigger faggot? Drinking soy or semen?
What did he mean by this?
As a Lactose intolerant man, I find soymilk the best replacement.
what the fuck is this shit
please tell me this is some shit from /ck/ and you dont actually just eat butter and sausage you unhealthy fuck
So instead of consuming estrogen mimicking compounds in soy, you've decided to ingest literal estrogen in the milk from birthing cows.
how the fuck is that unhealthy
>how is eating pure butter unhealthy
Now you made me hungry, Sup Forums
I've been eating shitty frozen foods for the past week and crave real veggies now, but it's late.
I wonder what your semen looks like...
I know it taste better deep-fried but not everyone can get that luxury.
With the speed you consumed those sausages and the current state of your desk I’d say you’re about 250-320 and have never seen a gym.
poor people wouldn't understand.
>he doesn’t consume a stick of butter and a glass of whole milk
>yurocucks guzzle 3 litres of Arab semen as a snack
This to be honest lad, shaking my head family of mine
Best food coming through
a bowl of Cheerios. Im on a diet so this is all im eating for dinner.
wood bang
I'd take a gamble I'm more /fit than you, friend
>butter is not a food that should be consumed in large amounts.
>It is almost pure fat and should only be used to complement meals, as a cooking fat or spread, or as a part of recipes.
>In other words, butter should be eaten with a meal, not as the meal.
>retarded yuros can't see banter to save their life
More news at 5
is this an actual game?
>actually explaining why butter is bad
Just let the americans be.
>corner store nachos
a man's gotta eat
That's why americans have free health care... oh wait
>he's not on a keto bulk
Never gonna make it. Carbs are the devil you want fat to be.
I see you've subscribed to the Food Pyramid (C), please continue to purchase the items in the Food Pyramid (C) and you will be very healthy.
Can you imagine how smooth that turd would come out?
>baked dicks, saltines and cum
Well I don't eat that.
I really like video games, especially ones I can eat during
>Can you imagine how smooth that turd would come out?
You'd basically be peeing liquid butter out your ass.
Post body, no homo