Don’t mind me, just posting the best Demon’s Souls armor

Don’t mind me, just posting the best Demon’s Souls armor.

What the fuck is that thing on his helmet?

>don't mind me, just welding a big target to my helmet that will snap my neck if anybody hits it

Bascinets, when? Armet fags need not apply.

*laughs suspiciously*

you're so fucking wrong

OP here, I posted the wrong image, sorry about that guys.

I don’t know but it looks cool
>wanting to look like Yurt
More like Dirt

It's 2017 and there still isn't an armor set for Penetrator.

>fighting giant monsters and demons
>this is your point of view

Lots of designs in DeS are trashy, but at least it gave us the GOAT

git gud

Who /genuinely rating messages regularly to spread as much joy as possible before the servers shut off/ here?

It's not like the monsters are small and hard to hit.

>cant even see
>huge heavy [IM HERE] sign over the head
you misspelt "worst"

More like you can barely see what's coming at you to block or dodge, also your hearing is muffled and you have no peripheral vision.

Two big shoulders>one big shoulder

All these people are just hatin'. His fin helmet has a tiny cross in it which makes it 1000% effective against demons.

quit reminding me the game is going to die in 3 months and be replaced by a shitty remaster that's probably in Dark Souls 3's engine


I can tell you don't play fighting games, for you know nothing of yomi.

Mildras armor looks good when it isn’t on a land whale.


good riddance.
Every company with a hint of sanity would shut down the servers of a game thats populated by

Thank you for posting this. I would have totally forgot.

So Atlus decided to shut down the western servers afterall?

yes most likely because a remaster is being made that will ruin everything great about the original.

if it doesn't have item burden I'll be mad

>good to see you again user, it's been a while!
>I've been keeping the candles lit, praise me!
>is everything alright?

There isn’t going to be a remaster. Where do people get these ideas?

>mfw no MiB gf

so last month was the last ever return to the nexus... damn...

The fact that DeS is shutting down worldwide, coordinated between Atlus and Sony, implies some deal was reached in terms of IP.

>tfw no maiden in black gf

And this equates to a Demon’s remaster?

If they remastered Demon's Souls, would you want the 6th archstone or not?

What if it's shit?

*blocks your path*

>Demon's Souls gets emulated on PC with higher resolution and better framerate
>original game is now getting it's online shut down
Is there any reason to play the original version of Demon's Souls once it happens? I certainly can't think of any.

It depends on who makes it. I doubt Miyazaki and co are going to go back to it

The same reason the emulated version is always inferior.

The game was designed to run on a console. The textures, the frame rate, the mechanics were all designed with a console in mind.

The emulated version is not the artistic work, it is a copy that is inferior as it lacks the intended universal aesthetics on PS3.

The anti-aliasing looks nice, though.

You might have had a point until
>The emulated version is not the artistic work

The 60fps bugs that plagued DaS1, DaS2, and presumably DeS were (and in some cases, still are) fucking horrid, no doubt, but saying that DeS shouldn't be patched to run better than it ever could on consoles just because it's not the artist's vision" is fucking pants-on-head retarded.

It "looks nice" but that's not how it's intended. There's a kind of blur to DeS' look, and a kind of storytale type art design. It's not supposed to look super realistic at all. It's supposed to reference Classic Europe.

Dull gold is the best suck my dick

Sony cucks are so stupid they are actually thinking they want remasters now instead of a sequel or just playing the original.

Hey chump

Why does he have a face on the back of his helmet

>but saying that DeS shouldn't be patched to run better than it ever could on consoles just because it's not the artist's vision" is fucking pants-on-head retarded.
"Patch" is different from emulation.

I wonder if you can rig up some P2P servers for DS on PC
like when I played pirated Diablo II with some friends

it just won't feel right...

This has been my favorite armor of all Souls games

Only if the original team was on it and even then it's really shaky because their mentality has probably changed a lot since its development.

I've been rating every message I've come across for 3 years.

Well, I don't see the patch for 60fps and 1080p graphics being available on the console version. Seems like only the emulated version is in line the patches that'll make the game better than it was before, bub.
Odd how that is, eh. It's almost as if DeS being emulate-able is connected to the development of fan performance patches for said emulated version. Don't worry, maybe you'll get some scraps in a jury-rigged CFW-only hackjob 20 years down the line or, y'know, NEVER EVER.

I'm in trouble, please recommend this Message

If it has the same unlocked frames problem that Dark Souls has with DSFix then there's plenty of reason to skip out on it
>"Hey guys here's 60fps that looks alot better but also makes half the game extra slippery and also dont slide down ladders because you fall through worlds"
>"Oh and sometimes enemies just kinda die because they fall through the world"
I can understand fixing horrendous areas like Blighttown and Dragon butt lava land, but a game made for 30fps is supposed to stay at 30fps

Remaster soon, so who cares.

>Remaster soon
Just like the DaS1 remaster we were going to get with the release of the new consoles that never happened? Or the Dark Souls 2 re-release with the original lighting engine we never got?

At best, what we'll get is a SotF-style hackjob that butchers DeS more than any emulated copy ever would. Even then though, I give it maybe a

>no item burden, no more planning ahead before zones
>bonfires added and spread throughout zones
>every zone is now connected in a straight line, no more choosing your order
>rolls have 60 iframes and are indistinguishable from each other
>builds are watered down and pvp arenas are added
>you lose 10% hp max in soul form, no cling ring
>no other punishment for dying
>damage types matter less, slashing in Stonefang is just as effective as piercing
>you fast roll in Fluted armor from the start
Can't wait for all this QoL

item burden is retarded
>planning ahead
you mean depositing everything?

Some people don't have i7s

>>damage types matter less, slashing in Stonefang is just as effective as piercing
I would actually fucking riot

Only taking what's absolutely necessary and not being able to overstock on weapons and items.
Makes it feel more like an adventure. Not a single good fantasy story has the MC carry enough gear to equip an army with.

>Not a single good fantasy story has the MC carry enough gear to equip an army with.
Ah, no true Scotsman story you mean, right user?

ps4 remaster incoming?

>want to play DeS one last time
>remember I already used all my char slots because we only fucking had four or some shit
>already forgot my old JAP and EU PSN accounts and dont wanna make new ones

Oh well