EA Sports UFC 3 has the Single Most Egregious Microtransaction Model in Recent Memory

>Every single technique, ability, fighter, and stat roll, is entirely acquired and upgraded through the loot box system. A brand-new player fresh out of the tutorials, can dump $1,000 into the game, acquire the rarest loot drops and immediately jump into online competition with a beastly custom fighter that has an exceedingly large health pool, vastly improved endurance, and substantially stronger strikes than the average player who simply pays the $60 price of admission. The higher the rarity of the item, the more significant the improvement overall. Pressing the square button to throw a punch at an opponent, quite literally the simplest and most obvious mechanic in an MMA game, perfectly exemplifies the absurdity of the microtransactions in question. A base level jab will do minimal damage to online opponents, however a fighter that purchases a loot box and acquires a five-star rarity level jab, will not only have a more efficient and powerful technique in combat, but will also be treated to a host of stat increases in all regards, making their player undeniably better in every scenario.

>Microtransactions are also the only means of acquiring perks and boosts. Perks are powerful abilities that can be equipped for a small number of fights before expiring. They can range from a low-level stamina improvement during a certain phase, whether that be striking, grappling or ground game, to a significant hit point increase during pivotal health events, wherein your opponent has damaged you enough to potentially end the fight. Boosts on the other hand are similarly temporary enhancements that offer endurance boosts and durability bonuses. It is clear to see that in combination with technique enhancements and overall stat increases, EA has taken every single aspect of genuine competition and buried it."


>buying ea shit


>Sup Forums - whine about EA
vote with your wallet

>EA Sports UFC 3.
Stopped reading there.

>def jam fight for NY
>dead space
>Need for Speed games up to most wanted
when did it all went so wrong bros?

Yeah, just like DLCs right?
Can't wait for the governments to stick it up their filthy assholes.
Can't wait until the entire industry collapses.

t. Schlomo Goldsteinberg

Looooool what in the actual fuck man. Is EA full of tweakers?

Why do people even play competitive games with progression systems? You know every match is going to be unbalanced from the start.

My only hope is getting to see hacks like Todd, Kojima and Miyamoto poor and searching for a job in their local kebab shop.

lawbreakers was a failure and cliffy is still probably swimming in money

circlejerking in your echo chamber is not helping. just stop buying EA games. I bet you two idiots have origin installed, don't you?

EA executives don't read Sup Forums. if you want them to see your whining, go post on reddit or something.

I haven't bought a single videogame for the past 7 years.
All of them have been pirated.

>EA executives don't read Sup Forums. if you want them to see your whining, go post on reddit or something.
So what?
Is it against the rules?
Or are you just one of those that gets triggered at this because reddit doesn't like it?


Why do you think anyone here buys EA games?
And why did you ignore the pic I posted?
It's irrelevant when all the revenue from loot boxes comes from such a small minority.

Voting with your wallet is fucking pointless with the amount of retards there are out there, so yes, let the governments fuck their asses hard.
It's not like good videogames are made anymore.

Have you guys played Uno on the app? That game has whales out the ass. You literally cannot win matches because they buy power ups that let them see your cards.

>EA being moneygrubbing scum bags
>"wow this is pretty gay. I'd very much like it if they stopped. I'm not going to buy their products because I refuse to support this abomination"
Never do socialism kids

Same with Dokkan Battle.
The game is full of whales, so it's impossible to win World Tournaments since they all have LR Brolys.

>"wow this is pretty gay. I'd very much like it if they stopped. I'm not going to buy their products because I refuse to support this abomination"
Which worked perfectly which is why there's no DLC anymore, right?
I don't give a single fuck about politics, or the world at large, I just want to see EA crash and burn.
If I have to instate a nazi or communist dictatorship, so be it, but I want to see EA dead.

It's quite simple actually, just don't buy anything EA.

It's quite simple, that has never worked and will never work due to whales.

>if I don't like something I must use the force of government to stop people this something
If you don't want DLC, support companies that don't do DLC.

I’d honestly rather live in a communist shithole than an ANCAP hellscape

>Microtransactions which expire

This is a whole new level of jewery. Why didn't I think of this first?

I do, and my effort is pointless because you keep ignoring the fact that whales are a thing.
And yes, the government should fuck them up, I don't give a fuck about the consequences, I would die with a smile on my face knowing that EA is dead.

I get to complain about it too. That's called the first amendment you filthy shill.

>fighter that has an exceedingly large health pool, vastly improved endurance, and substantially stronger strikes than the average player
Does the game have an option to report a fighter to the USADA?

Then stop complaining.
If you know you can't change something, don't complain about it. You're just being a whiny child.

Not me, but the government can.

t. bootlicking slave

And why do you have the right to tell other people how to spend their money?

Because I can, because they are fucking retarded and ruined the videogame industry.

You are literally a child.
>I can tell the other kids when they're allowed to play with their toys because that makes me the most happy!

Call me whatever you want, I just want to see EA dead.
Seeing them die is bound to be more entertaining than any videogame they could ever produce.

Are you having fun throwing your temper tantrum?
Are you gonna hold your breath until you pass out next?

Not really, those idiots at reddit are doing all the work.
I just need to sit and watch, although i'm already glad with how Battlefront 2 is selling less than half of what BF1 did and how now they either stay with a $60 without microtransactions or season pass, or they are facing yet another PR disaster.

>wanting the government to regulate lootboxes
That just means that AAA publishers will start buying politicians and get more control over the industry at large

You are so angry right now over someone's opinion which you claim has no impact. Why does it even bother you?

Oh boy, scandal after scandal.
Would at least make politics midly entertaining.
Unless a war breaks out, that's when politics get actually really entertaining.

You can't reason with a toddler, especially not when they're having a tantrum.
Just let him burn himself out

>no u

Yeah, true adults eat up whatever these companies throw at them and vote with their cuckshed while the whales drop $1k per week in lootboxes.

>Sup Forums pretending to be mature
Fucking pathetic, this is the place that managed to make EA get elected as the worst company of America twice.
Too bad we now have contrarians who think they should support EA because reddit doesn't like it.
Thank god you have no voice anywhere.

WarZ did that. You could buy weapons and gear to spawn with and lose it permanently on death.

Actually you're wrong.

Just look at how EAs stock and revenue dropped due to the outrage surrounding Star Wars. You can vote with your wallet and you can also get the government to control loot boxes. But you already know what is waaaay more likely, effective, and something you can do right now.

I'm not a "free market" Sup Forumstard but the boycott of star wars got attention. It's not bankrupting the giant that is EA by a long shot, but it did communicate "we won't tolerate this shit". That's all we need. We don't need to make this a political shit around gambling, shit man.

That's not nearly enough to make EA die.

You're free to support companies that produce content you like, and use production and distribution methods you like.
I don't get why you're irrationally angry about other people making decisions you don't agree with.

>not using friends' LR Brolys

Because those people are stupid, and stupidity deserves to be punished.

I don't even understand how it could be fun to buy powerups.

Them pissing their money away on lootboxes rather than wisely investing is their punishment.
Or it would be if Daddy Government didn't step in to save them from themselves.

They can go ruin any other medium they like.

>you have no right to police how these people spend their money
>however, I have every right to demand that you stop talking bad about EA :))))

What a hypocrite.

And we're back to you being a child that thinks the world revolves around you.

Part of the money spent on those power ups should be redirected to the accounts of the people they're used against. Seems only fair if the dev's going to ruin their customer's games with unfair match-ups.

If I can get away with it, it's fine.
Again, I don't care about the world or the government, or politics, as long as EA dies.

I never said you have to stop disagreeing with EA.

As opposed to a child sucking the dicks of rich people and megacorporations because... what the fuck motivates you retards anyway?

>vote with your wallet
Voting never did anything for anyone.
You have a majority of fucking retards who vote. I mean look at the state of politics in the Western world, we keep electing fucking retards all the time.
Democracy is a tool used by the wealthy in order to secure themselves into power. The media uses social conditioning to get people to be drawn towards certain things and these media companies are ran by those same people that are trying to push an agenda.
Getting off topic from video games here but there needs to be some government mandates in place to protect consumers because most of them are idiots and will ruin it for those who spend money wisely. It would be fine if it just affected them but that is not the case.


>Then stop complaining.

Stop fucking buying EA games. White people and smart people don't, it's only niggers and third worlders.

RPG style mechanics are the best way to do it.
Have unlocks that require time obviously but present them in a manner that they can be acquired without "loot boxes" and that they can be acquired in a reasonable time frame. People should also not be able to buy god level gear for their characters, they should have to work and build it like everyone else.

I keep NOT purchasing EA games, but they keep introducing these practices into their games. What do?

*if you're not going to be constructive, stop complaining
Screaming IT'S BAD I DON'T LIKE IT over and over is infantile. If you really care so much, you should have something to say beyond IT'S DUMB.

You realize it required a sizable enough outrage right? Which won't happen if people simply did not buy, they needed to complain loud enough that Disney had to step in, that governments were getting involved.

Titanfall 2 was a big surprise last year, haven't this much fun since Bad Company 2

>Just look at how EAs stock and revenue dropped due to the outrage surrounding Star Wars
Wow, a whole 3% decrease. Just pretend the stock won't immediately recover once the next FIFA comes out.

>It's not bankrupting the giant that is EA by a long shot, but it did communicate "we won't tolerate this shit"
It communicated nothing except that Disney and EU governments pose a threat to EA's shitty bait lootbox buisness model. Because without Disney and the EU, EA could not give a rats ass about people not buying the game when whales will make up for it.

>stop complaining
Make me.

t. 2 year old

Were your parents brother and sister?

>Seems only fair if the dev's going to ruin their customer's games with unfair match-ups.
It works exactly tge opposite. The faggot who spent 999 US DORRA in lootboxes gets matched with fresh faggots because then the faggot with superpunches wins easily giving him a feelgood moment while the fresh faggot realizes he has to buy lootboxes too to be on an even playing ground.

>left always portrays nu-right as manchildren
>when leftists are literally children
really catalyzes my cashews

And I'm free to do everything in my power to stop companies using shitty buisness practices from influencing companies that produce content I like.
And those people are making irrational decisions that indirectly impact the rest of us.

By that logic simply buying a video game is punishment beacuse it isn't an investment
the problem is that their "punishment" extends to the rest of us and sets a bad trend.

Better than the industry revolving around companies like EA and whales.

I can see how this could have been a good mechanic akin to rolling stats, and playing differently depending on what you get, however allowing people to buy stats is just retarded

Telling people to stop complaining is neither helpful nor constructive
Screaming ITS NOT BAD SHUT UP DON'T LIKE IT DON'T BUY IT over and over is infantile.

This is why I don't play online games anymore.
The last online game I played was GTA V for PS3 and it took all of three hours of continually getting BTFOd by 14 year olds with their parents credit cards to leave a sour taste in my mouth. I'd rather feel progress in a single player environment then have to deal with that shit fest. It's a shame too because there was such a great concept behind the game but it turned into a shitty shark card fest.

If you think other AAA publishers are not planning the same thing you're fucking dumb
They all hire the same companies to analyze market and develop monetization strategies. In 10 years all AAA games will implement this system of monetization. EA is just too desperate for money and acted hastily because they're in crisis, other publishers are more calculating, manipulative and patient, they will slowly prepare players to accept their monetization strategies like they did with DLCs, Lootboxes and so on

Call me all the names you want. I get so much joy from the simple fact that I'm exercising my freedom of speech and consumer rights and it pisses you off.

I heard once from somebody that eventually games will be free but every single one of them will require money to unlock shit. I don't think we are very far off from that.

Ask me if I give a shit about how good EA games are. It won't make me want to buy them.

>its 3 fucking losers at anime masturbation board think they can do jackshit about companies income the second they throw a childish tantrum online
yeah sure kid just keep that racism and retarded opinion flow coming while being mad about someone having a real job with games, unlike you

Single player games are dead. Nobody wants an offline experience.

continue not buying EA games and choose something else to play

You fucking idiots, you cant even use CAF in ranked. Fucking neo Sup Forums

They still make sports games? Who even is the audience for spots games anymore?

Problem is they won't be free, they will be $60 if not more and you'll still need to pay money to unlock shit

t. corporate apologist

I'll admit installing Origin was annoying as fuck

That's why I'm still only playing 5 year old games for the most part. That coupled with the fact I live in leafland and new games cost pretty much $100 when you account in for HST.
It's very seldom I buy a new game because they all look like the same shit, I'm starting to get sick of playing the same games over and over and I'm beginning to think a new hobby is a good idea.

And what happens when those practices spread to non-ea games? Let me guess, just don't play those games either right? Just keep abstain from games until p2w lootbox microtransactions become the norm and you abstain from the modern game industry entirely.

not buying them doesn't work when there are a few whales out there willing to drop literal thousands of dollars to play against nobody. what the fuck do you even do about that?

>I'm free to infringe upon the freedoms of others
>I'm the only person that matters, and I can do whatever I want to achieve my goals

>playing ultimate team

Are there actual EA employees in this thread or something?

Another reason why I won't give a dime to EA. I already have to use Steam. Why the fuck would I install some other superfluous bullshit storefront for only a small handful of games?

I wouldn't be too surprised if it happened in the near future. It will go the way of freemium games. They'll offer you a "free" game as an incentive to start playing but it will be a shitty 30 minute demo and everything past that will cost $19.99. Instead of making $60 off of a game they'll be making $200+ for players to unlock all the content.

Did you read the article? Every single fuck who uses Sup Forums could stop buying EA games, but and they could still be kept afloat by a few Rich Yuropoors. You want to know how the battlefront 2's pay to win loot box came to existence? FUCKING FIFA HAD THE SAME SHIT WHERE YOU HAD TO PAY 2 WIN CARDS TO BUILD A ROSTER OF PLAYERS FOR THEIR SOCCER GAME. THEY STARTED THIS. Not mobile, not valve, not blizzard. Fucking EA and the Executive producer who originally signed off on it is the fucking president of EA.

Only government intervention can stop this faggotry, just like everything else when it comes to corporate greed exploiting the retarded.

>implying "I'm the only person that matters, and I can do whatever I want to achieve my goals" isn't the exact mentality of EA CEO's and whales
>stopping p2w microtransactions = infringing on muh freedumbs
get fucked.