so is WoW done?
with the release of classic blizzard is basically admitting defeat to the current game right?
so is WoW done?
with the release of classic blizzard is basically admitting defeat to the current game right?
I like Panda women
>with the release of classic blizzard is basically admitting defeat to the current game right?
And how is that?
No? It didn't die with Arthas and Sargeras isn't dead, just imprisoned.
More like it's an excuse to go further with changing the game world.
Call me when they release "classic" wotlk servers or panda
>it's a wrathbaby episode
no but what is even the point of the next expac? sounds like there is no conflict worth fighting for.
is alliance vs horde thing again? whos the main bad guy? because i have no idea how they will top sargeras.
AvH is what it should be. Big bads are fucking tired and stupid.
Played since vanilla. Wotlk was the peak of WoW. No argument against that.
It's not just going to be Alliance v Horde you daft cunt. There's already talk of old gods.
>Hating multiple MB tanking spreadsheets
go back to stacking stam babby
How about the guys Sargeras was scared of.
N/Zoth or C'thun will be the "big bad".
it's an excuse for them to move forward from the traditional alliance/horde faction system but also keep it with Classic
I mean, there's always the thing that made Sargeras piss his pants and decide that destroying the universe was a better fate than letting them get their hands on it. The Void Lords.
Lots of hints that N'Zoth will be a major player in the later parts of this expansion, so we'll start hearing more about them most likely. I hope we don't kill N'Zoth yet, though. He's gotta corrupt Azeroth to finally do something interesting for the Old Gods.
Every wrathbaby says that, quit pretending baby
>muh heirlooms
>muh dungeon finder
>muh DK's
>muh raid gear tokens
>muh catch up mechanics
Given C'Thun's crib just got stabbed by a sword the size of the planet, I feel like he's going to be pretty pissed off.
Since this thread's gonna hit 400+ replies, I'm just gonna say that Legion is a good expansion. It was solid.
There's so much shit to do. Lots of dungeons and raids too. Just a lot of content.
DISCLAIMER: I played at the release of Legion to Jan 2017, and just resubbed this month.
Without a doubt old gods will pop up somewhere in the expac.
hope they build these VLs up though and not just dump them out of no where in this expac.
This. It's win/win.
>muh heirlooms
>caring about levelling
Baby needs a crutch because leveling is too difficult lmao
Off yourself retard
I actually love long drawn out leveling experiences. It makes me one with the world and makes each zone meaningful in some way to the development of my character.
No, just boring.
>so is WoW done?
Hopefully this stupid spectacle-creep storyline we've been on since BC is done. The narrative for our characters is utterly fucked now that we're essentially legendary hero demi-gods that have participated in the downfall of increasingly powerful enemies for a decade straight and just spent a bunch of time in outer space fucking up a titan.
I just want to be a skilled adventurer that like in a good D&D campaign can feel rewarded by defeating an evil sorcerer or a cave full of trolls, or uncovering the scheme of a villainous town mayor and putting an end to him and his cronies, or delving into a kobold cave and finding rare treasure. This shit where we have to fight literal gods in order to feel anything is a big ass red-flag.
>classic WoW
is going to be a pretty big hit and hopefully it strikes a chord with players and developers about the things that really make MMOs special, because queuing up for endless instances while sitting semi-afk in cities having as much interaction with your fellow players as people at a bus stop sure as shit isn't it.
Here's how it will go:
>hurrrrr..... horde and alliance fighting 'cause of some stupid shit the writers make up
>durrrrr.....horde loses something minor while alliance loses something big
>oh no, quen ashzara is taking advantage of our infighitng, we must band together!
>OH NO, it wuz really the old gods the whole time influcneing us to fight, we must kill da old gods mon
>OH NOES, It's the void lords tie-in prepatch to the next expansion!
I did the first five times too, but I have no desire to spend months getting to cap again.
AvH was supposed to be a big selling point for Cataclysm. I guess they're going to try to make a serious attempt at it this time.
agreed. i fucking cringed everytime they put in the title Champion when refering to your character. i dont give a shit about being the most important when everyone is getting the same damn treatment.
>AvH was supposed to be a big selling point for Cataclysm
haven't played wow in ages
what is that from? What happened to Sargeras?
Deathwing and the revamp of the world was the selling point of Cataclysm.
you mean mop, and it was what made mop an actually good expansion, (tfw i still dont find people giving any reason that mop is bad other than lol muhpanda) if bfa is anything like mop i am going to enjoy wow for the next 3 years.
I miss being called an adventurer.
>whenever everyone's super no one is... blah blah
The "you're the super special savior of the world!" storyline stuff never ever works in MMOs. You want the players to feel like they are progressing in power, but that they are always fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things to keep the world feeling dangerous and compelling. If you're the class-paragon god-killing bff of all your faction's leaders it's hard to really feel like the world has much left for you and you can't really go back to just being an adventurer.
MoP was a mighty solid expansion. The Daily shit was a bit too grindy and boring, as it was REQUIRED to get gear, which was made lame.
Other than that, it was fine. Good music, good world, added a cool new little twist and feel to WoW.
everyone just standing on a little ledge looking stupid, legion's writing and cutscenes have been unbearable shit
>muh authentic hardcore experience
>uses discord, 4k monitor, fiber optic internet, addons and wowhead
reminder WoW will share the same fate as runescape
where the original version consumes the current version
daily grind on release was boring , will grant that, but not an outright glaring shitty feature, especially when later on the daily content became much more story focused. i mean fuck me isle of thunder my god.
raid content was solid and i heard from my pvp friends that it was in the top 3 expansions for it.
Starcraft remastered didn't even consume SC2.
reminder that wow is a piece of shit after wotlk and the ending to wow legion should have been sargeras destroying azeroth the world of warcraft explodes ur character permanently dies gets automatically deleted you get big GAME OVER text on ur screen and cant log in anymore
What we really need is a reset of sorts, not "WoW 2.0" but an expansion like BfA where we just focus on faction shit, and then an expansion after that does another world revamp, cleans up all those out of date Cata quests, and maybe resets the character's power levels and focus so that we can get back to good story lines again.
Thankfully we will have Classic WoW around as a very easy way to point to things in it that work exceptionally well and say. "Hey Blizz, this is pretty much universally loved over here, any chance we could maybe make modern WoW have some of this feeling again?" Instead of now where everyone can justify all of these aggravating QoL features by saying "If they were bad ideas Blizzard wouldn't have added them in the first place."
so who's the final boss of legion? illidan?
No matter how many times you make these threads, even at wow's lowest sub numbers they absolutely stomp vanilla servers. People will get their vanilla fix, get bored and move on. That's the state of MMO's as a whole you moron, and no sacred little cow is going to change the current MMO dynamic. So in the end I'll stick to NEW bland content than boring content I played back in 2004. It was a chore then, it's a chore now on the private server I'm on now.
Problem is there is only a finite amount of Classic. Eventually people are going to run out of things to do and blizzard will be forced to either update or have it become a stagnant mess. I'll probably play both regardless unless they do something shitty like have two separate subscriptions.
Good, hopefully they figure out how to add more content to Vanilla WoW horizontal style where it doesn't ruin the current content in the game but keeps things fresh for people that honestly prefer that feeling of MMO over this modern stuff. People that want classic WoW to progress into BC and then Wrath are dumb as fuck and don't get it.
It's so funny to see you guys act big dick when someone throws a dime your way, then promptly get btfo when shit ends up falling apart.
argu's titan. the essence taken from that is then used to revitalise the other titans and they pull sargeras away
Yeah how dare those faggots wanna play the expansions that brought wow to the peak of success, those poor, ignorant fucks. *Tips fedora*
They even get the same gay events forced in!
I have literally never played an MMO ever and back when WoW was super popular, I was too busy fucking bitches
Would it be a good time now to get into classic when it launches?
Stolen from reddit but this pretty much confirms N’Zoth
Kung-fu Panda is the weirdest insult to give MoP because both of those were good despite how stupid it looked originally.
>get druid to 110
>catch up mechanic on overdrive
>still locked behind some sort of timegating for legion flying
>other then that theres fuck all to do if you dont have a raiding guild
B-but the forsaken fans told me that teldrassil is where n'zoth is and that YASS QUEEN was burning it to save the world!
So what exactly will happen to our artifact weapons that we're going back to leveling greens?
WotLK > Vanilla > WoD > TBC > Cataclysm > Legion > MoP
N'Zoth has been essentially confirmed for a while. They already said we're going to see Queen Azshara, and my guess is that the Alliance quests are going to reveal that the Kul'Tiras nobles are secretly Old God cultists. That's what the siege of whatever dungeon is going to be.
its goofy, i will grant that, but implying wow hasn't been an optimistic over the top cartoony fantasy since at least warcraft 3 (and argueably beforehand) is just outright delusional (generalising for the critics, not you)
>reddit screencap
The possibility of getting a divergent classic WoW that builds on that formula with the possibility of new content is infinitely more exciting and interesting than having blizzard roll out expansion servers that just repeat the same mistakes over again that further divide the playerbase. If we can have both, then sure w/e, people can go play w/e expansion they want. But given the choice or one or the other one is clearly better.
this is seriously some of the stupidest and somehow most boring retcons i’ve ever seen
>implying the Night Elves didn't start the fire to keep the Horde from getting the Azerite that's leaking through the tree
It makes the most sense since it neither paints the Horde players as completely horrible while also still justifying the Alliance retaliating.
Sure, better than picking up any of the current crop of modern MMOs, WoW included.
i know this is bait but.. w/e
We’ll probably have to give up our weapons to “heal” Azeroth’s wound from Sargeras’s sword
God i hope so. Imagine a WoW 2 or something. Maybe in a few more generations of people, when all the wow players are dead, they could launch a sequel.
Wotlk>Vanilla>TBC>MoP>What WoD could have been>Cata>Legion>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WoD
user, i dont know how to tell you this but..plot progression is not a retcon, regardless of whether its retarded or not.
when does Starcraft cross over with Void Portals so the Protoss and Eredar can be reunited
tranny animefurfaggot detected. KILL YOURSELF PLZ. wow died cause of fags like you who reject badass elements of genocide and war
WotLK > Vanilla > WoD > TBC > Cataclysm > Legion > MoP
We already have WoW 2, it's current WoW. The difference when the turn on those Classic Servers is going to be night and day, they don't play anything alike.
WoW is never going to really die. Expansions will just stop being about huge over arching plots like the Old Gods and Legion, and focus more on smaller faction conflicts like MoP and WoD pre shitty legion addition.
>seriously implying blizzard even pays attention to geography like this when deciding on lore
>It didn't die with Arthas
I bet you really believe that too.
I think at this point its more of the class groups don't want you wasting the artifact weapons on stupid shit so they confiscate them from you.
>What ... could have been
get that retarded shit out of here, applies to wrath and cata just as much as wod
Those would probably be the case but I'm more concerned on how something like a highly refined Alliance zwei would be stronger than the Ashbringer.
badass elements of genocide and war?.. so what you are saying is mop is the best expansion? as it was the most pvp themed and had the most brutal mass killings from playable factions in wows history (the horde literally dropping a nuke for one, then genociding the trolls and pandaren)
am i being fucked with here? im probably being fucked with here.
MoP was meant to highlight the "badass" elements of genocide and war. Before the Horde and Alliance showing up the Pandas had some of the most peaceful and comfortable lives in all of Azeroth, but upon the outsiders invading their land local factions that were originally jokes became well trained and well equipped, ancient beings of anger and fear were reawakened, and their land was swallowed by a conflict that wasn't their own.
>ooh, Legion! There'll be lots of Demons then right? This sounds like a great expansion to be a Paladin in! I'll main Protadin!
My nigga, how to tell if someone ACTUALLY played MoP
I mean the expansion isn’t going to start right with old gods against us, so it would make sense that our characters wouldn’t need the artifact weapons anymore.
The healing Azeroth’s wound makes more sense, as it would allow us to “reset” and not end up fighting an opposing faction with the same artifact weapons.
so boring and so bad
>Pandas had some of the most peaceful and comfortable lives in all of Azeroth
pretty sure pandas were enslaved by mogu and mantids for thousands of years
Fucking retards defend Sylvanas. What did you expect?
B4 the world split and the pandaren went all isolated yes they were slaves to the mogu, as of the sundering all the way up to MoP they lead completely peaceful lives with a small group of elite having to hold off the occasional swarm of pesky mantid.
Through Worgen knot - Unity
i mean yes.. gods dealing with gods is a bit bland but still not sure how that makes it a retcon.
I'm pretty sure a good portion of Pandaren and Pandaria history would've been given to you anyway if you're working on Lorewalker, a lot of it is good shit if you bother listening to Cho and actually look around the areas instead of just following the HandyNotes.
While the quality may have gone down, the game isn't dead. Fucking GW2 isn't dead.
no, they admit defeat once the paywall goes away, they're still winning and can't wait for retards to pay $30/mo
reading chronicles is pretty handy too. has a much more neutral approach to the pandaren history, even references this one time that the mogu and lei shen march into uldum and are like "yo, 4 legged brothers give us your planetery nuke, im going to deal with these old gods myself" and then uldum became a desert when the tolvir set off a mininuke to defend themselves from the mogu, which is when leishen was fucked. god that was a good read.
At blizzcon they repeatedly talked about the cataclysm being a small part of the expansion. What they wanted to focus on, or purported rather, were the conflicts surrounding the event like what happened in the Barrens with Camp Taurajo. The cataclysm was supposed to change land masses in such a way that made invading places like Gilneas possible.