This is your tank for today's game! Mako "Roadhog" Rutledge!
Say something nice about him.
This is your tank for today's game! Mako "Roadhog" Rutledge!
Peace be upon you.
Handsome boy.
if 2 all faggots in this thread die
>Mako Rutledge
The fuck kind of name is that
Anyone got more Roadhog pics?
I want to be pinned under that belly.
Junk is infinitely hotter than that fatty
He's not a tank though. He's a high health defense character. He just feeds my ult as Tracer.
>high health
thats a tank lad
Nah, a tank's job is to protect the team from taking damage. I.e Rein's shield/Orisa shield/Zarya shield/Winston shield. Defensive heroes deny the enemy team from certain areas. I.e Roadhog's hook and his ult made for knocking people OUT of an area.
so close yet so far
He's going to have an official unmasked skin and so many people are going to be disappointed
He has a cute tattoo
Why doesn't he have an Australian accent like Junkrat?
roadhog is CUTE!