just bought this, any underrated games i should know of?
Just bought this, any underrated games i should know of?
Other urls found in this thread:
Should have purchased a PC
Halo MCC, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 3, and Rare Replay are essential Xbone games, but not underrated.
Sunset Overdrive one of the best games on the console and is very underrated.
It doesn't have any good games, sorry.
i wanna play games not spread sheets
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Motorsport 7
RARE Replay
Quantum Break
Sunset Overdrive
General conesus from this thread- XB1's best games are an energy drink hot topic game, racing bullshit, Halo 1-3 and some N64 games.
halo.. and, forza, I guess
You got in on the $170 deal? Nice one.
Get the gears games
Sunset overdrive
Quantum break
Rare replay
Super luckys tale
And if you missed out on last gen
Lost odyssey
Blue dragon
Red dead redemption
Gta 4
Ninja gaiden (OG Xbox)
Fusion frenzy is the best party game ever made too
Also sign up to be a dev on the Xbox so you can access the dev mode as it's currently free. You can enukste snes, n64, psx, psp, dreamcast, gba and some other emus that have slipped my mind. Enjoy!
Emulate *
Fuck knows how it auto corrected to some gibberish
If you got that free trial of game pass with it check that out. It has a bunch of old and new exclusives and you can download them instead of streaming.
The Xbones strength is that is has a huge library of multiplats and indies, and backward comptaibility. It does everything well. The free monthly games for Gold are often good too, unlike PS4. Don't expect many great exclusives though, as you can see from this thread.
Protip: plug in a usb keyboard for netflix/jewtube
Then you should have bought a PC not a $300 Netflix machine
Ori and Cuphead. Sunset Overdrive's gameplay is great. ReCore is also alright.
He said he didn't want a PC holy fuck. It's less than 200 dollarydoos for a cheap xbone now
Halo Master Chief Collection
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Motorsport 6
Cuphead (also runs on nearly every PC)
Rare Replay
There. Those are literally the only games
you don't know how much he wasted on it
i don't even know why he made this thread, you can probably count the number of actual xbone exclusives on one hand so it isn't difficult to look up
>11 games total suggested in this thread
>most are trash
So this is the power....of microsoft
Why are you so assblasted he bought an Xbox with this own money out of his own will? Grow up you pathetic manchild. He asked for some underrated games which can be applied to a broad range of 1st and 3rd party and not to be judged by asshurt fanboys like you.
Off yourself.
Pre order Scalebound!
Its a nice console if you've got a big library of 360 games like I do but the exclusives are horrid. Forza and Halo have both been run into the ground and Forza Horizon is on its way to being run into the ground with hi annual cash in sequels.
But for the moment I'd recommend Quantum Break and Horizon 2. If you haven't played any classic 360 titles you could check out Alan Wake and some other BC stuff. Rare Replay was fun for some Blast Corps nostalgia.
I'm not even mad as you, I'm not whipping out buzzwords attacking people and telling them to kill themselves
this thread was uneccesary, that's my point
if he's able to get value out of his console then great, and brings up a great point
how old are you?
>asks opinion on underrated games
How old are you?
I already said there's hardly any games to look into so I don't really get what point you're trying to make with the first thing
I'm going to assume you're either a manchild yourself that is way too old to be on here or underage because you decided to answer my question with question
Anything Insomniac produces is 8/10 minimum
>getting this mad
Tell me again how you own this board and control the threads people make even if it's for genuine reasons like OP asking for some games he might not know about?
why are people assuming OP wanted exclusives?
People who can't stand another person buying an Xbox. It makes them seeth. It's pretty funny actually.
most of Sup Forums only think consoles are worth buying for exclusives because they don't want to admit they're too dumb to build and use a PC
Ninja Gaiden Black