The Switch could handle it.
The Switch could handle it
>switch can handle it
Switch playerbase cant
souls games aren't difficult, but that was still good
Why does anyone think Dark Souls 3 could run on Switch? Something like Bloodborne can barely run on PS4, why would DaS3 on Switch when it can barely handle DOOM?
I know Souls games are memed as being really hard but let's not reverse meme them into being really easy
They're decently challenging
No che cant
It could run downgraded af
>runs la noire worse then the ps3 version
>20 fps sub 720p doom
>rocket league looks like a ps2 game
Xenoblade, Donkey Kong, BOTW, Monter Hunter, and Bayonetta would like a word...
It's only hard for the first 20 or so hours of gameplay.
After you've poured hundreds of hours into 1, 2, and 3, they become a cake walk.
Much like any game ie Mario, zelda etc
Eh I don't know, DaS only hard moments for me were Capra and S&O. DS3 base game was a total walk in the park, though I played that after finishing BB so that might've influenced my perception of the difficulty—haven't touched the DLC. DS2 I've yet to play.
Overall the difficulty really isn't that challenging.
Of course the Switch could handle it. If they can make enough concessions to get Doom 2016 running on it, Dark Souls 1-3 should be a doddle.
Lets just port every game to the switch
Except games like Mario and Zelda are never really that challenging.
Mario World has Tubular
Mario 64 has some 100 coin stars
3D World has Champion's Road
>no demon's
Good idea
>let’s port a Sony IP to Switch
I thought begging for ports was pc's thing.
Rocket League is from indie devs who aren't professional at optimization.
Nope, LA Noir runs at 20FPS and that ran at 30 on a PS3.
The Switch is a joke, stick to indies and simplified 3d cartoon games.
I fixed it for you bro
10000 soul levels in ms paint
It's missing the best one tho.
>Dark Souls 3 for Nintendo Switch Screenshots
DS1 is there though
Souls games are hard in the same way Monster Hunter is hard. The hardest part is getting up and running as a new player. It's still decently challenging, but game journalists can get through it so it ain't that bad.
I'd love to get a King's Field collection port. I never owned a Vita.
Yeah at 30 fps.
So 26 more frames than Blighttown on PC?
>zelda but scarier
I'd buy it.
>After you've poured hundreds of hours into 1,2, and 3, they become a cakewalk.
user, did you think about what you just said? No shit almost any game becomes easy when you've spent literal weeks learning the mechanics. The first half of Dark Souls 1 is your average AAA game in length, and don't pretend gargoyles and blight town weren't hard the first time around.
t.someone with 400 hours in dark souls 3 who yes finds it easy after playing it for that time
You know DS1 runs flawlessly on PC right
Worked for the first two years of PS4/Xbone.
I'm for that idea, too.
yeah its a good thing that some basement dwellers fixed some jap's game
Fucking this.
they don't call Dark souls the Dark souls of zelda games.
It's literally LOZ with all the casualness taken out
I agree.
Souls wasn't built on Id Tech 5.
The only reason DOOM can run at all is because the fire sale'd rebranded Shield hardware the Switch uses supports Vulkan natively, without that HUGE assist, DOOM would not be playable at all. And even with that edge, DOOM still looks like muddy, blurred crap because the hardware is still Leapfrog-tier tablet hardware
Take out the word 'indie' and you've also described From
Neither PC nor any current console can handle any of those poorly optimized games without performance problems. What would be the point of another subpar port on the Switch, especially when the games in question weren't good in the first place?
Nigga please, you'd shit your pants trying to get Dong Freeze.