Where were you when this machine just became playable?

Where were you when this machine just became playable?

Will there be more machine variants of characters?

bumping to inform fellow ARMS players!

Is ARMS even good or is it a meme game


Its alright. Nothing special.


meme game

did they really release a robot Springman and call him a new character?

I know, right? wtf Nintendo

wait WHAT

Welp revvin it up.

Sheeit, time to pop in the cartridge.

>final phase of their master plan
Soo the ARMS Labs organization are bad guys?

So does this have anything to do with Springman winning the event?
If ribbongirl won, would she be the robot instead?

They've been using Springtron to observe and collect battle data and weaknesses of all the fighters

Oops, forgot to drop the name.

What is Robo Ky, Evil Ryu, Shadow Jago, etc.


You never heard of robotic versions of characters?

Naw because Springtron has been a thing since before that event.

Dead game.

Is he any different from regular Spring Man?

Wonder if that hand on the bottom right will be a hint towards the next playable fighter?

This is hardly new for fighting games nintenbro.


You know you could be right.

Those long fingernails implies that it's a women fighter to be added potentially.

Wonder who it could be.

Minin's weakness is getting wet

I feel tempted to make an innuendo about Soggy Noodles.

>shtting on Nintendo

>stuck at rank 16
>cant beat anyone the same rank or higher
>can only get wins against rank 15s and lower
How do I git gud?


Pretty great 3D fighter. Sup Forums hates it because it is a Nintendo product.

Its pretty fun, it removes the need to learn moves and combos and makes it easy to pick up and play, but the mindgames are still there. Since its a fighter, it wont have the same addictive hook of splatoon.

Sup Forums doesn't hate it, what are you on about? It just doesn't catch a lot of discussion because it's too complicated for casuals and too simple for fgcfags so it doesn't really have a huge audience.

Wait, do you have to beat him to unlock him or is he just there?

The Final Solution.

Is noodle an innuendo for penis?

So what does Springtron do? Is he a Springman clone with like, one different thing, or does he vary considerably?

He has the same no-fun-allowed deflect as Springman but also shoots out a massive AoE deflect that disables arms if they attack when he fully charges

Instead of getting perma-charged arms when below 25% health, he has a special parry that breaks all arms being launched at him.

everything thats nintnedo is a meme game according to Sup Forums
why would you even ask that

Wow just a worse version of the piece of shit main character

yeah that sounds exactly like something he'd be


>tfw no springbot fangirl gf

>TFW you miss a slamdunk
I was not aware you could miss the 2 pointers.

No, Sup Forums hates it because it's boring, and has two characters that avoid the basic rules put in place by the game.

But sure, Nintendo can do no wrong, Nintendo just gets undeserved hate!!!

What, you mean helix and lola?

Worse as in more difficult to deal with or worse as in less good?


>that mask
>"master plan"

Would you say that getting caught was part of their plan?

darn beat me to it

Not him but springbot is actually pretty cool, he doesn't operate exactly like regular springman. Hard to git gud with though.

His colours are so Mortal Kombat, that it works.
What I'm saying is.
He is a Red character.


I’m not mad because “clone character”

I’m mad because of the fact that it’s basically a broken Springman, and it will be more cancerous to play against than a camper Helix
>”Are you trying to punch me? Too bad I’m going to spam my Dash Deflect!”.
>”I keep spamming my deflect, so you won’t be able to punch me, luckily for me I still can hit you when you expect it the least”.
>”I’m going to time you up by spamming my Dash Deflect”.
>”Look, I’m not dashing anymore, just charging. Ha now your ARMS are disabled, free punches for me!”.

Just make the Deflect unable to cancel grabs, so there could be an actually good option when this happens, and the players won’t be encouraged to spam them

hol up

Spring Bot
Ribbon Bot
Master Mumbot
Kid Cobot
Bite and Bark
Max Bot
Lola Bot

headlocks body confirmed


>Spring-Man bobs up and down, glacing around on the character select
>Spring-Tron stands damn near still and carefully glances around, analyzing

>Springman does his victory backflip and lands somewhat softly, then pumps his fist
>Springtron does his victory backflip and lands forcefully before just glaring at you

he's got the same little deflect Springman and Max have, but if he does a full charge it's a much bigger blast

hitting it disables the arm(s) you attacked with

Lazy names you got there.

>Spring Bot
>Rivet Girl
>Metal Mummy
>Cc (Cc is a computer term that refers to carbon copy)
>Chip Cobra
>Byte & Barq
>Max Board
>LOL A. pop

>Reading Biff's little pre-fight blurbs
>"Fight 4- Praise be unto ARMS Labs, for they are the divine light that shines upon us all"
Lol wut
>"Yeah these guys have been all over trying to figure out the weaknesses of everyone. Doing lots of illegal shady shit. Heh. Funny. Alright, let's fight!"

Dude, what the fuck goes on in ARMS Labs? What the hell did they do to Biff?

No Permacharge at 25%
Same charge+dash reflect
Full charge sends out a shockwave that disables ARMS currently in the air

I've also noticed that Springtron holds a much longer charge after his big shockwave, and I think that he moves faster, too.

It's not just longer, it's permacharged like when Spring or Brass reach 25% health

>Biff going into full "Do Not Touch the Killer Robot" mode
>mfw either this child is going to die or we're going to have some Iron Giant moments.

And the bot even has the courtesy to glow with villainous red energy when he's charged up like that.

You got a screenshot of that?

>Max hanging out in the background
That niggas knows something we don't.

Anyone else thing that we're going to eventually get a Story Mode update down the line?

He doesn't say that exactly, but he says something like

>Fight 4- Little Closer to glory for ARMS Labs!
>Some researchers were caught sneaking onto Twintelle's set in an attempt to find her weakness
>But after getting caught, they were cast as extras!
>They said "the catoring was really good"... good reporting guys. Okay, time to fight!

>ARMS Labs wants to be hardcore but its publisher won't let it

Does springtron have any actual differences or is he a literal clone character

Don't forget about your announcer, GIF.

What are the weaknesses of my Husband?

They need to give us some heels to fight. That's the one character personality type I want most now.

Everyone has either neutral or positive reasons to enter the ARMS Tournament. What I want are some guys to root against. Springtron is okay, but I want some real bad guys. A villainess, a bruiser, and some charismatic mastermind.

Probably some small stat differences. Instead of permacharge at 25% health he can hold his charge to release an emp and temporarily gain the effect instead

Springtron is slower, does not have below 25% health perma charge combat status, but gets the ability to overcharge himself and let an EMP pulse against weapons in mid-punch and for a good chunk of time or until knocked down.
It’s similar to max brass where he becomes super fast and perma charged arms (max brass does get a bit faster, but his thing is get super armour instead).

too expensive for what it is.

He's the same in every way, except now if he holds a charge, he'll let out his EMP that will disable whatever arm hits him during the animation. Sounds broken, but only a scrub is gonna throw a punch if they see him just holding his charge.

Something else I noticed is that he gets a permacharge for a short while after doing this. I don't know if he gets the 25% health permacharge.

He does not get a 25% Permacharge, the tradeoff to making your own Pseudo-Permacharge is losing SpringMan's

I need a machine variant of Bark and Byte

Byte and Barq

>it's actually just a normal guy and his dog

If Springtron's arcade mode ending is anything to go by, we'll probably be getting a heel next.

Also, they'll probably need some kind of villain characters if they intend to go through with their graphic novel to come out next year.

ARMS Lab don't sound particularly like good guys.

What does ARMS stand for?

Wolud he even have ARMS?

>heel character will literally have High-heels if those stylish fingernails are anything to go by


That's the fun part, the leash is the spring for the ARMS because he'll be a Mexican slum fighter and instead of ARMS they're fake pitbulls with ARMS attached to them.

Yeah, the Dr. seems to be ARMS main villainess

do you think springtron has a robodick? and if so do you think it vibrates?

Ask Ribbongirl.


>springman gets cucked by his robot clone

>you train your whole life to become the best ARMS fighter
>all your dedication and determination immediately pays off
>you see crowds of people wearing your name
>you seem to be ARMS biggest star, practically the face of the ARMS Fighting League itself
>but in a moments notice, all of it seems to be taken away
>taken by a robot with your face
>a robot designed to be you but better in every aspect
>without any training or preparation, it can beat opponents faster than you ever could
>you see all your previous fans wearing the name of it instead of yours
>you train all your life only for a piece of metal to take your spot in the long run
>your whole life, career, and passion
>to a soulless yet superior metal husk of yourself

>SpringRibbon plebian
>Not being part of the SpringPop master race.

>has two characters that avoid the basic rules

im guessing don't have arms....

I do, but I'm not sure what characters you refer and what "rules" they "break"

I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this, but Springtron’s ARMS can get disabled really easily, even moreso that springman’s.
He’s more defensive honestly, I still think OG spring still edges him out since it’s easy to counter his EMP charge, but since he’s a spring clone he’s good anyways

Why have they not nerfed Spring’s reflect ability yet? It’s so damn easy to exploit with Max, Spring and now Tron, it’s too fucking strong.