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They told you exactly what to do already, user.
Just Let it Die.


Hows Let it die doing these days, are they even still supporting it

Gameplay and mechanically-wise it was great too. I managed to arrive to reach 15 but I lost interest when regular enemies and haters OHK you and the price of retrieving your corpse increased way too much.
Still I enjoyed the shit out of those first 14 floors. If they released a $60 balanced no f2p version I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Veeery slowly. They changed the meta a few times and the newer floors are even more ridiculous

gameplay was fun, the f2p stuff obviously sucks.

but the world itself was super interesting, art direction was fantastic.

I would have spent $60 on it if it didn't have the microtransaction cancer veined throughout every single texture. From the ground up it was designed to frustrate you into buying death medals. The gameplay and music itself was awesome until you reached the point where the devs clearly spiked the difficulty to earn money.

The game should've never been free to play in the first place. Whoever though that was a good idea needs to be hanged.


reminder of the shit ending

I don't need to be reminded. I remember it.

No you wouldn't. How many suda51 games have you bought at full price?

I just told you I would have if it wasn't loaded with the microtransaction bullshit. Are you not listening? Do you believe everyone who says something you disagree with is just a liar. Fuck off, stupid cunt.

Answer my question. How many suda51 games have you bought at full price? Do you usually buy games with low scores at full price?


I definitely would have bought this as a full game for retail price. As it is, I only spend like 15$ or whatever the starter pack cost was.

Not the person you were asking, but
>caring about scores

None. But that has nothing to do with suda51. Once more you're not fucking listening. I judge each game by its merits and let it die COULD have been sold for $60 and I WOULD have bought it at that price. Stop being a little argumentative pissant thinking your opinion is somehow the objectively correct one.

Good god that was shit

This game had me as soon as Uncle Death beefed it in the intro area.

Because Suda is a hack and LITERALLY never made a good game.

>actual budget and human developer time from """professional""" devs was put into this shlock
What a world. One of the worst ends ever, would be embarrassing from some random highschool vidya group. FFS

I beat the final boss (40F) without paying a single cent. Had a lot of fun. Obviously it's a grind, but what's wrong with that? So it's Monster Hunter but people won't complain about that one, huh.

Everything past floor 40 is garbage and can fuck right off.


I love this soundtrack

>raiding someone
>he has this song on

>this kills the best character

>hurr durr if someone isnt already a diehard fan they aren't potential customers

I have never felt such an intense pressure to spend money on a free to play game until I played this. Its like they intentionally made the game bullshit at times just to get you angry enough to spend a few dollars JUST to get all of your shit back. You can easily spend hours trying to get your team back after losing one guy after another. PLaying with your lowest level dude only to grind cash to buy your next guy, and repeat until you finally get your main only to find out all of his shit is gone. Oh, and hopefully you didn't meet a level 50 hater while trying yo grind for cash with that level 20 dude or you're fucked. It was like falling down a flight of stairs only to try to pick yourself back up and be met with a trick step that made you fall down the stairs again. That's not even the half of it, but I can't remember most of it and typing this makes me mad because this game had potential.

But it's great and one of the most stylized f2p games out there.

It wouldn't be so bad if regaining your progress wasn't such a time sink and a huge risk.

The grind was comfy. But then they just turned the meta against you even more, killing the comfyness

I never said it wasn't its great for a F2P game. but that isn't saying much. they could have done so much more.

just let it die


I have a friend that plays this 24/7, I have no idea why.
But hes also the guy who made a "perfect" dark souls 2 file with two of every item and broke the game clock at 999:99:99

imo it's worth it to spend at least $30 on it, it's a fun game and deserves that. which also eases the grind a bit.

I've had a pretty good experience with the game. Only spent $8 (5 for the 1-time 30DM, then 3x$1 for 10DM deals). Still have 60+DM stashed away after upgrading storage to 440 and occasionally reviving exploring new floors or for a boss that's nearly dead. Oh and waiting room decorations. CBF with the grind (only point of OP I agree with) so I stopped playing after F50 instead of pursuing the Forcemen which are mostly just stats-checks. Updates coming slowly suits me just fine since I prefer playing lots of games for variety anyway.

I will say though, if you get easily frustrated, this game probably isn't for you. There's some lootboxy p2w in the pseudo-pvp too if that bothers you.

>So it's Monster Hunter but people won't complain about that one, huh.
Because Monster Hunter doesn't let you roll for monster parts or in-game items for real money and if they did players would rightfully flip their shit regardless of whether the game is free to play or not.

About as impressive as being the world's tallest midget

I want to come back to it, but I probably have missed so much and my fighters probably have been kidnapped so eh...

So basically Let It Die is bad because you have shit self-control?

guess you just need to let it die

I dunno man

even while grind mats it wasnt that hard

hell I dont even get hit anymore from the bosses

>So basically games with non-cosemtic microtransactions are shit because you have shit self control?

I hated going out because I'd eventually rack up huge amounts of KC and would get raided constantly while I was away. Now I can't do jackshit for raiding since I am probably bronze and I heard everyone has that white steel armor, making things even harder

>Get back into the game
>Ok, I think Expeditions are kill right?
>Have to Delete all 9 of my Lucky Stars and start over
>Try to equip all my new guys and place them on defense while I rotate and level them
>It costs a fuckton to arm all of them, and I have to wait on 15 minute timers for each item

>rack up huge amounts of KC and would get raided constantly while I was away.
they did add a feature for premium players to have their KC get insured if raided and replaced

also why arent you keeping your reward box full of KC that NO one can touch but you?

literally rick & morty

I did that too but it really didn't make much of a difference. It really only came in handy if you died on a high floor and needed a quick and dirty evac to get your fighter back.

the best thing to come out of this was the godly parrying iron

You can go through the game without paying anything. At worst you still won't put as much time in as you might a game like MH which can be 250+ hours.

oh and killing White steel is probably a lot easier then killing the other two

though you only have to level up the Longsword to 4th tier +3 and you can one shot nightmare with one counter with a sting/oak combo

shit getting the necesssary gear isnt hard either considering candol wolf is the easiest metals to grind

>red hot iron
>blasting through hunter defenses like butter

The game seems to actively be getting patched to make it harder not to buy DMs

Catching up is easy af now with weekly quests basically giving away red metals and gold beasts (exp) not to mention the guaranteed-spawn shop in f27 that has red metals. Aaaaand tier 6 fighters shit on red metal bosses. Though the strongest weapons are a pain to grind but they are only necessary for Forcemen.

You'd be surprised. You can get gold in like 2 hours of raiding and maintain it with just unupgraded red metal gear on tier 6 defenders. I'd say 0.1% of players (if you count inactives) have forcemen gear. And it's not like those that do are invincible.

un forunately its still doesnt have its 4th tier even after this update and you're better off with the lightning rod for tearing defences

even those weaker shrooms are still good for what they are

hell the forcemen CANT stop you from using them compared to the real shrooms

not to mention they JUST gave out a shitton of them this past two weeks

I haven't played the game since launch. Once I hit floor 40 there really wasn't anything left in the ol' gas tank. There was the expression "Fashion till February" which implied you should just grind for armor sets you liked the look of until February where they would fix everything and add 40 new floors and all this other shit. I bailed and I'm glad I did.

this project was a bit too ambitious for a small team I admit

they dont have DE's number to churn out detailed levels

considering it took them 4 years to get the tile sets out and working and it was still rushed

Why does this game have such fuckhuge patches? Why do patches download so goddamn slowly on PS4?

Aww fuck this is what i get for getting lazy about checking updates. Oh well I still cbf about logging in until an actual content update. Everything except the mushrooms will be irrelevant with tier 7 anyway, whenever that comes.

they've been getting smaller to 1 digit gb

most of the early patches where for optimization

Is it wrong of me if i liked it?

>irrelevant with tier 7 anyway,
it seems they're balancing out the numbers into Tier 4s

nothing is past that in numbers

How hard is the latest forceman?

I have all my characters last equipped with maxed out apocalyptic hockey gear and Katanas 3rd tier.

Can I make it to the 50th floor?

how is the grinding now? i barely turn on my ps4 now bc im waiting for MHW.

hell this next update is only 2gb


a thin line between spamming your long sword counters at the right time or eating a lot of damage

I liked it too user, the only thing wrong is that we never got an Uncle Death boss battle.

why the fuck did they make it F2P mobile tier garbage

jesus christ i have never seen more wasted potential in all my life


Oh fuck. There is a third one? When did he come out? What floor?

Whens the next update?

sony put shitty netcards in the ps4 and also has bad servers, ps4 downloads are consistently 1/5 as fast as steam when both are connected to the same exact switch using ethernet cables cut from the same spool

its updating right now for the world of tanks colab

And yet I would rather spend money upfront on buying a game like MH than playing a "free" game that's incentive to make the grind tedious unless you pay.

How does the long sword work again? You wait for to parry them?


but yeah white steel is the easiest forcemen

while forcemen gear cost 10 times most normal gear

it also last 10 times longer

having super long tail makes it last waaay too long

yeah you wait to get hit


Which Forcemen should I ignore and grind to get the strongest gear?

>let's make a mobile game with all of the hooks and mechanics that work exceptionally well on mobile devices but give it better graphics
>but let's make it fun and addicting, but also frustrating so it's lucrative for us

>wait a second, why isn't our game printing money like Puzzle and Dragons
>we recreated everything about what makes mobile games successful!

They totally ignored the fundamental differences between the platforms. Mobile games work because they are, big surprise, mobile. People can pick them up and put them down in seconds. 9 times out of 10 people just stop logging into Let it Die even if they like it simply because it takes too much time to first of all get into the game and secondly to actually get anything done in the game.

Why do you act surprised that Suda51 is 'idea guy' the game director?

you should do them all eventually because their weapons are pretty fun

red napalm herself is weak to thunder rod


and i'm guessing the thunder rod is from black thunder? Welp you sold me. I'm coming back.

>thunder rod is from black thunder?

its from a wandering special hater in the carnival area that may or may not drop the blueprint

black thunder only has the double light saber and a medusa head

Oh so like the Charger event or the ghillie suit?

Do they still spawn or are they gone forever?

I keep forcing myself to like this game but the weapon shop is the bane of my existence, having to wait five minutes to buy a weapon again is so fucking annoying, even loading in to the shop takes forever and my gear breaks all the fucking time!

Isn't it great being forced to wait an arbitrary amount of time just to continue playing the video game? 10/10 design.

the lightning one does

the WoT one will reintroduce the ghille suit one with the rawket lawnchair

speaking of which

if you grind up the rawket lawnchair and slap it on a shooter

you can get a decal by just invading so your defenders can launch a hard to dodge rocket instantly

you can also summon the tubers and coen that actually scale with your Pve Ranking

Coen really really fucking hurts

you know if you get a weapon to +4 the durability goes up

>How to be obtuse while shitposting
>The user biography

If this was on the vita all the waiting would actually be fine, but idk. I can tolerate everything else that's bad but the timer shit can fuck off.

Can you use a skull to keep fighting the forcemen if you die? Or is it one shot and you gotta pay to try again

I'm not even going to watch that, I'm going to live in my fantasy land where LiD got better after I stopped playing

yeah you can use a skull if you die

Oh nice. I have a fuckton of those in reserve

But you've yet to specify why you prefer one model over the other when you can spend roughly the same amount of time and money on each. Actually, less on Let It Die in both cases.

Do you call arcades "quarter munchers" too? The idea is to get better so you don't have to spend quarters. Obviously there's some grinding in Let It Die that arcades didn't have but that's not entirely true either since sometimes you'd have to replay games for weeks long before you were able to 1CC them when they were really fucking brutal.

btw whats the best source of info for tips n and item locations?

I used to use /lidg/ but its dead now

the updating is happening right now


so dont get too excited

even then when you DO grind up, especially now, it becomes almost too easy

a 6 star shooter with 4 tier Assault rifle just makes 42-50 floors a joke


they just moved it to reddit

Arcades didn't give you in game advantages and arcade games that were designed so you were forced to credit feed bombed miserably. The arcade gaming = microtransactions false equivalency comes from credit feeding scrubs.

The fremium model is bad and anyone who tries to justify it with arcades and monster hunter is too braindead to reason with.

I meanit isn't that bad.

also arcade games didn't make you bring your own hardware to play. you just spent quaters to play a game on a cabinet that was never yours to begin with.