Counterstrike, Overwatch, Team Fortress, Rainbow Six

Is pic related accurate?

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no, stopped reading there

It's a lame game, but they do have a movement tech that can be mastered for better performance:

be careful you're gonna trigger alot of autists by saying overwatch is more tactical than cs go

siege is so fucking good though
unironically does anyone have tips for a shitter?

Overwatch is not more tactical than CSGO. I don't give a fuck what the overwatch defense force has to say about CSGO, TF2 could be more tactical than CSGO for all I fucking care but Overwatch is a fucking mess. It's like competitive Mario party.
I swear to God the more reckless you play the better you'll do. Trench tier ranked shitters lose their fucking minds when you do intentionally wild shit

>aggressive play trumps all once again
thank you user i'll turn it up a notch, i finished my placements today and got put into silver 1
3 days and ive already alotted 12 hours

Play for hundreds of hours until you know every map, peek, and angle back to front or just abuse three speed and poor hit reg to get easy kills.

Okay, fair enough, to be honest i've never played csgo, in fact I haven't played cs since 1.6 when I was 15 or something, so my understanding of the game is poor at best, that was an interesting video

Playing aggressively is a very bad idea in Rainbow Six Siege, did you even play the game?

Yeah and you shitters keep your crosshairs so trained you can't shoot a guy at 2 speed sprinting past a doorway.


>abuse three speed and poor hit reg
what do you mean?
cause i noticed shooting moving targets is kind of bullshit sometimes (or maybe i'm just trash) even when i have the leg up and shoot them by surprise
is that what youre talking about?

Just run and gun, throw tactics out the window, and dropshot. Guaranteed win every time. Not even kidding, the game is broken.

>Playing aggressively is a very bad idea in Rainbow Six Siege
how fucking new are you to the game?

Difference between games states, hotboxes, hit reg, or just anything as a result of lag as well as being harder to shoot for new players makes speed a lot better than armor. It's also true when defending since you can peek and flank super fast. Really though, map knowledge is by far the most important thing next to just bring good at shooting.

Overwatch and TF2 aren't 1-life.

I take it you play Montagne or some other shield.

No, Ubisoft sucks dick at balancing games plus the new operators are blocked behind 25 k points. They should at least make season 1 operators cheaper so my friends don't have to grind so much. Also it should be a class system not characters, the limiting gun choice is stupid.

Peekers advantage freindo. Theres both a delay in which the peeker is seen by the defender and when the peeker returns to cover safely to avoid the defender firing back. 3 speeds do this better as the time you have before a defender sees you peek is higher.

siege thread?

siege is absolute RNG fest, this game isnt possible to be played competitively

>RNG fest
i dont think you know what that means

>outsmarting people

The fuck are you talking about ?

I mean sure there's situations where you could 'play smarter' then someone but he can still be a better shot then you. That goes both ways, someone could do a dank flank and drop through a hatch into the room opposite OBJ with a drone and a teamate watching. The action and kills still come from whoever has better aim.

Also by better aim I mean you shoot the other person square in the face in .02 seconds or he'll do the same.

You should replace outsmart with outcommunicate.

Tell that to every 1 speed Ash I've ever seen blowing into the building and sprinting room to room blasting people in the face.

On that note fuck ash and her skinny skeleton body.

Overwatch is for SJW faggots. I mean look at the characters. Fucking lame.

What everyone else said. Be more aggressive.

Everyone else playing with you are in their comfort zone of moving slow. If you're going to go faster, be smart about it. Use the prep phase to gather intel so you don't rush blindly.

the gook looks like an overwatch reject


You can try to rush the enemy team at the start of the match, but if you are fighting a competent team that actually plays the game correctly this won't work mate.

I take it you don't understand how Rainbow Six works.

Well, it's not that you can't try to use your speed, but tactics are way more important.

I don't get how overwatch is "SJW".

Also being a social justice warrior is a good thing if you do it correctly, it just depends how you fight for it. if you fight against the oppression of women in muslim countries for example, that's a good way to fight for social justice, don't you agree?