Post games that will LITERALLY NEVER get ports or remasters of any sort that you want to see be ported or remastered...

Post games that will LITERALLY NEVER get ports or remasters of any sort that you want to see be ported or remastered. Be it because they're bad, or forgettable, or plain because everyone is too incompetent to emulate it properly.

Here's this one, SEGA is too scared to touch it for some reason.

More like they see it as the failure it is


WHERE THE FUCK IS IT??? Did Rally flop so bad that Bamco did a total 180 on the franchise?

It's cause they'd have to bring back Mighty and SEGA wants to forget all the characters that they tried before setting on Sonic.

I just want to see all the pretty water and tropical shit in HD

I wonder why it never got any ports?Because it was garbage.

dolphin exists

it had good graphics

which is weird because espio, charmy, and vector are now canon parts of sonic.

I want an HD remaster of Einhander. Don't fuck with it, just make it a little bit sharper.

>Konami hates money

There's a shit ton of Sega Genesis games I know will never get ported to consoles.

The X-Men, Spiderman games. Ninja Turtles. Power Rangers. Vectorman (digitally, by itself.) There was a Viking game where you could play as a fat Viking and a short Viking, I forget the name. I remember it being hard as fuck though.

Sure you can still emulate these games, but I'd love to see them ported to current gen consoles. If anything just give us X-Men 2: Clone Wars. God I miss that game.


Did any of the Pac-Man World games sell particularly well?

Nah you cant say Vectorman didn't get ported to consoles. It did.

The levels were sub-par, the special stages were atrocious, the bosses underwhelming, but the music was great.

It hurts to see this gem forgotten, it was my jam back then.

don't make me cry, user


Man that Emeral character was pretty sweet, I remember you could combine movesets with him

I said digitally. Alright, Vectorman gets a pass. I just like having my games installed without a disc.

It's a Genesis game. It wouldn't take up any room on my Xbone or PS4.

Game hasn't aged well.

How so?

Mostly bland level design, or half the level is dedicated to one platforming section for one shine.

Also lack of variety given there's only 7 areas.

It's fair to say that damn near every movie tie-in game is stuck on its original platforms. When they do get ported, like the PS2 version of Spongebob Movie on PSN, they get taken down fast. Advergames are even less likely to get ported.

Pac-Man World is on PSN. It's pretty comfy playing on my Vita. I'm too lazy to check the other games, though.