So what is the actual gameplay like?

so what is the actual gameplay like?

The most generic turn based combat imagineable with grinding for drops and fetch quests

Don’t buy the PS3 version.
>worse combat and level design
>silky smooth -21fps

so not something to check out iof you actually want a fun experience?

any one i play would be on PC

If you're desperate for anime girls then just watch anime, the games are irredeemable trash.


Turn based JRPG.
Excluding the first one because it's shit. You move around on your turn, different attacks have different areas what they hit, the spear characer has attacks that hit a long thin area for example.
In between dungeons you watch VN style character interactions with the ocassional CG.

>VN style

and lost me i cant stand VNs so boring

depends on the title, but the main storyline ones are jrpg with a little of tactics in it, you move your character to a postion and start pressing buttons, each button a different attack. each hit causes hp damage and barrier damage, when you deplete all the barrier all your attacks start to cause critical damage until you beat the enemy

>people don't actually like things i don't like

I like all of these (except for Filthy Franc, whoever the Top Nep guy is, MAGA and CR).
Where are my Anime IDORTs?

>tfw you realize that the Cruncyroll symbol is an eye

Why the fuck is persona on there?

because it's ironic weeb garbage you cocksucker


All of it is butthurt. the snobbish motherfucker keeps spamming it.

Reminder that only redditors and NeoFags are anti-anime.

Butthurt maybe, but most of it is pretty fucking accurate in the fact that just about anybody who enjoys that shit acts like an obnoxious cunt.

Not me. I just watch/play some of those and that’s it. I don’t commit to a “fan base”.

WHOA! WHOA! This is a game?

yes it is

Simple, but really fun. Why don't you just look up on youtube...

>(You)ing yourself but forgetting to turn your name off

Didn't read the thread but I tried two Neptunia games over the years and both had awful gameplay and were full of bland environments and forgettable story. It's weebtrash sold via marketing and there's no substance to it.

So you clearly played the wrong ones. The newer ones are pretty solid JRPGs.

Completely mediocre. The character interactions are the highlight of the series. I think.

Another one that clearly played only the first games.

yeah sure you don't. why are you making such a big deal out of it then? faggot

It's nothing about the quality of Persona, just that ironic twitter weebs latch onto it. The guy is half right, but it's missing a lot of shit like DangitRonPaul, 2hu*, and VN's.

(*Doesn't actually play Touhou, just collects pictures of the girls and music.)