Stop using game services without Verizon's permission.
Stop using game services without Verizon's permission
This curry eating faggot looks like he was bullied in school nonstop
Also will he ever close his fucking mouth
It's hard to close your jaw when you've been sucking on corporate dick 16 hours a day for almost 2 decades.
Will I have problems using steam or playing games if this passes?
So who is a fault here again?
It's hard to say I can't imagine that gaming uses all that much bandwidth that they would be concerned. Internet companies would most likely be looking at things like streaming services Netflix twitch music streaming and TV streaming which compete directly with their own services.
If Steam doesn't pay Comcast and Verizon ransom money, they can slow down traffic to the service. It's called "Paid Prioritization" and its something currently banned by net neutrality.
Yeah. Let's replace it with something worse.
It doesn't matter how much bandwidth is actually used, if they can charge you for "gaming" they will. It will work because most people think that games take a lot of bandwidth
What about torrenting?
Who put pajeet pai in charge?
Most people think a lot of icons on your desktop means you have a virus.
He's trying to take a shit in the biggest street of all.
Net neutrality is overrated. Who says you need access to every redundant bullshit all over the planet? There is too much data anyways and we need a plan to filter content in future. Best scenario is to let the market decide. Best will survive. Misinformation will decrease. You only are against improvement because you think it's cool.
This is a very low IQ post.
Literally only atheists and round-earthers want Reddit Memetrality.
Exactly, so Comcast will say "games take a lot of bandwidth so now you have to pay extra" and people will think that sounds right and go with it. Get ready to pay an extra $10 for that sweet "gaming" package so you won't lag too often :^)
I think it's likely yes given that the top things that are torrented are movies shows and music. Of course tons of gaming is also torrented so it to would be effected
They'll essentially charge you more money to get the same bandwidth you get now.
Not an argument.
Are we having another thread where teens that still live with their parents try to tell everyone how the world works?
>Will I have problems using steam or playing games if this passes?
Why would I want to pay more for the exact same thing I'm getting now?
Why would I want to pay what I'm paying now just to check my email? Do you really think the internet companies, some of the most hated companies in the world for their greedy tactics, would not take this chance to jew you as hard as possible?
>Fearing something might happen when government regulations are taken away when those government regulations didn't even exiat two years ago
Sure did fucking suck having to pay $15.99 a month to get into Sup Forums before NN, amirite guise?
I haven't seen a single good argument for why I as an average consumer, would want net neutrality repealed. It's always dumb shit like
>"if prices go up there will be more less poor people on the internet"
>"corporation A will be BTFO while we bend over for corporations B, C and D"
>"trump supports it and I voted for trump so this must be good for me"
I don't know why you morons are regurgitating this idea. Net neutrality was a concept that existed long before legislation. If you want to stand there and act like it didn't exist before 2 years ago you literally know nothing about the topic.
Sup Forums's beloved Trump. You fucking retards cucked yourself.
stop shilling this false meme
net neutrality has been de facto policy since the telecom act in 96
Fuck off redditors.
Its called shilling.
The market can't decide in internet service because the internet providers in America are essentially monopolies.
>Your bill will cost less because ISPs get to charge Netflix and others for their bandwidth usage
>yes the price will go down because repealing NN will allow new independint ISPs to emerge, allowing for more options
>monopolies will be broken up thanks to the FTC
>ISPs also won't do that "package" shit like that dumb chart people keep posting because they don't want to piss people off and lose customers to the new competition
>nobody has yet convinced trump that cockblocking congressional republicans and comcast to protect net neutrality will make him more of a rebel outsider, and more popular
We had one fucking job.
Do I get any inmediate benefit out of getting rid of it?
>monopolies broken up
yeah that will happen when hell freezes over
>yes the price will go down because repealing NN will allow new independint ISPs to emerge
I keep on hearing this meme, any explanation for it?
You didn't have issues using Steam before 2015, did you?
>they don't want to piss people off and lose customers
Except for the fact that, you know, they've all been a part of the oligopoly for longer than most of you have been alive. If all of them do it, and they've been lobbying to prevent new ISPs from emerging for years, customers will have absolutely no choice at all. Idiot.
You may not be able to unless you pay extra for it.
No but it can happen if NN dies.
What do you mean"source", do you even know who he is, what position he has, and how appointing people in the white house works?
>monopolies will be broken up
>trumptards are so cucked that they're actually defending paying more money to get the same internet access
Even if net neutrality gets repealed american courts are so insanely overpowered that they could probably block it on the grounds that it violates freedom of speech or something along those lines
post yfw not American
He has a punchable face
>ISPs also won't do that "package" shit like that dumb chart people keep posting because they don't want to piss people off and lose customers to the new competition
yeah, if my ISP cancels off I'll just cancel my subscription and sign up with one of the zero other options in my area
maybe I can spend my time playing checkers or slamming my dick in the toilet seat all day instead of using the internet
>In January 2017, President Donald Trump designated Pai as FCC Chairman. In March 2017, Trump announced that he would renominate Pai to serve another five-year term as FCC Chairman.
They are fighting to vote themselves off the internet, lets not get the in way now friend
>dimwitted contrarians springing up, using any uninformed excuse they can find to argue against the thing because it goes against the grain
Are contrarians the dumbest people on the planet
>ISPs also won't do that "package" shit
Except they totally will, as proven in other shitty countries where this kind of thing is common since their consumers don't have a choice, unless they wanted to go without internet access.
And the former in today's world just isn't an option. We'll be forced to suck corporate dick whether we like it or not.
How can you believe this? Do you even know where you are? Have you ever heard about EA and Activision?
Big corporations aren't your friends.
>Company uses more data and needs faster speeds
>Shouldn't pay more
Actual delusion, not even wishful thinking. Repealing NN will literally do nothing to the monopoly.
Then the fcc would just ignore it, supposedly. I might be talking out of my ass here but the fcc has no legal obligation to enforce any part of net neutrality.
If ISPs charge more money to thinks like Netflix why do you assume Netflix own't then have to charge us more money to use their services? NN has nothing to do with independent ISPs being able to "emerge". That's entirely dependent on whether or not existing telecom companies are allowed to lobby and strongarm any competition.
Untrue. It will make it stronger.
While thats nice it's hard when a lot of our politicians live off a diet of corporate cock
Don't they do that with Cable TV already?
Don't you know Cable TV is dying thanks to the internet?
What makes you think they won't turn the internet into Cable TV 2.0?
Then we got to get the FCC Chairman to step down no matter what it takes.
No, but keeping it will hurt you in the future. When Netflix is gonna stream 4K movies anywhere and ISPs can't charge Netflix more for that, they'll turn to the consumer to make up for the extra bandwidth costs. Even if you don't use Netflix you will have to pay their bills.
There's a reason creepy companies like Facebook and Google are pro-net neutrality and it isn't out of the goodness of their hearts.
Reminder that theresa may is currently trying to censor the internet
They already do that.
>new independint ISPs to emerge
>monopolies will be broken up
Do you actually belief this?
Legit I wouldn't have a problem with NN being removed if they just fucking had the FTC make ISP monopoly contracts illegal but they fucking won't
>>ISPs also won't do that "package" shit like that dumb chart people keep posting because they don't want to piss people off and lose customers to the new competition
My town has three ISPs. All their prices are the same, each are equally slow, and only one of them doesn't have data caps but is considering it.
I'm sure a new company will show up after the repeal of NN and I'm sure the three companies won't jew the fuck out us once they can meter what websites you can go to.
Internet is unique in the US in that way it's not considered a utility. As such there's fuck all the US courts can do. The internet isn't a public space but a certain corporations playground, and you better play by their rules.
This is fake news. The Portugal chart going around is something completely different. Portugal, and the whole of the EU, has net neutrality.
Also nothing is stopping ISPs from doing those packages right now. The current net neutrality laws don't prevent that. Getting rid of those laws won't change that.
>tfw MAGA turned into make america greed again
It's not a monopoly. It's an oligopoly, and it's 100% legal as long as there's no proof of collusion. Welcome to the world of white collar crime.
You realize every single attempt at an independent IP is drowned out by Comcast or bought up by Time Warner?
>we need a plan to filter content in future.
Now were are trumps cockpuppets? Why aren't you screaming MAGA like retards? We all knew retarded shit like this would happen and it was confirmed without a doubt when trump CONSISTENTLY put people in charge of governmental positions that they A) no nothing about or B) are completely against it. Happy with all the "winning" you fat fucking retards?
>internet goes for almost 20 years without government regulation
>suddenly obongo says it needs government regulation
>now that its being repealed every shill within 20 nautical miles is flipping their shit
We're Making America Great Again, for (((them)))
How's that swamp draining working out for you Americans?
>Also nothing is stopping ISPs from doing those packages right now. The current net neutrality laws don't prevent that. Getting rid of those laws won't change that.
Its a fact, its not meant to be an argument.
Soyboy detected.
Trump made the mistake by making him chairman. His cabinet is nothing but businessmen, CEOs, owners, etc. that have no political experience.
>lmao look at this cuck looking at reality we all know you leftists cucks are conspiring against Trump #maga #reddit #4 more years
Gee it's almost like we had a garbage president for the previous 8 years that allowed this shit to happen, meanwhile the Trump admin is actively stopping huge mergers and buyouts, like the one with Time warner
So when is the vote for this going to happen so you faggots can shut up about it already? Im tired of everywhere i go people crying about the internet being taken away by them from big meanie corporations. Pro tip faggots, if your ISP does pull some jew shit if its repealed you can just not pay them for internet.
You don't understand what is being talked about at all.
>running data through cables is expensive
I'm tired of this meme.
This administration is probably the most corrupt I've ever see in my 28 years. I miss Obama. Hell, I miss Bush, and Bush is a war criminal.