what are your hopes for Resident Evil 8?
What are your hopes for Resident Evil 8?
Jill, Barry, Chris as MC
Not a FPS
more than one campaign
I firmly believe Jill will be a MC in the next game. maybe Jill and Barry
Jill/Leon. Could be interesting since they've never been in anything together.
Not an fps.
After REVII and my 6 playthroughs of it, I can comfortably say the following.
I'm hoping for another stab at the infected city bit RE2 and RE3 did. Try a more modern take ona police station and add additional areas, make it similar to RE2 but don't rip it off wholesale. Also, have an actual fucking lab and final boss this time, as well as varied creatures and mutations. Imagine if the mold got to animals and the Zoo got infected, like in Outbreak File #2, so when you go around, you'll see molded dogs and shit.
>REmake 2
I want it to be fixed camera angles, but first person is fine, so long as it's low on scripted events unlike VII. Add in the missing content from 1.5 and make callbacks to Elza, like maybe giving her an extra mode that shows her escape.
Leon and Steve in one campaign. Piers and someone else in the other. I just want to see Leon and Steve team up
steves dead
pretty much this. and If it isn't going to be classic RE then have it play like RE4 with some of the improvements they added in 5 or 6 where you can move and aim at the same time.
so is Piers. kinda makes me wonder if he even played the games.
RE7 gameplay taking place in Tokyo after an outbreak. Basically RE: Survivor but done better.
Also a Mercenaries mode. Would also be a neat idea if the Mercenaries mode had areas from other games, like Spencer Mansion from RE1 or Salazar's Castle from RE4, each map accompanied with enemies from their respective games.
piers isnt confirmed dead tho
I know they're dead, but I actually like Piers and I like the idea of Leon and Steve teaming up. That, and Wesker brought up the idea of reviving Steve and it's possible Piers could've survived, albeit barely.
Why not just remake Gun Survivor in RE Engine? That'd be preferable, especially since it's one of the more important games in the series, showing Umbrella's biggest loss and basically the end of their BOW production completely with the exception of a boat and that facility in Umbrella Chronicles
You're right he was only inside an exploding laboratory at the bottom of the ocean while infected with the C-Virus. But yeah he could have survived all that.
He was a high ranking BSAA soldier ready to replace Chris and he got electrical powers. He was also at the part of the facility with the escape pod shit, it's not a stretch to say he found a way out (I mean, Wesker managed to talk to Red Queen, search through files and kill Lisa before the mansion exploded, in addition to having to backtrack through every area)
Its not about if he could have survived, it's if he wanted to. Chris tried to get him into the pod but he stayed behind because he was a mutated monster. Piers accepted his death.
Now that doesn't mean Rev3 couldn't take place before RE5 but honestly I'd rather they not constantly go back to the prequel well all the time.
I've stopped playing new entries to the series after 4. I'm looking forward to REmake 2 though.
>I'd rather they not constantly go back to the prequel well all the time.
Revelations games are prequels. They've always been prequels to last mainline title and CG film
Weaker got smashed by a bolder inside a volcano and still lived. The games haven t remotely tried being realistic since 0 and CV.
Too bad theyre going to make it a fps action shooter with arrows telling you exactly where to go throughout the game
>Weaker got smashed by a bolder inside a volcano and still lived.
Did you play 5? It was a lot more gruesome than that. He was sitting in lava while his head got decapitated by two rockets.
Makes total sense to make it like the FPS one, even though only reason they are doing this remake is because the HD remasters of REmake and 0 sold so well. But yeah totally gonna be based on the least Resident Evil game in the franchise.
Only played through it once. Haven't touched a new RE since.
>remasters of REmake and 0 sold so well
This is precisely why it does NOT make sense to make it fps.
Heh I was worried for a moment
it was actually sarcasm but I couldn't find one for that.
What do you want from the REmake? Do you think it is just in development hell why have we not heard anything about it in over2 years?
I'm a jillfag myself but Claire is a close second. This is blasphemous to some but I think Rebecca is much cuter with longer hair.
Resi 4 gameplay for resi 8. Tank gameplay for resi 2 remake.
Resi 7 was fun and a nice change of pace, but I honestly wouldn't want to play it again.
As for resi 8 I just want scarce ammo and good level design. All of the campaigns in 6 had absolutely god awful levels. The boss fights were tedious, the AI was bad and the scenarios were too scripted. Just let me play the game without too much scripted walking segment bullshit or QTEs. Also, bring back mercenaries.
I can guarentee capcom would pull some doctor who level bullshit and bring him back.
"What. Oh wow. He survived somehow and regenerated."
If Piers survived he's a fucked up mutant sitting at the bottom of the ocean.
I'm fine with that. Biohazard the Stage made me care about him enough to accept that possibility
>scenarios were too scripted
Couldn't agree more, it killed the gameplay pacing constantly. Also having camera control taken away from you frequently, especially when enemies were around, was straight up infuriating.
>you wanna shoot the zambie?
>too bad, look at this explosion while your character gets chomped off screen
all girls are cuter with longer hair
I agree but I caught a lot of slack in one of these very threads on Sup Forums for saying such a thing.
Julia Voth, not blond, bob cut Jill