ITT: worst maps in their respective game

ITT: worst maps in their respective game

Surburbia from Killing Floor 1
Black Forest from 2 is also pretty terrible

That's not nuke.

FUCK dustbowl

70% of my playtime has been spent on Dustbowl, is there something wrong with me?

>cobble over nuke
>even new nuke

not dust 2


>horrible chokepoints
>defending spawn too far from point a, too close to point b
>obviously let's remedy this by having the point b spawn's exits consist of two thin chokepoints too

To be fair though, half of the map roster would qualify in OW.

I dislike most of BF1's maps, but if I had to pick an absolute least favorite, its this one.

You mean every 2cp map.

I like dustbowl a lot, my only gripe is the round time should cap at around 10 minutes, defending for 20+ minutes on last point can be a pain because your team fucked up.

2fort on official valve servers.

Shit is only good as instarespawn meat grinders

maybe back on release days
every single new map is worse now


I can't stand instant or fast respawn on any TF2 map, just becomes a spam fest basically. Instant respawn on 2fort you pretty much can't do anything because the enemy can just drop on you constantly.

People shit on Snowbound but that map was fine once they took out the shield doors.

you must play dumb game modes like operations or nu-rush. Every map is BF1 is good except suez and fao fortress. Meanwhile in Battlefield 4 you have to play on custom servers with a rotation of the 3 or 4 only good maps in the entire game (excluding dragon's teeth dlc).

suez can suck a fucking dick, holy shit.

terrible terrible terrible map
people shit on snowbound because the matchmaker picks it 95% of the time

I was able to git gud at scout in 32man 2fort.

>the enemy can just drop on you constantly.
and so can you

>Fao Fortress
Forgot about that map. Yeah, I’d say that map is worse than Empires Edge


Except for Eihenwalde.

That's the best map.

Killing them isn't necessarily the issue, it's just too much of a clusterfuck most of the time, don't get me wrong I like dicking around and playing laidback in maps, it's why me and my friend play 2fort a lot, I just don't like the chaotic nature of 32 man instant respawn.

there are so many fucking terrible maps in csgo now and you chose my main man fucking COBBLE
>not canals
>not nuke
>not thrill
>not lite
just how retarded is this user, csgo has so many more fucking terrible terrible maps

Isolation was okay for infection

The unskippable tutorial map.



starting at the end of Kurast Docks til lower Kurast.

I unironically love Bartlett. It's a roamers dream.

Counter Strike -> Train

This might be the best map in all of FPS.

It really isn't that bad, it's excellent once you realize it's attempting to herd you into areas where your current weapon performs well.

>get sniped
>your team already had their flag captured five times in 10 seconds because the enemy team was impact hammering their translocators into your base
truly the worst map in the game

that ain't hydro nigga


dustbowl is literally the best map wtf

It's fun to go into the lower area and just wall tech every single hit so you live to over 300% on every stock.

thats not junkertown

Midway is an awesome map, fuck you.

pic related was leagues better

if sniper weapons didn't exist, this map would be great.

Nah Scout is unplayable on that map what with how narrow it is and all the explosions.

so it sucks

that's not how you spell 2fort nigglet

It's defender sided. If you don't mind the amount of angles defenders get to peak outside from when you're playing attacker I can see why you'd like it

I can agree with that, though I did get my favourite kill on Attack, shooting an incendiary arrow up at a spawn peaker who was more concerned with getting a cheap kill than destroying the drone behind him.

Now I know you're shit

If we're going by release that was actually Gibraltar. Widow was so fucking broken on that map that I would never fucking lose if I picked her.

Eihenwalde is literally so bad that it regularly gets banned out of tournaments because of how many stalemates it causes.

nuke is a great map, learn to strafe dumbass

Every map in Overwatch is bad. No idea why Blizzard though having linear corridors and choke points leading to every game palying out the exact same was good design.

>old nuke
>CT sided as fuck, 11-4 was considered a good half
>now 10-5 is considered a good half
wow great job valve good map design

You non-SC2 bitches can't even begin to realize how fucking bad this map was. It was in the first ladder mappool of SC2, and it was literally nothing but design mistakes before we realized they were mistakes. Pure, unmediated cancer, fuck Scrap Station

Forgot image but seriously, look at this bullshit

This is the perfect map to dick around with friends in the lower area

>be sniper
>32 players
>popping heads like a mother fuck
>no impact on actually helping you're team win.

This, why the fuck did they remove Favelas but keep this in?

not this?


>community made campaign is somehow worse than dev-made campaign
color me shocked



Looks like a pretty standard RTS map to me, but I'd like it a lot more without that land-bridge in the middle.


It's stops being the best when it's the ONLY map. It's the same shit that ruined koth_nucleus.

>extremely short flight distance from one main to another
>pointless ramps next to seconds
>three fucking island bases, two of which are third bases for both and none of which is gold
>pointless and practically undefendable gold base
>right next to a high ground that can only be reached with flying
>dumb "shared" third island base
>just a single ground path to opponents base, sans the ridiculous chokepoint bridge in the middle
I don't actually play SC2 but I've spent some hours watching esports. Did I get any of it right?

Every single map besides 2fort is shit. That said, Harvest is the worst.

Mountain pass is much worse and always picked by sharpshooter shitters
Fright Yard also beats suburbia at being shitty

Because 99.99999999999999999999% of their audience doesn't understand proper level design to begin with, so they can get away with that shit.
People who have griefs with level design at all are a far removed from being as much as a blip on Blizzard's radar, and if you ever voice one literally everyone on the server will think there's something wrong with you and mock you. Every. Single. Time. It's what the silent majority actually has to say.

What the fuck even is this?

Every map in BF1 is shit because they only good guns free from most RNG casual trash are the snipers, and the maps are too open with too little cover. When your gameplay is shit, maps don't mean anything.

It's funny but I think that the only reason I hated the shit out of EPL was because it was bright fucking orange.

great in 2, but add in snow and it's awful

When you grow up with BW and nearly EVERY SINGLE MOTHER FUCKING MAP is Big Game Hunters you get pretty fucking desensitized.

Sinjar in Insurgency. seriously obj A is impossible to cap with the level of retards in any given game

Infantry only grind fests like Argonne are worse

>Not playing speed maps no rush and then just rushing anyway

>Implying not best map

The only good thing about this map is surfing around the toilet bowl.

Hated this shit, but I still played it in mm since it was easy as fuck to cheese

Why was this map bad? I never played SC2


From The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


and dust2 also.
Doesn't help that everyone always picks them.

What's wrong with OW maps? I find them pretty good because if you are playing as a team and organise yourselves you can get through any chokepoint easily and win.

I'd say both the Italian maps suck.

It used to be Dog Red in Day of Infamy, but now it's Brittany. Like, holy shit, was Brittany even playtested? It's so stupidly unbalanced and confusing. I still hardly even understand what the cap point B is supposed to be.

Badlands is worse (more like Blandlands). At least the Plaguelands has Scourge stuff.

Every crucible map in Destiny 2

Monte Grappa would be alright if the bunkers and the tunnel had more entrances.

If we talking battlegrounds....

Walking distance = one kilometer
Aerial distance = fifty meters

Rushing by dropping marines from a medivac or using warp prism (protoss air transport) was ridicilous, the enemy would take forever to walk to you if they didnt go with air units

shit taste.
Dust2 is literally the most famous and acclaimed map

but I really liked cobblestone. Was great on 1.6 at least.

Overwatch maps are fucking terrible. There's also way too many in rotation. I think half the reason so many retards play it like team death match is because the average player doesn't have enough play time on a particular map and so doesn't know the best positions to take. In CS everyone knew de_dust like the back of their hand and the same went with dustbowl and 2fort in tf2.

I wish I could play Kings Row, Hanamura, and Eichenwalde exclusively.


I don't know if it's just me but fuck the turns on this map

Almost every bg in wow is terrible. Picking a worst one is real tough.