Here's your pizza

Here's your pizza.
It'll be $19.95 plus tip.

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>pizza (1).jpg
OP post pizza.jpg pls

Pineapple is the best topping.

spbp woah you go BIG GUY

mfw i never tip

Here's your first pizza.
It'll be $39.99 in total plus tip.

This but unironically

Communist pig

tipping is a scam and employers should just give better wages to servers

Kys but unironically

This. It's insane we have a legitamite threat of people spitting in your food and shit if you don't tip.

I would love restaurants to just have some electronic hub like fast food places where I can go and pick up my order.

Heres a tip
sell topping lootboxes, 20 cents for any possible topping

Is that Quentin Tarantino delivering Pizza?

Do people in the US actually tip?
How much should one tip?




amount you tip varies depending on who you are tipping. Like haircuts get tipped 30% and bus drivers 50%.restaurants is 20-25% 15% is lowballing if service was bad.and 10% for niggers and jews, anything less than that is insulting.

inb4 europoors bitch about America

>getting delivery
Y though

>went out for pizza today
>paid with card
>forgot to tell the guy to add tip
>no cash

>tipping a bus driver

Because of that retarded practice, in my country, where tipping is not a thing, the "tip" is included on the bill.

Also, what's with the 20% tipping thing? Why a percentage? They make the same work with every customer, regardless of how much they spend, they're not adding shit to the dish.

>tipping when picking pizza up

>he doesn't tip his bus driver

Do you want to get in an accident?


miss me with that shit

I never tip so employees will realise they will have to ask their boss for money
I'm doing this to help them, to help everyone, for the greater good
Never tip

This is the only tip you'll be getting, parasite.

We ate there.

The person most likely to die in any bus accident is the fucking driver

Its alright europoor, I'll double tip for you :^)

Isn't the person who cuts hair hired? If it's not hired it must be the owner of the fucking place, why tip them?

In fact, if you're tipping all services why don't you tip police agents, doctors, the people in call centers and such?

The rule of thumb is to tip 15% of your total unless the service was not up to par. Frankly I don't tip if I feel like the server didn't do much, but if they were on top of the refills and took care of me then I'll leave them a little something. Also depends on their attitude, if I have a server with a trashy attitude then I won't tip, but if they're at least friendly and hospitable than I'll tip.

I try to be fair, but sometimes it's hard if the servers don't care.

Yeah I don't get that either. Never tip more than 15% though. But yeah it doesn't make sense to tip someone 20 dollars more because my meal was more expensive even though it was the same exact amount of work.

I hope you only ever go to places once. If they see you again they will treat you like shit and possibly do illegal things to the product you purchase. It's insane.

Sometimes you don't know if it is serious talk or just memes and shitposting with americans.

okay nice


That's my pizza? You expect me to pay for that shit?

By the way, a haircut should cost 2 fucking bucks, that's what i pay for one, maybe 6 if it's a fancy place.

Not really, where i live the fuckers always leave unscathed and flee the scene.

where's my drink?

I'm not sure why or why we tip certain professions and not others, it is strange. Like hairdressers make most of their money on tips, and same for delivery drivers and servers. I know some delivery drivers were getting like $8-$10 an hour on top of tips.

>not tipping the cop that pulls you over

why is that white haired loli such a slut?


Join me for some vidya tonight, Sup Forums?

This is true, pineapple and onions in particular is the best topping combo

Who the fuck charges $20 for a pizza

>Like hairdressers make most of their money on tips
But don't you pay 50 fucking bucks for a fucking haircut?

Why did you open the box you fucking madman?

Maybe but think about it this way:
If you tip he will spend that bonus money on drugs and booze
If you don't tip he won't have money for such things
Think again next time before you tip

B-but someone cooked it for you and brought it your house. Of course you're expected to pay for it because of the labor, if you didn't want to pay for it then make your own pizza from scratch, though you'll still be paying for ingredients.

Yeah and if he doesn't get tips to support his family he's much more likely to kill us all.

Tip? Here'a a tip. Get a real job.

Actually, it's a bit more confusing than that at most places. Each of the barbers have to be individually licensed. They often rent their chair or some hours for the chair at their shops.

Whenever they give a haircut there, they get a cut of the money, but not all of it. They also have to pay their monthly chair rent. Tips really help them out.

What if i DID decide to tip all the services around me and i do intend to tip the cop without trying to bribe him, how does one achieve such a thing?

>Pizza is 10 dollars
>Topings are like a buck a piece
>Store adds 3 dollar delivery charge that doesn't go to anywhere but their greedy pockets (driver doesn't get it)
>Delivery guy expects 3 dollars minimum.
Don't live in or near a city user, it sucks.

I wasn't expecting a pizza that looked like ass. I'm not even sure those pepperonis are real.

>slack through life
>become a pizza deliverer of all things
>expecting me to care about your life and tip
lol murica

>no habenro
Stupid bitch, this is not my pizza. Get away from my house before I break your arms

To verify it's your fucking order and not have him waste his own gasoline over again.

Depends on where you go to get your haircut, though I agree the price of haircuts are outrageous these days. A lot of people cut their own hair for that reason, and most just give themselves a buzzcut, or keep their hair short so it's easy to cut. My local places charges about $25 for a haircut, and if he's busy I'll go to a local place that charges $13 for a haircut. Either way it's way too much, but I tend to get a haircut about once a month if not longer so in reality I'm not spending nearly as much compared to women.

Women will spend $100's on their hair and paying hairdressers to color, style, primp and pamper them, etc.

what a disgusting looking abortion of a pizza, looks like it was frozen and defrosted a dozen times before finally being cooked. toppings look like they came straight from a can, i bet you paid like $24 for that embarrassment too.

Hey man, someone's gotta do it. There's no shame in working food service.

People tip fairly often at my restaurant when they pick up their food. [Spoiler]the owner keeps it all because hes a dirty muslim[/spoiler]

Because my barber is a nice man and despite waiting for an hour I'm always enjoying myself because we're chatting it up and joking around.

Also it's insurance so he doesn't stab the scissors into my eyes.

>spits in food, refusing to do job at all and ignores you, can't get fired because employers are in cahoots with them and shame you for not tipping.

Maybe you didn't tip enough to your ophthalmologist and now you're looking asses everywhere.

Nope, it was exactly $1.50 because Papa's having half off rewards right now ^_^

If a pizza guy opens my pizza I'm sending it back right away

it's called jizya you dumb fucking dhimmi, and you should be honored to be paying it

Then why the fuck would you order delivery faggot..

I agree, so enjoy the 3$ an hour your labor is worth. If you want more money get a better paying job.

>someone's gotta do it

Not really, machines can replace them. waiters are a fucking hassle to be honest.

>supporting globalist pizza chains


Burgers > pizza

I know a super cute girl in college that worked as a delivery driver but so did her boyfriend. She got hit on constantly when delivering pizza, and several guys asked for her number. She'd tell me about it sometimes, and in a way I kind of felt bad for her. Surprised she wasn't raped or sexually assaulted, though I'm sure she had things happen to her that she didn't tell me about.

Wouldn't be surprised if some guy flashed his dick at her when she knocked on the door, or tried asking her to come in. Also probably answered the door in just underwear, pretty sure delivery drivers have some stories to share, especially if they're women.

Yeah nah you're full of shit or live in a city full of Jews. Literally no place in the 10 states I've visited have abided by your fucked up scale

The fuck? In Australia, pizzas are $10 for the whole lot (Can get cheaper for the ones without toppings, like $7) and $5 delivery with no extra tip.

Do you tip your friends too?

Seriously though, I used to make friends in highschool by bribing them. Worked wonders.

Bro have you ever had a job, or more specifically, ever worked in food service? That job is so fucking hard, and nobody appreciates how hard they work. I recently escaped that hell but I have so much respect for those people. They get paid jack shit and have to deal with imbeciles like you all day disrespecting how hard they have to work.

Yeah, I don't want his...PIZZA GUY AIRS...touching my pizza.

But why?

>now you're looking asses everywhere.

I tip 50% if the server is cute or funny, but usually I do a 25-30% tip depending on the overall cost of the bill. Since I'm a repeat customer I get a lot of special treatment from the waitstaff.

No more tips after the dip fiasco.

I only get my delivery through amazon or ubereats if I'm mixing it up. I don't tip anyone shit.

Yeah pretty much

me on the right ;3

There's a pizza place near me with literally the best pizza I've ever had, they do a large 2 for $20 on Tuesdays but add 1 topping on each and you're up to almost 30 dollars.

>food analogy

LMAO waiting tables is lemonade stand tier. Fast food is hard (but skillless) work.

>now you're looking asses everywhere.

Fucking made me laugh

bark bark that will be 36.95 plus treat

I remember this being a big meme a couple years back but I don't remember why? Anyone recall?

>be at restaurant
>waitress doing shitty job, took forever on refills and getting bill
>leave no tip
>get up and start leaving
>she practically yells "where's my tip" at me
>get pissed and tell her that she would've done a better job she would've gotten a tip
>starts crying

the fucking nerve of some people

What if he has AIDS and AIDS particles fall on my pizza? There are so many things to go wrong
Just don't open my fucking pizza or I send it back

>that one kid

Amazon doesn't deliver pizza, silly user.