What are you thoughts on Killer Instinct?
What are you thoughts on Killer Instinct?
Riptor is best waifu
The MKX of the franchise. Great gameplay, lack of core features like stage fatalities.
Fantastic fighting game with likable devs
Best fighter this gen.
American Guilty Gear.
I love both, but the fact that this game is more dead than metal weeb fighter makes me sad.
But it was last gen, also thats a very low bar and not much to brag about.
I can distinctly swear MKX had stage fatalities, but maybe not at launch?
is the netcode as excellent as everyone says? ive heard its damn near perfection.
the kitchen sink approach the new team introduced in season 2 made the game worse and worse with each update. keits had no idea what he was doing, he just threw shit at the wall and then dialed it way back two or three patches later (the game had one, sometimes two patches a month).
entire mechanics were introduced and removed. characters like tj combo, fulgore, kan-ra and spinal had all-encompassing changes that were a huge fuck-you if you played those character. every single pro player left the game during season 2 and the handful left bailed during season 3.
it's still a good game, but if you played late season 1 or first patch of season 2 it's sad how it became a monster.
"fatalitys" is not a core feature
>Great gameplay
You wouldn't know what great gampelay was if it shat on your face
is it active on steam?
Some design choices I find a bit weird, like the devs insisting that every classic special move animation be changed for the sake of being different.
TJ Combo's Powerline animation just makes it look like a copy of Balrog's Dash Straight. In KI1 he charged forward running.
Jago has it the worst. The move called LASER Sword does not have a green laser effect. His Endokuken isn't green and Windkick just does not look as cool facing the camera IMO. I also wish his DP enders were unique.
The best attempt a Western studio could make, but it still reeks of that burger Dev forced grittiness that makes it hard to swallow. ESPECIALLY when they try to shoehorn in some "humor". Mortal Kombat suffers from the same problem. And like MK it's got some weird roster padding crossovers that just comes off as offputting.
Gameplay wise it's solid but the game's just too ugly to bother really digging deep into.
Is there anyway I can do fatalities or killing blows and rip people apart? Or do the characters just fall and go "UGH I AM DEFEATED" or some shit like that?
To perform an Ultimate, simply go into Ultra and cancel it with LP+LK.
would play the shit out of it if it was on ps4
That's lame, there are no body parts getting cut off or shit. I still might pick it up.
Yeah they were added later.
Unironically the best fighter to come along in the past 15 years. Also, God-tier OST.
I'll buy it if it ever goes on sale for $10.
>I am the one who dictates what is good gameplay and what isn't
>season 1
Pretty cool
>season 2
Fucking awesome
>season 3+
same desu
Is that really a custome in KI3?
Because if it is, then GOD DAMN muh dick. And also in love that the KI devs didn't overdid man-faces on women like NRS does with every game they make
Goat Soundtrack, especially Season 1 & 2
Could have been better with Unreal Engine 4 instead of the Unreal Engine 3 they are using
KI2013 uses Double Helix's proprietary HEX engine.
Pretty great fighting game, amazing netcode, fantastic music, solid devs, poorly handled in pretty much every other way so it's kinda dead.
Riptor is best girl
Looks like a DoA5 PC mod.
Ah. what a shame
>grew up loving killer instinct 1
>"holy shit a second killer instinct game at the arcade"
>grew up loving killer instinct 2/gold
>"holy shit a new killer instinct after so many years"
>xboner only
>"oh, well...i guess im glad its still around and not dead"
>killer instinct comes to pc
>"holy shit i may get a chance to try it out now, thats awesome
>windows 10 only
>"oh...well...maybe one day when i am literally FORCED to get windows 10 somehow"
>killer instinct coming to steam
>"holy shit its coming to steam finally, i cant wait to download this day one and try it out, see who the free character is for the launch, its probably jago"
>its 30 bucks, no free version on steam
Dude. Fuck this.
Do you want to play the fucking game or not?
It's a good game. Keits is a supreme faggot though but what fighting game 'pro' ever isn't.
Got it on the steam sale out of nostalgia and I'm having fun with my bro. The music is pretty good too.
My and my friend used to play it on N64.
the new one on Xbone is pretty cool, I like to play Aganos. Very flashy.
The best FGC title at the moment alongside pokken
Both deserve way more attention.
You ARE aware that the "free" version only has 5 characters and has a microtransaction model, right? How is buying the full game for 30$ any different from how.yiu would buy any other game?
The game is only T rated.
I'm just depressed knowing that all the fun I'm having with it is wasted due to there being no one my (low) level to play against. The only people I meet in casual matches are really good and body me pretty badly, and nuKI is not really the kind of game you can learn while being bodied. I practice against the AI a little but the input reading is so obvious it hurts, I'm basically stuck drilling in practice mode until I go crazy, and that's just no fun.
i dont have the game yet but i plan to get it come christmas or maybe a bit sooner. the only time i ever played it was a few years back at my friends house on xbox one so im a newbie at. do you still play it? maybe we could play sometime
>xbone launch title
>last gen
Use triple kick when you're going for the ultra at the centre or edges
I don't get why they'd come up with the beat up your already dead opponent to music beats mechanics. Why go to such length to introduce a mechanic almost purely for BM?
roster is good
graphics are good
combo system sucks
shadowlords is awful
They understand that sometimes you've gotta flex
whats wrong with the combo system?
Really fucking fun, Riptor is best girl. I hate that no one plays such a great fighting game.
>I have to pay for a game
Somehow I doubt you're old enough to have grown up playing KI.
Hate the style, hate how combos feel and I don't like the whole game being based around the breaker system
They also need to tone down the effects on everything, it makes the game a mess to watch
The wolf is kinda hot.
anybody have any webms of themselves or anyone playing KI?
>Be Jago main since Season 1
>Enjoy playing a Shoto with good frametraps
>Season 3 comes along
>Devs slowly nerf him with almost every update
>feels bad man but as long as they don't fuck up his frame tra-
"Haha don't worry guys Jago is still top 5"
*blocks your fundies*
>"I totally do not have a bias against shotos"
Never forget:
>that moeshit voice in the background
He's right and he predicted the election spot on
I really miss some of the old fighting game podcasts. A lot of just gone unfortunately with no archives. I really enjoyed Power Up podcast and Alphaism was pretty crazy.