Hey Sup Forums rate my new setup

Hey Sup Forums rate my new setup

Real terror/10

you are going to die

well I guess if it happened in your sleep it could be a pretty peaceful way to go

is this the battlestation thread?

can’t wait for this shit to fall on your face

>Playstation 4 and Playstation 4 Pro both taking up premium console spot real estate while 4 consoles sit in the shit corner
What the fuck even. You could fit one of the xbox's or the Wii and Dreamcast and just leave the standard PS4 in storage.

i move a lot of things around. it used to have the xbox and dreamcast on there

It would hurt but you wouldnt fucking die, retards.

Why is the standard PS4 even out when you have a pro?

The fucking flat screen of Damocles

thats a testkit for testing shit for exploits
it gets more use than the pro honestly

That's a heavy TV falling directly onto your skull. Death is a real possibility.



Ok fine go kill yourself.

>not having the reaction time to move out of the way from all bideo games over the years

I hope something crushes your skull

Holy cable management, Batman

i just added a third monitor and 3 more hdmi cables
theyre all labeled now as well

>not knowing how electrocution works

Battlestation thread?

>all these anons with a nice house
Thanks for making my void inside grow stronger

jesus fuck have sex

But I have had sex!

Why to people have their TVs this high?

It would be extremely painful

my chair reclines


>left shoulder to zoom in

no h8 :(

>dying from 120 volts
Apparently you don't know how electrocution works either.

is spending about $1000 to build a gay man pc really worth it, Sup Forums?

Is that a futon bed? Can't tell.

why is some gross pajeet demon on your wall

do you like video games or are you a normalfag who plays for an hour after work


Respectable aside from the keyboard.

throw it away

It's not the volts that kill you, its your muscles tensing up that does.


>Thinking volts kill you
Neither do you, retard

What size? Coil or foam? How do you like it? I only ask because I need a bed soon and I was thinking about picking one of these up.

I spend every waking moment on an old potato like the neet loser that I am.



It only takes 100 volts to fibrillate your heart.

I'd recommend a real bed but if you have limited space and want something that doubles as can also be a couch they're alright. The mattress that came with it wasn't very comfy but I had a old thicker futon mattress from a old futon bunk bed I had like 12 years ago.

You guys do a lot of decorating

I would be afraid of the tv falling on me.
I just use a laptop if I am in bed. Just set my bed to raise the head rest in the proper position so I can comfortably read or view my laptop. I am thinking about getting an adjustable laptop arm tray to hold my laptop.

>he can't hit the QTE



how much was the PVM?

He's a dumb guy.

What are the best $100-$200 speakers on the market? I already have a stereo receiver.

>owning 12 joycons


just upgrade those speakers/porta pros and we're best friends

I think just under $100.

how do i always find these threads? i started playing rocket league when the last one was deleted, play for an hour or two i suppose and come back and one of the first threads i visit turns into one.

Sup Forums is full of normies

Are you looking for surround or a 2-speaker setup?


2 speaker

>brick interior wall
Is that a crawlspace user?
I miss those threads


nice crt.
what model?

is that puyo puyo tetris? if so, good taste

>dat neo geo cdz
will you be my friend?


Looks good aside from the Nintendo shit. Why do you live in Japan?

I can do surround sound but I'm not really interested in it.


If mounted right, comfy/10.
If mounted incorrectly, takemetothehospital//10

>Dr. K
what alignment is he?

I like this, more of an office like atmosphere. Cool desk too, is it from ikea?

lol what a fucking loser

ayy lmao

i also have the promo insert from gamestop on the side

op giving a new meaning to dying in your sleep

That's a electric fire hazard just waiting to happen!

My brother in arms.

I just bought 7 boxes of Gunpla in Japan.1 of them is a Sazabi Ver ka .

*bumps your table*


depends, can you drive to Nebraska and will you bring snacks? i got drinks covered since i refurbished a cappuccino machine.

>mounting a 32 inch about your 24 inch

ayy lemow indeed

With a girl (female)?

for you

is your neck okay?

not much of a weab. but this looks really comfy.

Yea. To be fair it's been awhile.

then you probably have taste and can get by with a 400 usd build

What the fuck is that tiny pyramid on the shrine beneath the desk?

>poor college student
>Nice TV

>Why do you live in Japan?
I don't

Hey look another retard
It's the amperage that gets you

Sword of Damocles.

Heavy is the crown, but great is the power.

I don't get why some people would buy two monitors for their computer. Then again I'm using my T.V. as a monitor too, so I guess I shouldn't judge.

Thanks. They're actually table tops on filing cabinets, not a desk really. The tops and the right cabinet are Ikea. The tops are holding up surprisingly well, since they're designed for kitchen and dining area. Also larger area 30" depth.

What's the Japanese Saturn for?

are people really this dumb

You're lucky you have your own room fucker