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3x3 Thread
What's the game on the bottom right?
its virtues last reward
2nd game out of a trilogy called zero escape
I might give that a shot since I've played and liked 6/9 of what you put.
8/8 quality taste user, how's AM2R? trying to decide between it and the remake
Im too lazy to do real pics so I'll just change :
>P4 to SOTC
>VLR to Valkyria Chronicles
>Drakengard 3 to KH2
>SuperMetroid to MHFU
+Super Metroid
Is the middle game Drakengard? I keep seeing it in these threads.
Not OP but the middle is Drakengard 3.
Yeah It's Drakengard 3, probably the most controversial of all the Yoko Taro games
games are good but pic selection makes me think you’re a waifufag
5/6 -drakengard 3
good choice of mh
Got it.
2/2 Nier Automtata and Kat's various games
2/2 MH3 and BOTW
1/1 Metal Max Returns
2/2 Devil Survivor and Dark Souls
How does DS2 compare to the first? I've only played DS2.
Following the in game graphics idea and also 3/3
3/3 it’s becoming more obvious as time goes on how few weeb games I play
0/0 yeah nope
I haven’t played all too much of DS2
Though from what I’ve gathered DS2 seems to be more a persona styled game and DS1 more of a traditional megaten, with some persona elements mixed in.
At least with regards to alignment options and endings.
Gameplay seems pretty unchanged for the most part.
Top middle? I recognise it but can't remember the name.
I was referring to Dark Souls.
I'm into SMT too so thanks anyways.
Rain World, I think
Rain world
Proving for whatever god damn reason that adult swim games has their shit together.
1/1, + STALKER
0/1, -Dark Souls
Waiting for LR2 to load.
4/4 welcome back
1/1 I probably would have bumbled through Yuno years ago if I ever got around to buying it
1/2 I guess
What's 1? Which Gravity Daze is 2? Which KH is 3? What's 5? What's 6? What's 8?
NieR Automata. 2. 2. Drakengard 3. NieR. Dark Souls.
What I'm playing right now.
Most feels like a chore, got Uncharted since my PS3 died before I could play 3. Also already done with Stalker, I just like how comfy it is to bear near a campfire.
Damn dude seriously?
I can respect all of them, but fuck how do you not know 8?
Shit taste
Yeah, seriously. The GD game wasn't specified. There's a dozen KH games and it wasn't specified. The Automata picture I haven't seen before. I would have no idea that some spider loli was from Dark Souls.
I just don't play those kinds of games. My apologizes for being so audacious as to even ask as to what these games are without having any means to identify them.
The only DS related game I've played was Bloodborne, and I put an hour into that until I had enough. I have plenty of shooters and IIDX to git gud at. I just don't care about those games.
Rain World? I never thought I would see it here
The atmosphere just got me, also the combat is just the right amount of calculation/oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck that I love it.
>and remember, if you can't identify these games from these screenshots, it's because you're a tasteless plebian faggot
Does Overgrowth have a good campaign or is it a playground for user content?
5/5, very nice
Funny, I was just thinking about that game the other day.
It's alright, Haven't played a lot but everything so far has been fun.
I've played Dark Cloud 1 but not 2. Is it similar? Better?
1/1 DS
I love FFT and have been meaning to play TO:LUCT
3/4 +DA:O, WoW, Banjo -Brawl
1/1 RA2
5/5 VS, Civ, Chrono, Spyro, Doom
been meaning to get to playing BG2
0/1 -Overgrowth
0/1 -Undertale
It's Sm4sh not Brawl
Also 5/5 Guild Wars, Dark Souls, OOT, Fable, Kotor 2
>First 3 charts and multiple others have 0 games I've played
I feel like such a pleb in these threads.
3/3, I can feel the Sakurai love
What's even the point of this image?
I haven't picked up FPW World yet but I just want to say good taste for having it.
1/1, I should play Automata at some point
Very similar and I would say better. Dark Cloud 2 streamlines a lot of the rougher parts of 1, builds on the dungeon crawling and village making, and what a sequel should be like
Dark Souls II is arguably the worst game ever made, don't bother wasting your time.
>What's even the point of this image?
To shoehorn stereotypes and laugh at people of varying tastes, I would think. Otherwise, I don't know, you'd have to ask the guy who made it. I just use it because mine happened to be put in it for whatever reason.
>dim dream over literally any other touhou
why do you prefer asylum over city. city was a far superior game to me
Was going to put Imperishable Night, but I only wanted to include games I've finished, and I haven't moved on from IN yet. Haven't played anything post IN yet, so PoDD was my favorite pick of the first 7 games.
really solid taste
How would you "finish" a shmup? Genuine question.
I see them as something you work toward improving, not something you "finish". Getting a 1cc in normal? Completing it with every character?
I personally find PoDD to be an unbalanced mess of RNG with a crapshoot AI compared to PoFV and the game it rips off of (Twinkle Star Sprites). What did you find appealing? The roster?
tri is ok but why the fuck would you ever put it instead of 3U?
3/3 fuck yeah FO:NV, SH2 and DOOM
fucking yikes mate I'm sorry but damn
asylum is indeed way better than city, kirby SSU is the shit, and transformers is vastly underrated.
my man
Usually I try to 1cc a game on normal or higher with all characters and then I move on to the next game. The exception being HRtP which I find really frustrating and annoying to play and no motivation to get better at it since that skill doesn't translate to the others as well relatively speaking, so I didn't bother to 1CC and just went for finishing both routes. I've 1CCd everything from 2-7 with all characters on normal or hard (not good enough for lunatic 1cc yet, almost tho). Once I do that, I move on to the next game. Of those games, I enjoyed PoDD the most. I found it really fun and satisfying to try and outlast the CPU even if RNG ultimately decides whether or not the CPU decides to take a hit (at least as you approach stage 7-9). I feel like overall, 3 helped me improve my skills more than the others, and I still go back and give a few tries for a lunatic 1cc. I'm pretty sure IN will replace it in my 3x3 before long, it just has a lot of characters to 1CC the game with. I've only been playing danmaku and by extension Touhou for about two and a half months, so I have a long way to go with the series as a whole.
I picked tri for nostalgia and the online/armor set ups. I also prefer when there aren't 30+ re-skins
fair enough but the awful weapon variety really kills tri for me