What are some nice and comfy games? Games you can just sit back, listen to some music and enjoy

What are some nice and comfy games? Games you can just sit back, listen to some music and enjoy

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Devil Daggers

City-Building/general management games
A turn-based RPG
Tetris (especially the CD-I version):


That's true

fuck off

>listening to anything but the sound and music of the game you're playing
I think your autocorrect fucked up, it wrote "comfy" instead of "cancer."

Comfy = boring and low test desu

Harvest Moon/Rune Factory.


It's super nostalgic to me, and the music is really relaxing

>entering threads you don't like

>Winter time
>Finals in Uni
>Crushing out studying for weeks, no fun allowed
>finish last exam around noon
>come home
>brew up some orange/ginger tea
>Roll up a thicc joint after a month long hiatus
>change into sweats + tank top
>wrap up in a soft af blanket on the couch
>chill with my Animal Crossing village and build snowmen while snow falls outside my window

Pure kino

That's rude


and then winter hits

Banished for me goes fine up until I get my balance of manpower / resources wrong and everyone runs out of food for a year.


just gotta have some fisheries for the steady flow of food, and then an early harvest crop and a late harvest one

>eating f*sh
No thank you

the Talos Principle

I'm sorry but who thinks devil daggers is chill?
I'll listen to music and play DeS but that's just stress incarnate

>Turn on Bloodborne
>Mute the sound
>Turn on game grumps in the background

you don't enjoy hanging out with the skull crew?

This. Any of the SimCity games, Banished, settlers, rimworld on easy. Play one of these, pour a beer, have a smoke, snacks, Joy of Painting on a second screen.
Ffxi and RO are comfy MMOs. Just chill doing some exp or farming.

>he doesn't blast Linkin Park while playing Persona to drown out the weeb music.
>He doesn't skip all of the dialogue

>not being high-E qt

I prefer skeleton crews

shit meant

find an MMO and just fish or gather mats. ESO is comfy af


Fu-hu-ck no. This game is always tense.

Slime Rancher is pretty relaxing, a bit too repetitive though.

Dragon's dogma is pretty comfy and atmospheric. Some fights can be tough but you walk around a lot. Nights are really comfy and some areas look really good.


Replaying this right now. Why space games have to be packed with action all the time nowadays? You can try Reassembly as well

Play total war.

Then play 4x games, which is the comfiest, so comfy that you will fall asleep.


Fallout/Fallout 2


Stardew Valley, if you're into that kind of game.

>game grumps


Aren't both ffxi and RO dead now? I used to love both and I have the itch to go back but I assume they're barren as fuck these days.