>take one of your most precious innocent franchises
>turn it into a soulless microtransaction-riddled shitfest
Take one of your most precious innocent franchises
dont remind me user
the worst part about it is how it sorta feels like normal animal crossing with a "SPEED UP WITH $$" button here an there
Wow it's almost like it is and that button is easily ignored.
Stop defending microtransactions you dirty wiener
>and that button is easily ignored
then it shouldn't exist
Yeah Nintendo should just give us the game for free!
Or they could
charge for
wait for it
the game
charge for the game
they could
charge for the game
and not make the actual game a micro transaction piece of shit
The game gives you plenty of leaf tickets as it is by doing missions. You don't even need to pay real money.
At least play the game before you make a thread.
Faggots like
Would complain
They're charging
why would I complain about that when I'm advocating for it
I'm not offended by it, but it's the fastest i've dropped one of these new Nintendo mobile games. After Fire Emblem, Miitomo and Go I thought Animal Crossing would finally be the one i'd come back to.
>somehow it's sitll good and enjoyable
Nintendo is amazing sometimes
I have played the game, and I like it. I just dont like the idea of being able to speed things up, especially with money.
At least it spawned more porn.
The game is just boring whether you spend money or not. None of the furniture options look good to me
>literally "Fetch Quest: The Game"
Wild World was the last best Animal Crossing and you cannot prove me wrong, no matter what you say. It is set in stone the age in came out in the history of Mankind. Every Animal Crossing after consistently became more shit and we have now reached the peak of this becoming shit stain. This is Life, the Universe, and Everything in itself, described as. Time can truly make anything and everything worse, such as society.
The game is free for normal people because stupid people pay for silly ingame purchases that don't matter.
That's how it works my man, and it's totally fine.
it's okay when nintendo does it
Started this shit last night, I'm having fun with it, linking your Nintendo account practically negates the microtransactions since they give you like 100.
I get you, user.
Going from several thousand hours in WW to LGttC was fucking crazy.
Wait until the timers jump from 3 minutes to 8 fucking hours.
It's not that big of a deal, there isn't much to do in the game right now anyway.
The question is whether or not they will give it the FEH treatment, when that came out it was barebones just like this but they've spent a lot of time and effort going through and adding to it.
he didnt play the og animal crossing when buldings takes 24hours
I don't mind it. Microtransactions aren't that intrusive in Pocket Camp, and you get handed a bunch of Leaf Tickets anyway that you really only need for crafting or inventory spots. They're mostly intended for impatient faggots. I'm level 25, have all three crafting spots, and K.K. Slider without paying a cent.
I think it's Nintendo's best mobile entry for sure, although, that's not saying much.
Animal Crossing for the Switch when?
never since you dont pay for the mobile game ninty asumes that nobody cares about animal crossing now
Stop being a dumbass.
>microtransaction-filled freemium garbage is okay when nintendo does it
What did you expect from Sup Forums, the biggest Nintenbro hugbox on the internet?
stop being a baby they did microtransactions in a decent way. I'm level 28 in game and haven't spent or been inclined to spend money once, or have I been upset that I couldn't play anymore because I had to wait. the pacing is good, and hating this game is the minority in here so stop being a little bitch.
>precious innocent franchises
>Implying Nintendo hasn’t milked Animal Crossing from the beginning
>1 game on each system since the N64 Disc Drive is now milking
Even the Disc Drive port to Gamecube had a significant improvement in features.
Stop being a baby.
my problem with it is absolutely no variety. everything is the same except with more time needed to complete
Then play new leaf?
It's basically a free animal crossing demo.
>5 fucking series of amiibo cards
>the worst selling actual amiibos ever released
>not milking
I'd be okay with it if the game actually had decent content. More places to explore and things to do than the same shit until your neighbors move camps again. There was a lot they could have done but it feels like they skimped out for a quick cash grab.
Guys Nintendo needs more money they are filling the game with micro transactions because they care about us enough to let us give them more money :)
Oh you meant post New Leaf. Yeah, it's milked now.
Pre New Leaf? Nah.
>Even the Disc Drive port to Gamecube
Nigga it wasn't on the DD, it was a fucking cartridge.
It mystifies me that people don't remember this shit.
Yes, because E reader cards were super popular outside of Japan
And that changes the fact that they tried to milk the fuck out of people, how?
Oh well fuck me, I guess it was planned for DD and ported over.
Wonder why that version never came to the states.
>And that changes the fact that they tried to milk the fuck out of people, how?
Key word there is "tried", user. You were saying that they were always milking them, but how would that be the case if their attempt back then failed. What this user said is correct.
Could Sup Forums charge for a button to remove reddit spacers?
do it yourself, faggola
[spoier]then what would I complain about?[/spoiler]
people fucking up spoiler tags
I wish I could pretend I did that on purpose
Everything is so soulless these days.
I bet you do, you attention seeking faggot
kiss me
They tried that with Mario and it didn't work.
I didn't know FEH was the last FE ever.
FEH has fucktons of whales to keep it going for forever.
Post your ID guys, fuck you it's fun
is there any point to having tom nook or kk slider?
I have KK and he plays music and all my other animals chill around him drive king coffee, it's just fun. Level up to 15 and then link a Nintendo acct and you don't have to pay real money for him.
why is he such a dirty slut?
No, it's essentially a limited run piece of furniture.
They aren't Sony user.
You can never have enough friends in Animal Crossing.
I tried to play FEH but I just got the gba FE games on my phone with an emulator. AC is different because I can't play it on my phone will taking a shit or sitting in a lobby or something.
yeah i did. it just seems like i can only have kk or nook based on those tickets tho
>wild world
You get 10 every level up and its going on until New Year's I think, hypothetically you could grind it out for the other one if you really wanted to. Are they going to add more stretch goals? I only have like 3 left so I'm going to have to start grinding favors before too long.
Im not buying a DS just for that. And I don't want to look like a retard playing a DS in public, I'm technically an adult.
You know DS emulators exist, right?
>it's okay when mobile app garbage that's already freedom gets non intrusive microtransactions
>it's not okay when a full priced 60 dollar console game holds back content and gives you in game advantages for buying microtransactions
I don't see any inconsistencies here
Your right, Sony actually has a successful system with games.
>Your right, Sony actually has a successful system
fixed that for you
No I did not, I'm a techtard and make my brother in law do everything for me. Thanks dude, I'm grabbing one now.
leave Sup Forums and never come back
I remember this being my first AC game.
I still remember how much of an idiot I was back then I would get stuck in so many places I had to restart the game.
Ps4 has more games than the switch
Online was Wild World's only redeeming feature, otherwise it was a step down from the GameCube game and arguably the worst in the series. Even City Folk is better just by virtue of being a rehash with an acceptable framerate.
Sorry I'm too busy having a wife and a job to figure out how to steal children's games off the internet as well as you do, nerd.
D-don't count.
There's no reason to spend any leaf tickets in the game right now except for the two you need to use to complete stretch goals that give you 10 more each and 1-2 more crafting slots (you really just need 1 desu, but again, there's so little use for tickets you might as well get both.)
The main problem with the game right now is the game itself, not the microtransactions. It's annoying as fuck how much the game shills them, but the ultimate joke is that they're all totally worthless since you'd have to be retarded to pay for them.
No. KK is a little fun if you really really like him but still largely pointless. Nook is totally worthless.
>take game clearly designed for young children
>put it on the only platform young children play games on
Makes sense to me
It's fine in Animal crossing
It's kind of OK in Pokemon Go
It's downright awful in Fire Emblem
It did work though, Mario was #1 on both app stores revenue charts the week it came out
>A console that's been out for years has more games than a newly released one
I don't believe you
Nintendo has never made a bad game desu.
FEH is the most generous mobage. Compare it to shit like FGO and GBF.
shouldnt you be in school
Never played AC before but the 15mins I had with this game were fun.
This """"""game"""""" is the most boring shit ever. Just goes to show Animal Crossing ain't shit without the customization features of the main game.
Stop being a baby.
They did microtransactions in a decent way. I'm level 28 in game and haven't spent or been inclined to spend money once, or have I been upset that I couldn't play anymore because I had to wait. the pacing is good, and hating this game is the minority in here so stop being a little bitch.
The game is free for normal people because stupid people pay for silly ingame purchases that don't matter.
That's how it works my man, and it's totally fine. Almost like that button is easily ignored.
The game gives you plenty of gems as it is by doing missions. You don't even need to pay real money.
i enjoy decorating my camp and it doing that is motivation enough to do the rest. it's fine for a mobile game and if you were expecting more you deserve disappointment
The problem with Pocket Camp is that, even without the microtransactions, it's just not a fun game. They obviously didn't want to cannibalize sales of the future Switch AC game by making the mobile game like a "real" AC game (which they easily could have done since the normal AC formula would translate perfectly to a mobile platform), so instead they made this weird disjointed mess that uses elements of AC but has almost none of the charm or personality that made those games so great.
I guess what I'm saying is that if they didn't want to make a real AC game for phones, they should have gone in the total opposite direction and done something completely different with the game, rather than this thing that sorta plays like the real games but not enough for me to get invested in it.
it's fun tho
the only flaw i can find with it thus far is the lack of My Nigga.
Do you even understand how stuff works? You know you have to be at least 18 to post here. How hard is it to understand that people don't want to pay for mobile games. Even more on Android. If they can pirate it, they will. That's why some developers only release on iOS.
This game is amazing!!! I wish it had content locked behind Amiibos too!! Nintendo does microtransactions so right!!!!