When did you realize VR was not a meme?
When did you realize VR was not a meme?
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when it got better 10 years from now
Still not a single decent game to play on it, it's still thoroughly a meme.
When my friend let me try his VR. Its a total different experience from just watching shitty webms
the day it was announced
Tried VR a couple years ago at pax prime. Cool, but not there yet. I have faith in it though.
I dunno. I haven't got there yet.
Far point was pretty banging
I think a lot of people who hate vr never really played it and are judging the platform based on shitty lets play videos on YouTube.
When I put on a DK2 for a few seconds
When I literally shat myself in fright playing resident evil in vr. Never had a game spoop me before.
>a couple of years ago.
Vr was not commercially available until last year. You tried a bare bones tech demo, user.
Never thought it was a meme in the first place.
Sure tech needs to mature and there are many retards complaining about the first gen not being Holodeck but it's a good start.
finally got around to playing Gran Turismo Sport in VR-mode today. I'm really disappointed that I hadn't tried the game earlier, I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it.
the moment it was called virtual reality but you only use 2 out of 5 senses
>poor user doesn't have a VR 'gun' he can hold and a tennis ball launcher aimed at his crotch for realistic incoming fire
This exact moment.
reminder that there's a VR general now
I played around in skyrim at a buddy's house. Took me about an hour to get used to it. Unfortunately skyrim is now garbage to me in any other way when it used to be one of my favorite games.
Still doesnt mean i didnt have fun with it.
Only issue I had with Skyrim was the draw distance on faces and shit was really low quality. I imagine its to do with rendering a whole environment in VR and what not, and the hardware demands. Being face to face with Alduin was some shit though.
there is already technology that can send signals to human brains that can block or change the info that it sould recieve with an action normaly
when that shit evolves and ends up for public use in enertainment media then maybe something that can be really called VR will happen, now is just visual effects with motion imput
Graphically, it is the worse way to play skyrocket (including the ps3 version).
It is hands down the best overall way to experience skyrim.
When I actually got the chance to try it.
Its not what I would call good right now. But as soon as I put on the goggles, I knew that VR in some way or form will be a big part of the future of games. I can't wait to see the first game that will truly take advantage of it. I hope its space related. Just thinking about it gives me chills. And I think it would fit perfectly since you don't have to physically move if seated in a cockpit.
eltie dangerous
Phone automatically corrected to that.
Pretty funny though.
>You tried a bare bones tech demo
Wow, just like current VR.
I played HL2 on an Occulus once at a friend's place.
The immersive effect was far better than I expected, despite the blurry resolution. It really felt like I was inside a 3D environment.
Managed 15 minutes and then I puked my guts out and vowed never to strap that sick machine to my face ever again.
What's the best cheap VR alternative right now?
I hear there's a bit of hype around Pimax 8k, and that the LCD smudging of the 4k has been fixed, but there are like fifty million chinese VR headsets. Some of them have to be at least somewhat good, right?
Yeah, the world was still beautiful, but the draw distance on shit was lacking. Unfortunately I am still new to VR and getting sickness from 20-30 minute windows (I jumped out of the tower during the escape and felt nauseous) But I am soldiering on slowly. I am hoping to get some fortify speed/acrobatics potions and have some fun...
No. Nothing but the Vive and the Rift are worth it. GearVR is completely pointless too, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
>started with a game with smooth locomotion
What did you expect to happen?
>Nothing but the Vive and the Rift are worth it
But they clearly aren't worth it at all, user.
If the new Pimax isn't somehow very shit, it will deliver 90hz and 200 degrees FOV. It sounds amazing on paper.
>What did you expect to happen?
VR will forever be a meme until you can play actual games with it without puking.
You understand why VR sickness is a thing right?Your body has to adapt to this stuff
Is motion sickness a meme or do people unironically get it? I tried the HTC VR headset at my friends house, had it on for 1.5 hours and didn't get sick at all.
When I was like 15, my friend and I were sitting in the back of his dads car, I was browsing my phone and he asked me "how can you use your phone when the car is moving so fast, don't you get motion sickness?". I refuse to believe these kinds of people exist.
I just got an Oculus rift this weekend so don't have much experience with it.
Fuck 4chanx for real. All I was gonna add was I get vertigo pretty hard during vehicle segments or any heavy spinning/vertical motion.
In the HL2 case it was very obvious that the main problem was the movement. My body didn't agree that it was moving, and certainly not at such speeds, simply because I moved my thumb forwards. But the worst part by far was the sudden loading pauses, which freeze the screen in place without warning. I though I was going to die from sickness.
If the movement problem is unfixable, then VR is impossible. Great porn machines I imagine, though.
>I tried the HTC VR headset at my friends house, had it on for 1.5 hours and didn't get sick at all.
Did you play any actual video games, or just meme mini games where you stand still and shoot at shit?
>not a meme
The sickness problem exists for the same reason motion sickness does. People get over it pretty quickly, and then get used to VR and make it playable. The issue is that your body has no point of reference IRL to being told that you are moving, when it really isn't.
Games where you are in a vehicle, a car or something, are less likely to trigger VR sickness than games where you walk around as a character.
>mfw playing Serious Sam 1-3 in VR
>mfw Smooth Locomotion and rotation with no motion sickness blockers
>Never get sick from extended play
There is no greater fun to be had than duel wielding rocket launchers
Yeah, no.
Go play HL2 right now and see if you're "used to it". Don't say I didn't warn you.
After a few sessions, you would be used to it. Its called adaption. Unfortunately, SOME people CAN'T get used to it.
That first space ship jettison in Eve Valkyrie. I almost shit my pants.
Start with minigames. Go to cockpit games. Then free movement games. Don't proceed from one until the previous doesn't make you sick.
Documentation of it happening..
Cockpit games are the best way of starting out. Gives you a point of reference. Your body doesn't move when you drive, but your eyes say it does. So driving and cockpit games in VR are less likely to fuck with you.
As I said, just go play HL2 right now and see for yourself how "used to it" you are. Bring a bucket.
Possibly an example of a poor VR engine.
No. Half life 2 made me sick without being in vr because the psychics made it feel weird as hell to me.
Kitchen Demo. Never been spooked like that in my whole life.
Recently, playing Skyrim VR has made me recognize the potential of VR. It's the most fun I've had in years and I don't see myself spending any time or money on non-VR games anytime soon.
When I tried it
You're an obscene retard. Of course you got sick if it was your first fucking time. I've had my Rift for awhile now, and spent the greater part of the first day feeling like I was about to vomit up everything in my body. Now I can play the exact same shit with no issue whatsoever, and only get unpleasant sensations if I get too cozy against a wall.
>Unfortunately, SOME people CAN'T get used to it.
That's incredibly rare though.
The chip they're using for Displayport is having issues, though, and it may end up being only 82Hz. Might not be a huge issue, but slightly disappointing.
This is the shit I was waiting for by the way. For devs to realize VR right now is good enough to cost very little and do PS2-era graphics really well. You don't have to spend half a grand on some shit trying to emulate photorealism, its fine for games to be games.
I want more PS2 titles in VR. All the Armored Core and Ace Combat titles woudl be a great start. Then .hack, all Level 5 games, etc...
I started VR a few days ago. Playing something like Rush of Blood, vs Skyrim. BIG DIFFERENCE to how you feel.
>almost shit my pants
Do I have to be a brainlet to trick my mind into thinking shitty CCP games are real?
Is this why VR games are so expensive, because retards will eat them all up so they can fall hard for the immersion meme whereas anyone with an IQ over 40 will just sit there bored waiting for actual substance?
>the immersion meme
Immersion is centuries old. You can immerse yourself in a fucking book.
VR offer presence.
Sony is working hard to push VR, but they fucked up by making the barrier to entry so low by allowing a base PS4 to run it (blurr-o-vision to get the minimum 60hz), and by re-purposing the PS Moves from the last generation which was a terrible fucking idea since those never tracked well even when in plain sight of the camera.
Still waiting on the next generation of VR hardware at any rate. It's here to stay since it has too many software applications to discount entirely, especially on the art creation side of things. Whether it'll still be a thing for games though, hard to say.
Don't like immersion?
>and by re-purposing the PS Moves from the last generation
This is my big beef with PSVR.
Even worse, they discontinued the original Moves, rolled out a new model that a) is exactly the same except with newer USB ports and b) no longer works with PS3 for those poor suckers still playing old Move games and might need to replace old or busted wands
>But the worst part by far was the sudden loading pauses, which freeze the screen in place without warning. I though I was going to die from sickness.
This is something I've been seeing as a problem for VR since its modern inception. There needs to be a graphical layer before the game just to show 'something' moving with your head when games lock/hitch/freeze/load for brief moments. Even if it's as simple as throwing up a simple faded 3d grid when this layer detects the underlying game isn't updating at the expected framerate.
>literally a buzzword that means immersion
You've definitely confirmed my theory.
I like good games, immersion is a fucking meme.
I dunno man, when I'm warping around at lightspeed in Robo Recall I don't have much time to think about "muh immulsions" or I just fucking die.
the move controllers work well enough. They could be better, but they work good enough. The same could be said of psvr in general. It works and it works well enough to be considered a proper vr experience even on the base ps4.
It should be considered the weakest acceptable form of vr. Anything less should be dismissed, anything more is a plus.
Lots of games have animated load screens and SteamVR games will flicker to the SteamVR load screen if your game locks up so you can see your controllers moving.
>literally a buzzword that means immersion
Immersion and presence are two different things and if you can't wrap your head around that then stay out of VR threads.
>It should be considered the weakest acceptable form of vr. Anything less should be dismissed, anything more is a plus.
Smart man.
when i saw pic related
I don't think you know what the word 'meme' means.
Majority of PSVR shit I've seen all have major tracking issues with both the headset and the Move wands. Even with people holding the move controllers straight in front of them, in direct line of sight of the camera, they'd twitch about in their 'estimated' spot.
Weakest form should be the Occulus Rift, followed by Vive. Vive is the only one to handle proper full 360 tracking with the base hardware shipped, and the devs can design with that in mind.
This is genuinely why I didn't buy one. I tried RE7 at a friend's house and it was complete shit. The move is the worst controller known to man and for some reason no one knows how to make a fucking VR game for a controller. Why the fuck I'm controlling my crosshair with my god damn face instead of the right analog stick is beyond me but it's completely unplayable.
>immersion and presence are two different things
>first google result for this buzzword is a VR immersion article on wikipedia
Really starting to make me think.
Think it's a dumb buzzword brainlets use to waste money on pretty color simulators instead of actual games.
you are fat as fuck.
So far, it seems to be that is what is happening in the vr community. The pcbros are talking a lot of shit about it, but psvr is THE best selling proper vr setup and if more people tried that instead of smartphone vr then vr on the pc would grow even faster.
So let's all be vr Bros about it, shall we?
>an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
touche douche
echo arena
lone echo
the unspoken
cmon faggot step it up
>immersed brainlet so fucking salty he devolves into projecting his own body shape onto others
absolutely activating my almonds user
When vr headsets will track my eyes to see where im looking so i can aim with them.
when I saw anime characters dabbing
I rarely had a problem with the move wands. Then again I play in a dark room with no reflective surfaces which helps mitigate that shit a lot. Playing in a lit room can fuck with it slightly. Playing with a mirror behind you really fucks it up
That's more of a problem if anything, since developers will design around the lcd of VR platforms.
>dead multiplayer game
>walking simulator
>dead multiplayer game
Really great choices there user
Go read basic literary theory instead of relying on targeted google results like a brainlet.
When holodecks or neural interfaces akin to The Matrix or SAO become fully realized. Until then, enjoy the shitty wired bucket on your head.
There's plenty of playable games on par with the novelty of Pong when it came out. There's enough people spending money on it now for it to get started in not being a meme, which makes it no longer a meme.
Rush of blood tacks your head movement to aim.Not the same, but close.
>the absolute state of immersionfags
holy shit im dying
Oh? So you are just using it incorrectly. Good to know.
Please link me to the definition of presence.
Oh wait, you can't, because it's literally just a buzzword for immersion in virtual reality.
At least we get proper very games, agreed?