>game takes place in New York City
>everyone is wearing business suits
Game takes place in New York City
>game takes place in Italy
>everyone is part of the mob
fugget about it
Is NY a good place to live? It always looks fun as fuck in movies.
the key part is "in movies"
to live? no. to be a tourist? yes
t. nyc resident for 25 years
>game takes place in Japan
>new york level
>pizza music starts playing
It's nice but pricey as fuck. If you don't mind living in a tiny little one bedroom place you'll like it.
It depends where exactly you're talking about though. Don't live in Manhattan. I'm assuming that's what you mean by "NY" since that's where every movie is.
Live somewhere cheaper, like Queens or Brooklyn.
>game takes place in vietnam
there it is
new york is fun for a weekend or if you're are obscenely rich and can live high enough above the noise.
I dunno I watch stuff like Kekkai Sensen and it makes living in the city seem so much fun but I actually live her and it isn't fun at all what am I doing wrong?
You don't live in an anime, any movie or any tv series, that's what
probably not rich or no friends
Oh yeah both
>game takes place in new york
>times square isn't wall to wall people
>subways aren't hot as balls
>when you take the train you dont have to transfer 18 times
>it doesn't take you 6 tries to flag down a cab
>there's aren't signs every 10 feet for no parking, one way, no stopping, no standing, anywhere, any time except commercial vehicles sometimes on tuesdays at 4am to 6pm and every third wednesday
>game takes place in a metropolis
>it is fun
>go or live in actual metropolis
>shit sucks
>Don't live in the center, live in the fucking bronx
>going to times square
>living in a shitty part of the city where the subways are 100 years old
>being a soyboy who's too afraid to walk in the middle of the road with your arm up to hail a cab
>owning a car while living in new york
>living in a shitty part of the city where the subways are 100 years old
literally the entire city
>owning a car while living in new york
you need a car in staten island and probably queens too
haha, epic :)
Where do these shitty artifacted images with some retarded comment added to the bottom in black arial on white originate
tried to look for the original but didn't find it.
nigger twitter
It has some perks but if you're not the son of a millionaire it's pretty awful. I got a friend who makes 55k a year, is married, has a child and still lives with his mom over here.
>55k a year
That's shit tier money for a big city life.
Everything is the niggers
ur both wrong and just thinking of mafia 2....
Yeah but in most of the country that would be decent money. A big reason why living here is awful. Fucking Jews really think their tiny plot of polluted land is worth millions.
mfw I made 48k just sitting on my ass with stocks last year
Unless you're rich as fuck no
Hell, even if you're rich there's better places to be
What I'm trying to say is that New York sucks
rent in NY is a fucking joke, you spend $1500 a month to live in a broom closet.
And you will be the first to kill himself if those stocks crash, kiddo.
Its like paying for brand name. You get half the property you would elsewhere for twice as much.
i lived in ny for a few years, broom closet apartments are actually pretty comfy. especially during winter.
but could you live in a room a quarter of that size for $375 a month?
good thing my parents have money then or I'd be out of luck
Or you can be not a retard and live not in the fucking center of the city if you are a poorfag, you know.
I live in a spacey big town, 2 hours away from a big city. Rather this than like some user said, being jewed for polluted piece of land where you lve in a fucking closet.
Yikes, and I thought Japan was bad. This makes Leopalace look like a castle.
>there are people on Sup Forums who literally live miles away from me
I bet there's at least one in your neighborhood. Maybe it's me.
Apparently it is worth that much, since people pay it.
It's either facebook or twitter. I don't care enough to investigate.
New York is a loud overpriced garbage heap continuously rotting in the worst part of North America, and polluting up all the surrounding areas with it's putrid stench. Don't believe the hype, no one who isn't from New York will ever tell you anything good about new york. I't a dirty smelly shithole full of gross unwashed unpleasant "people", that'd be better off used as as the whole of america's dumping ground.
>no one who isn't from New York
So essentially nobody important then?
>What's rent like in New York (obvious City because who gives a fuck about the rest of your shit state)
Nice contribution there, mouthbreather
fuck you you taxi fart sniffing city rat, I hope you faggots get 9/11ed again so I can have a decent comedy to watch this Christmas.
>tfw I pay 400€ and my flat is more beautiful and 15 times the size
when do you murricans learn? ny is a meme
>Be poorfag that can't afford rent in a trendy city
>omg why is rent in a popular place with all services and shit so expensive better complain about it
>live literally anywhere else in the other 4 boroughs for a fraction of the cost
>enjoy being literally a 30 minute subway stop away from city life
I will never understand why anyone would live in Manhattan.
Where is 30 mins away from manhattan? bronx or where?
I'd say Riverdale, Kingsbridge, Jackson Heights or Williamsburg, around those areas
I work in Flushing and it takes me like, 40 minutes.
Another quality post, retard
I live where the red circle is, it's about 38 minutes to get to 14th street on the L.
You probably also live in a place that got running water within the past two decades, so who cares?
I live in Richmond Hill near Kew Gardens and my total commute is also around 40-60 minutes
So just bait then, ok have your last (You)
Q train is best train
NY Sup Forums meetup when?
I hope all of you are cute gay guys
it is now, it fucking sucked balls until they opened the new stations. the entire yellow and green lines are fucking awful
t. nigga who has to take either one of those lines everywhere
Speaking of which I never see anyone playing a 3DS or Nintendo Switch in the train or bus, well 3DS on the bus on rare occasions.
What about you guys?
>number trains
so does LA and its complete fucking garbage unless youre very very rich
I've seen one asian play it when it first came out.
Since then, nothing. I think it would be a very easy fucking thing to steal compared to say, a phone which can be tracked.
new york is pretty cool for a while, and then it sucks. eventually i miss trees and just being able to go for a walk alone without a million fucks around 24/7
You know, I always look at threads like these and actually stay in them unlike the other video game threads because they are always cancer sony vs nintendo or some shit. I'm enjoying Sup Forums for everything but the vidya. Should I have figured this out earlier?
>live in nyc 27 years, broke as hell my whole life
>lived in all boroughs except staten island (who cares)
>spent plenty of time in the suburbs, know what
"im missing" outside the city
>still love every fucking inch of this hellhole
what am i doing wrong? i thought this place was supposed to be miserable
>Asian level
i see shit loads of people with DS's on the trains and buses, only seen 2 people outside with switch this year.
one was a 11-12 yr old black kid in the bodega the other day, the other was a 20-something year old dude bro, drunk as fuck, in another bodega sometime in early spring. he let me see zelda for a second, the graphics looked like they would've been better on my phone
>t. phillyfag
They seem to be where most of the fights are too
Sometimes you do, but more of the time you see people who come up with these long spiels that always build up to asking you for money, people telling you to worship Jesus or that they're gonna fuck you up if you look at them again even though they're like 60+ years old and drunk out of their minds, the occasional argument, or the occasional subway performer who uses the poles to dance around.
Now that we're on this topic, NY anons, what was the weirdest thing you've seen on the subway? For me it was probably a guy masturbating near a bunch of high school girls on the subway platform
>he lives in the Bronx
Its a depressing liberal hellhole
so many faggots it may as well be SF
I like the semi dystopian aesthetic
Queens > Manhattan > Brooklyn > Staten Island > Bronx
Prove me wrong
Went to NY for the weekend recently and saw a homeless woman roll up a blunt and step out between the cars to smoke
It's like Vice and Virtue visiting Heracles, you can have the nice, quiet, peaceful life that never changes in the suburbs, or you can have the stressful, arduous, exciting life that can potentially lead to great fame and glory in the big city, and you chose the latter like Heracles did
>People that don't know what they're talking about hate it and people who have experienced the city love it
Not a compelling argument my man
a grown-ass woman changing her own shitty diaper in plain view of dozens of people
I go to college in Manhattan and I once sat near 4 or 5 guys that started chopping up coke or something and snorting it. This was in the library where security guards regularly patrol
What happens when two italians meet?
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
kys third worlder