Games That Deserve Sequels

Games that deserve a well made sequel

>Pic related

I really liked the story, and even though the levels were just collect a fests it was still fun and had flow.
Combat was really really fun. Made the game well worth the play.
The art style is really unique as well, something else I really love about this game

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It was disgrace to the series and was shit.

fuck you sir.

Game was so casual you literally can not die

Your mom is casual

This design is way too cool to be just in one game

Is this prince of persia 4 ?

the scarf animation was sick when you were really moving too.

at least HD Remaster

it's the one where they pretended it to be mario and you had to collect light bulbsit has no story, no idea what OP is about
The only PoP I never finished.

...OP, i don't know how to tell you, but the 2008 PoP reboot actually got a sequel... for the Nintendo DS, called The Fallen King.

>it has no story
Not true.

Well obviously.

Holy shit.

Though obviously OP wanted something like a full blown sequel game to PoP 2008, rather than something like Okamiden

yeah well, all I can remember is that he called his donkey Phara
I have pretty good memory, If I don't remember it means there is nothing worth remembering

really not true. the story was kino

>I really liked the story
What story? The game sets itself up.......and does nothing with it beside undoing all your work in the end. Majority of the dialog is just Nolan North chit-chatting with the gal and her speaking of a place's history here and there.

That is some fucked up shit

Don't exagerate, the only thing of note is the interactions between the prince and Elika.

It was very basic, in fact. With an ever so slight twist.

The game was in a different vein than the previous installments and I understand why it might get shit on by fans and PoP purists.
But the art was cool, the different levels had good design and the rolling-credits ending was the best ending ever done in a video game.

Definitely deserves a sequel.

The only thing PoP08 had going for it was the gorgeous visuals. The story was non-existent, the difficulty was baby-proof, and the gameplay devolved down to just collecting those glowy ball things to progress.

Alright you fucking faggots could have just said you wanted a Prince of Persia thread holy shit

Even as a PoP purist, I found the 2008 game to be pretty cool, definitely would like to see more of it instead of AC. I really like ICO's influence on it. True ending was pure genius.

Also the banter between Prince and best girl Elika was S-tier.
Even better than Uncharted in some levels.

Also, that Concubine boss fight.

Game had one of my favorite trailers to date.

Fuck this shit nigga, POP TTT all the way

Deserved a sequel more than Watch_dogs or AssCreed 1 atleast.