Why arn't you idort Sup Forums


Where's le steam controller goyim?

Where's keyboard and mouse?

lets say I like fightning games for some reason, whats the best controller from these 3?


Fight stick

No need for Xbox tbqh famalam

Why would I want an Xbox? If I want to play multiplats, I have my PC. Hell, most Xbone exclusives are already coming to the PC anyways.
I am not a child.
Gotta play those children cartoon games somehow.

>he owns an xbox instead of or along with a PC

Because there's 0 reason to have an xbone at this point in time

>games that don't have ultra realistic graphics are automatically "childish"
When will this meme die already?

dualshock 4 but you can use the boner if you're more confortable with it
just don't fall for the fightstick meme

Objectively best combo
PS4 for AAA games
Switch for Nintendo exclusives
PC for everything else and XBOne exclusives

>games that don't have ultra realistic graphics are automatically "childish"

Because I was with the last Gen and PC has given me everything I've wanted this gen

good combo but the switch isn't quite there yet. MAYBE when a new main pokemon game comes out, it will be worth buying. MAYBE.

The only console that is worth buying is a switch, everything on a PS4/XB1 is available on a PC, usually cheaper too.

>having a PC
>and playing multiplats on PS4 anyway
This is profoundly fucking dumb.

Not enough reasons to pick up any console. Money isn't a problem, but the exclusives are.

>Not showing a 3-screen set-up with each of your consoles running on a separate screen.
Because I'm quite sure that (you) aren't.
OP is a massive faggot, as always.


>Not Blacked

found the cuck

not really more confortable with xbone controller but everything has native support for it so thats the biggest plus on its side

Well that would be the joke user. That 2 black controllers would be fucking the white one.

It's for multiplayer multiplats
AAA games don't have a playerbase on PC you silly boy

But user, the Steam controller is by far the cheapest one you can get. and the best.