Which MOBA should I play bros?

Which MOBA should I play bros?


League progression just took a massive runny shit. It's time to abandon whatever ship you were thinking about hopping onto.

This. MOBA is probably the worse genre of gaming, I'd rather you play a VN instead OP.

battlerite is the only real MOBA

plz go on, I'm curious
I don't into league

just kern my T up senpai


the TDM mode in Smite

Hots for waifus,
Dota for husbandos.

Battlerite or Hots

DOTA 2 remains the game with the most available viable strategies and heroes.

Play nothing but ranked 1v1 in Smite

Dota is the only real game.
The others are merely cash grabs.

Dota is by far the best one, but that's not saying much. It can be a very stressful and the new player experience is particularly miserable.

Doesn't matter, they're all the same


I recommend pic related
Heroes of the Storm if you have friends to play with
alternatively don't play this shit ass genre



are you having a giggle mate

>someone actually thinks a fucking moba has a higher skill ceiling than quake
Nigger that’s a kek


>the new player experience is particularly miserable.

Honestly, it doesn't get much better. I have ~3k hours and still find myself playing more out of habit than any real sense of enjoyment. Dota is comfort food, it's like eating 3 pints of ice cream in that it's fun in the moment but will ultimately leave you feeling like shit.

I actually have a theory that the MOBA experience in general is so frustrating because of the lack of direct movement control. It leads to situations where no matter how fast you react, there's always a split second where you're helpless to actually do anything and have to just watch things play out.

>dota 2 harder than brood war or warcraft 3
(You) you massive faggot
And people consider wc3 a casual rts and bw to be a med one let that sink in
Also sc2 was never popular

Dota has the best resources for newnfags over any other game easily.

As someone who played all of the big 3

Dota2: If you want DEPTH in item builds, activatables, denying creeps and other mechanics. Biggest time investment in games.

HotS if you really like team fighting and straight action. Dont have to worry about laning that much or last hitting. Also has the most gimmicky champions, for better or for worse. Games dont take up that much time compared to the rest

League for something in between

>muh reaction
You're playing the wrong game bud, doter is about strategy and prediction and not getting caught in stupid situations to begin with.


This is probably the most accurate comparison to other mobas.

I'd personally go for League.

I'd say HoTS but they are butchering the game with Overwatch meme heroes (fuck hyper mobility) and catering to esports viewers to try and make it LoL 2.0.

Just go outside instead. Fuck this genre and fuck esports.


I haven't left my house in 7 months.

If you don't have friends to go in with skip the genre. Half the value these games have is in the teamwork and strategy, and without people willing to coordinate they are shitty cat-herding simulators.

>Dota being more popular than LoL
You fucking wish

If you new to moba, play Hots or Dota. In LoL there is almost to none new players, only smurfs. You will hate it. And also everyone is fucking toxic.

whatever MOBA your friends are playing

You're either blind or retarded. Or both.

No, just sad.

hots is not a moba you cucks it's a hero brawler



Whichever one has characters that interest you most

>Playing mobas in the year 2017
What's wrong with you?

I've never played a MOBA before but I keep hearing about the mechanics, can someone explain to me preferabbly in shooter/RPG terms what the point of the three lanes are and this jungle thing?

The point of the three lanes?
Think of it as flanking options.

Since there are teams of 6v6, normally 2 people take each "lane".
Of course, like any fucking RPG with a bad story all three lanes end up branching into one single point at the end.

There are 3 lanes which spawn waves of mobs called creeps, creeps push towards the enemy base along the lanes. You kill these creeps to gain experience and gold. Jungle creeps are basically neutral mobs which are an alternative source of experience and gold which allow for more potential experience and gold on the map to be farmed.

tldr they exist to push and kill the enemy base, but most of the time they exist to fund and fuel your power

you didn't explain anything retard, I played 4k hours of dota and your post confused even me

What moba is 6v6?
League, Dota, and Strife are 5v5

Basically, each lane has structures you defend, and waves of weak minions that march down them in parallel.

The point of the match is to make your way to the enemy base, by knocking down at least one lane of structures, and destroy the large structure in their base to win.

The jungle is the space between the lanes and provides, besides a way between them, additional sources of XP/Gold besides minions as well as buffs and optional objectives (Jungle bosses)


What are your thoughts on SMITE Sup Forums? I never hear anyone mention it seriously.

over the shoulder LoL

Dumb mechanics, but decent in short bursts

It's kind of dumb. Like there's an over the shoulder camera but mechanically it's still 2D. Everything has a gigantic hit box because nobody would be able to aim with the shitty camera angle otherwise.
Paragon is actually in 3 dimensions but every single change they've made this year is to ruin the game more than before.


smite is my most played game now.
why is hachiman such shit?


Hots because it is the least like a moba

What does Sup Forums think of this game?


It's a good thing I am physically unable to play Moba's.
Unless you're making some money off of playing pro, you're wasting your time.

You can either play Dota or you can play one of several dumbed down shitty knockoffs of Dota
It's really not even a choice

Battlerite is a great game but it's not an assfaggots and really shouldn't be compared with dotalikes
I play both for different reasons

It's essentially tower defense lanes. You have to help push the little creeps down the lanes through the towers into the base to win. So, the jungle is space in between that people can sneak around in to punish people when they push up the lanes. The idea is the further towards the enemy side you go, the safer they are and the more endangered you are.

Assfaggots is essentially a multiplayer action RPG where the progression is per-match with shooter kills/respawns/scoreboard.

It's essentially a gimmick version of LoL. Other than the camera and controls it's almost the exact same game, and I say it's a gimmick because the game isn't even actually functionally 3D.
Imagine LoL with twin-stick shooter controls instead of Diablo movement and targeting, then pan the camera down behind the characters' backs.

Now imagine it gets 10 times as many meme skins as LoL does

Dota if you want to sink your life in a game you'll never master, HotS if you jus twant to waste 20 minutes every day, League if you're retarded and want the worst of everything

The fact that this map is on the genre's wikipedia page pisses me off to no end because not only does it literally only apply to LoL and nothing else, the tier one towers are practically touching each other which makes no fucking sense

More proof that "moba" only defines LoL and shitty LoL clones

It honestly tickles me how much LoL assblasts people on Sup Forums

so factually false im surprised your internet service provider didn't instantly shut off your connection for just thinking about uploading this to other people's screens.

No seriously play it, I need some friends to play into :(

Why is CS 1.6 considered more skill based than CSGO? Legit question as I started with Source.

Rifling seems more consistent in GO than my very limited 1.6 experience and source. AWP is less consistent but still viable.

Why not make your own

>hard mode: make one that doesn't fill players with hate and frustration

Trying to make a game in this genre is fucking suicide, the fact that only the original two are the remaining relevant ones should tell you something

I fucking giggled

you guys member all those arenas on warcraft 3 battlenet?

Heroes of Newerth still more fun than any competitor

I'd actually play this if the UI didn't look like vomit.
Too bad I couldn't figure out modding

why did you deliberately kern this incorrectly?

None. Since good MOBA are either dead or inaccessible.

Every dead assfaggots is dead because it was shit.

I wish they'd stop dumbing down the game to try to appeal to disillusioned LoL babies and Dota people. All the changes they've been making are doing away with what made HoN so much better than the rest.
5.0 is supposedly coming out within the next few months, and they claim it's going to be one of the biggest updates for the game yet. Here's hoping they don't also casualize it to shit as well

>having to unlock heroes and stat buffs
that's called "removing restrictions"

>and Dota people
wasn't HoN literally Dota

right, it also has a higher skill floor

I mean, game skill is a little subjective (though you're still wrong) but that popularity chart is just bananas. What source did you pull from, your ass?

I think the Dota2 people. Dota 2 is a drastically different game from DotA.
HoN was more faithful

it's a bait pic

Which VN should I play bros?

>lol is not a dota game you niggers it's a moba

I think he means*

Battlerite is the only one where you actually control your movement with WASD and have to aim things. Every other moba feels like awful canned swing animations knock boots until the enemy dies horseshit.

>have watched thousands of hours of professional dota
>have only played 5 matches

They added new UIs for the game a year or so ago.

> having no self control: the post
stop playing dota 2 if you hate it so much faggot
kind of annoying to always have those guy with thousand of hours on dota just to shit on it, like wtf have some self control and stop playing it at the hundred of hours or even 10 hours of playtime you fucking idiot. You have no right to complains at that point.

> HotS

Stop this.

How? These games aren't fun to watch at all.

> Muh 27 gorillion (chinese) player

i enjoy being bored. I also like american football.
I actually have a favorite team and really enjoy seeing them win, despite them not doing so when it counts. Having a team to latch onto helps your enjoyment.