This is a Switch game with a Japanese ninja that helped the Switch sell over 140k units over the past week.
This is a Switch game with a Japanese ninja that helped the Switch sell over 140k units over the past week
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>the closest to this is GalGun on PS4, where you pay a hunned for panties DLC
In-game screenshots of a Switch game on sale this holiday season.
Galgun 2 is coming to switch and PS4, though why they didn't port the first game to switch is a mystery.
I wish I looked exactly like Asuka.
Do you need to know Japanese to play the game or can you figure it out on your own?
Huh... odd...
>where you pay a hunned
Fucking what.
As long as we get the 3DS remakes I'll be happy
Though I would fucking buy the dating sim in a heartbeat though
free balloon dlc?
Balloon DLC is nice but a body slider on top of that would be really something.
Do people actually get aroused by these shitty 3D models?
This is degenerative as fuck and an absolute pox on the Switch eshop.
How do I buy it and can I play it without knowledge of the Moonspeak
Anyone get New Link?
Those models, not really. The SK2 models with the breast slider, though? I've had a few faps with that.
Do people actually do things I dislike and already know the answer which of?
That doesn't answer the question.
Is the maintenance over yet?
>Senran Kagura "barely porn" game selling the console
God, how fucking pathetic is the switch fanbase?
How much of a virgin you gotta be to buy a console for a game like that?
Just get a fucking PC, theres free full porn games!
No because the maintenance is taking forever, rerolling will be a nightmare.
It's pretty easy to figure out, but a bit part of the draw is that the girls do different personalities. Google Translate on a phone app actually does pretty good. Not so much in instant mode but taking a picture and letting it process got me the gist of everything.
This is a Japanese Pumpkin that helped me fap
>How do I buy it and can I play it without knowledge of the Moonspeak
There is a moonspeak general on Sup Forums.
Not sure about the state of it, but back when it still was on Sup Forums, it was extremely helpful.
wait a fucking minute it is out? the last thing i remember was takaki posting a loading picture and nothing else
Yes it does, you just haven't put the pieces together yet.
Was released eariler today (or yesterday in japan time), but there's been a lot of server issues and there's a maintenance going on right now.
gonna need sauce on that cumslut Sup Forumsro
What the fuck is "hunned?" Is "hunned" some weird newfag slang that means "outrageously expensive DLC?"
Ikaruganon, please tell me you have the full pic of that swimsuit Ika
softcore isn't meant to be fapped to, it's supposed to be for the people who want stuff a bit more eechier than cute. It's niche but it exists.
You know how women who have sex with black men are BLACKED? Hunned is for women who have sex with Attila the Hun.
>Thinking I play these games to fap
>Thinking even if I did it be to Asuka
Fuck off
the fuck? did he just go and
>oh guise game is out lol
i dont remember any release date nor any info about this, like wat literally out of nowhere(i actually thought it would never come out)
anyway post more screenshots, what is exactly the game, etc
New Link?
An updated New Wave?
i genuinely wonder if it will ever get localized for the west
>>Thinking I play these games to fap
then why? it sure as fuck aint for the gameplay or shitty graphics
Wish I did save one, was too busy reinstalling and then the game just went down, someone on twitter must've posted it.
The official twitter went "we are ready to distribute the game" but the message wasn't really clear and it ended up coming out of nowhere.
Entirely different game.
Fucker what did you sa-
Oh you're a tripfag, that explains it.
Is New Wave fun? Or should I stick to Honkers Impact
Who fucking cares? There's no story. Just import it and fap
They're still pushing PBS and it's DLC, give it a while for Takaki and them to pump out more girls and accessories. Maybe hope for a bundled physical release.
>i called called out for being a weeb fapper better find a way to weasel out of it
There's at least 3 tripfags of note that openly enjoy this series, m8. It's fun to bully Boco about sharing a birthday with Yumi.
i'm retarded, how do i download the switch game? can't seem to figure it out
it's hundred you mongoloid flea-ridden mouthbreather
>make Japanese My Nintendo account
>link it to your Switch by making a new user, also JP
>buy a ¥1000 point card
>eShop, choose the JP account
>go to the last option
>enter the point card code
>buy the game
>This is a Switch game with a Japanese ninja that helped the Switch sell over 140k units over the past week.
You know that what made the Switch sale boost was Xenoblade, right?
>make japanese nintendo account
>link it to a user on switch
>add money
>buy game
See, it's not that hard.
>that helped
If you dont play these games to fap then congrats, you are a much bigger retard than the ones who do.
>make a japanese account
blah, im too lazy. will probably do it later, thanks
>uses hunned
>which is one keystroke away from hundred
You are in no position to question anyone's intelligence, kiddo.
I'd seriously prefered Beach Splash on Switch instead of this but... hey better censor Fire Emblem right.
"helped" with at least 135k of those 140k though.
>>buy a ¥1000 point card
They don't take Visa?
Only if it's from a JP bank. Some user was trying to claim you could link paypal, but the same applies. Has to be a JP paypal with a JP bank account/card attached.
I wish it were that simple.
What is wrong with the japanese. Their women must hate being rejected by drawings all the time
Well good for them, it is fun to bully Boco on most things
Sorry I like to have fun
what is this game about? someone post some screens or videos
Virgin weeb crap
Healing massage simmulator.
is best girl Mirai in the game? If not, it's worthless.
making memes
Only Asuka (base game) and Yumi (DLC) right now. I guarantee with how it's exploded that they'll add the other girls while it's hot.
I don't get it
If you're going to go 99.9% of the way, then like get an actual hentai game? On maybe a platform that can render more than 3 pixels?
We could position both characters? That'd make me want to go make loss
>obligatory 'why can't you guys just fap to porn' posts
just play an actual porn game
Wait, was it released in the US too?
>No Homura
>No Murasaki
>No Ryoubi
>No Haruka
>No Hikage
>No Yozakura
>No Shiki
What the fuck Tamsoft?
Japan only
>selling consoles
But their women are some of the ones that draw all of this
I was in the middle of rerolling for best girl Miyabi, until it went into maintenance hell for the whole day. Seems like a basic gacha game, with simple gameplay.
I'll stick with it if the rates aren't shit, and the card art remains as good as it is.
Do you remember being 13? Some anons never grow up. I wouldn't be surprised is many anons here probably still are 13.
No way, is that the ginger lesbian artist who was a giant meme? She seems to have improved.
nigga I just bought a ps4 for Peach Beach Splash and Persona 5
13 years old fap to regular porn.
wtf I hate porn now
Where's the gameplay?
Up my butt
I'm only in it for the art basically
No wonder the controls stink.
Leave my wife Yumi alone. She didn't do anything to you.
>This is a Switch game with a Japanese ninja that helped the Switch sell over 140k units over the past week.
Feels like this post is missing something, cant really put my finger on it.
It's missing "and a belly button vibrator" inbetween "ninja" and "that".
Where can I find the Homu DLC?
Only when she lets her other squadmates into the spotlight too
This picture makes me sad.
It’s supposed to be a special day, she skinned her knees, the candy bag next to her is empty, she’s clawing at her ridiculous an uncomfortable costume, and she’s near sighted.
I just wanna buy her some pancakes, goddamn.
Her squadmates are good girls too.
Why can't Yumi get some love?
There's no way in the world that's real
It is, you just have to be creative enough with some accesories.