>year 2017
>still uses AA batteries
what's microsofts excuse?
>year 2017
>still uses AA batteries
what's microsofts excuse?
buy rechargeable batteries, they will outlast by far those low quality shit ones that come with ps4 controller
i like it. buy 4 aa rechargeable batteries and charger for $30-40. hold charge a shit tonne longer than ps4 batteries that you cant easily replace
yeah... let's celebrate difficult to remove batteries and planned obsolescence. It's not like batteries lose charge after a relatively short time and can even die completely within 2 years or less.
yeah wish it used the 4 hour lifetime ds4 that would be so much better
I have one of the new DS4s with the annoying as fuck light on the front as well and it's honestly not a problem anymore, I can't get that cocksucker to die if I leave it on all day.
i must have got a dud, im lucky if i get 4-5 hours out of it.
i cant even tell you how many days i go before needing to charge my xbone batteries
They probably got paid by battery companies
either this is bait or you delusional fags think you're actually going to win this argument eventually. Either way it's entertaining.
>Not knowing how to replace a rechargeable battery.
Commoners are more familiar with it.
Wish they would change it to 18650 batteries as they are better for the peace of mind.
Your controller will longed be a worned out greased piece of shit before the battery dies out.
You can get like 100 AA batteries from Costco for like $15. They'll out perform rechargeable ones and be even cheaper.
Rechargeable is generally a meme
>b-but sony!
every time
>100 pieces of shit you have to fiddle with
>Versus something you plug in once
You are absolutely delusional if you think rechargeable batteries have as high of a failure rate as you are insinuating. I have an OG DS3 and the battery is still good in it.
They want to keep the battery companies alive and well it's a "you scratch my back I scratch yours" scenario
>a switch charge lasts longer than a controller charge for the PS4
Is that better?
Retards buy it so that's all that matters
>their $150 "elite" controller doesnt even have a rechargeable battery
You can still play your Xbox controllers when the apocalypse hits. All Playstation controllers will be burned out by then.
I actually rather enjoy that it takes AA batteries. I have rechargeables.
>buyers remorse thread ?
You must not play very many games. I've run through 3 DS3 batteries over the lifespan of the PS3.
Who wants a closed off battery? When the battery dies you're screwed unless you want to try and open up the controller which nobody does.
i fucking love mine
I didn't even think about this. All the "here's your controller, bro" threads will just be about xbox controllers.
it's like $20 at costco for a huge pack
also get a good charger
This made me smile.
>been using a 360 controller on PC for about 8 years
>wireless version with a receiver
>Windows 10 constantly 'forgets' the drivers for it and so I'm always in and out of device manager fixing it
>always have to replace batteries and my old rechargables are all conked out at this point
What do? Get a new 360 controller or is there something better now? Xbone controller? Switch Pro controller?
in a year it'll have like half the capacity and it's already p bad on ps4
xbone controller just werks with w10
get that
Just be urself dood. If you get a Xbox one get the new version.
the dualshock 1 & 2 are wired
...And don't natively plug into PCs, PS3s and PS4s.
But user, roaches can survive the apocalyspe.
Are you guys actually fucking serious about controllers being difficult to take apart? I was taking apart and putting back together DS3 controllers when I was just a kid.
I think you're missing the point. Sony is forcing the consumer to either do this, or pitch their controller in the garbage and buy a new one. Thanks for playing, though.
Basically this:
The fact that it uses AAs is a fucking dream. I pop out the batteries that die, put them in the charger and pop in a freshly charged pair. There's no downtime, it's much more convenient than having to plug it in to charge and when the batteries finally start having noticeable wear (should be years,) I just get a new pack of 4 for like $10.
If you really want the "built in rechargeable" experience, they have big ass packs you can plug in with a USB or put on a cradle if you like gimping yourself.
>Your controller will longed be a worned out greased piece of shit before the battery dies out.
Maybe if you're a disgusting slob.
Iunno, I like not having to charge them every 2 hours like I do with my DS4s. A pair of AA batteries generally last me about 20 hours (though then again I don't use the gamepad often as KB+M, so there's that).
Ok broes
fucking this
the ds4 is cancer in controller form
>There's no downtime,
Well you do have to take out the old ones
>keep my controller wired
>never have to deal with the battery problem
I swear to god Sup Forums is filled with literal children.
You know they fucked up big time when you'd rather spend a couple Benjamins on a fightpad and this shit just to get away from the DS4.
wtf does a wireless preference have to do with age?
I suppose. Removable batteries are my preference too.
I prefer wired.
>I live my life 9 feet at a time
I mean, okay, yes, like 30 seconds. It's still much better than having to plug in a cable for an hour or dock it.
Or buy a Wii U controller which last like 80 hours on a charge and has built in rechargeable batteries.
Hardly, I don't use it for games though. Great for using my PC desktop on the TV though.
The battery life isn't the only thing that should compel you to purchase a controller. The 360/Xbone controllers are objectively better due to their near-universal compatibility alone. I get where you're going, though.
Anyone who uses wireless in this day and age is retarded.
Not only that but older games that don't support XInput can now be configured via Steam's built-in controller configurator to work like direct input. It's pretty amazing.
Anyone who uses corded controllers in this day and age is retarded.
DirectInput also works with DS4 though you mong.
Xinput is shit.
Aside from having to swap out the battery (which comes up every few days and only takes a couple seconds,) what downsides are there with a wireless controller?
Wii U controller is connected through XInput, so there is nowhere you get support for it that you don't get a 360 controller.
You also can use it on a PS3. You also can use DInput for it, meaning it has wider supprot than the 360 variant.
The only advantage the 360 has is if you are racing and need analog triggers.
As a developer, I can safely say you have never actually used XInput and DirectInput.
DirectInput is fucking garbage. XInput is massively superior.
I got this recently, it's what I should have done in the first place instead of getting microshits xbone battery.
A few months and the thing is dead and wont charge, and cost more than the eneloops too.
These babies last a long time per charge too, even after a couple of hours of use every day for the last week the pair in it still have energy.
>an API that hasn't been updated in over ten years versus an API that is still supported
yeah no fucking shit
the problem is DI is still superior
Strong arguments can be made for modern wireless controllers. The DS4 and Xbone pads can pump game and chat audio to a headset over wireless, which is pretty fucking dope.
Not only that, but the Xbone controller can function like a wired one by just plugging it in, so your opinion is inherently flawed.
No shit but you need third party software to emulate XInput with a DS4. The whole benefit with any of the Xbox controllers is that they are basically plug and play with most modern games thanks to XInput.
You used to either need Joy2Key for older games with XInput or a driver emulator for modern games using a DS4/Direct Input. With Steam filling the gap for older games, there's literally no upside to a DS4.
Now I genuinely wonder if anyone has ever tried entering a fightan tourney with a Project Diva controller.
Someone post the Donkey Konga pad comic.
I typically use Energizer but I was gifted some Amazon credit and bought the Amazon Basics batteries. They have a really long life as well. Bought 8 and since I often switch between gaming platforms I've been going on 2 years with no noticeable decline in performance.
There are numerous programs that will see and support 360/Xbone controllers natively, but don't see DS3/4s or Wii U pads correctly without some fuckery.
Basically everything you said doesn't matter.
using regular batteries is dumb but there are ways around
>buying Xbox brand products
The only superior thing DirectInput has going for it is it lets you use more buttons.
More buttons is a pretty good feature to me desu
>Everything you said doesn't matter
Which just proves you don't know what you are talking about.
How do the programs know that it's a 360 controller?
It's because the 360 controller connects with XInput. The reason the PS controls mess this up is because they emulate in software XInput. The Wii U controllers dongle connects with XInput. Any place you would find an issue, you would find that same issue with the 360 controller. You don't know what you are talking about.
Controllers don't use more buttons.
it's a pain in the ass not to have external batteries if your usb cables break, I hate that the dualshock doesn't use external so I can just put some batteries when it runs out of juice, also buy rechargables, the charger and you'll never run out of batteries (also radioshack rechargables are cheap as fuck)
You're advocating USB plug-n-play batteries.
You don't get to post anymore. MODS!
exactly. and the ps4 controller's battery lasts like four hours with that stupid fucking light
you know you can turn it off my opening your controller right?
>having to fiddle with the components instead of just buying new batteries
I love my PS4 but damn man you are retarded
That's because the Amazon Basics are rebranded Eneloops. Eneloops are the gold standard for rechargeables.
If I remember correctly, the Basics are just an older model with slightly less lifespan but nothing most users will notice.
As someone who works at a battery packing plant, i can confirm this. We regularly have auctions (using monopoly like "safety bucks") at the plant for xbox ones (and several other things like TVs, cookware, giftcards, etc) and I asked if they'd ever do one for a playstation 4 and pretty much got told no because they don't have a partnership with our parent company. Though why they include things that don't use batteries in the auctions, I have no idea if that's the case, but... whatever.
Or..bare with me here.
Have a fucking charge cord or make the controller wired.
Wireless is fucking stupid.
>every modern controller except the Xbone one has gyro which is three additional axis
We could have dual stage triggers, back paddles and gyro as standard nowadays if the shitty xinput protocol wasn't completely locked to the 360 layout.
>turn off a fucking light
>lose your warranty