How come supposed genius Yoko Taro behind the great Nier Automata was behind one of the most unplayable fucking technical disasters ever made with overpriced DLC up the ass?
How come supposed genius Yoko Taro behind the great Nier Automata was behind one of the most unplayable fucking...
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It's just really clunky, stop exaggerating.
Because Automata was developed by Platinum, a competent studio, Taro is a game designer nor a game programmer you stupid moron
Have you seen access games track record? It's abysmal
We joke that Nier Automata was funded by Yoko Taro semen donations but Drakengard 3 was actually funded by Yoko Taro semen donations and half that money went to booze
>game designer is responsible for everything in a game
That game is my favorite of his
Because he's a writer and not a programmer/artist.
2/10 bait got me to respond.
>the most unplayable fucking technical disasters ever made
Stop using Sup Forumstarded hyperbole or play more games.
Is the gameplay really broken, or it's just people complaining about the framerate?
>jap voice over is DLC
why is this allowed?
This. If Platinum made the combat for all of Yoko Taro's previous games, Drakengard and Nier would probably have been household names
have you ever tried to play an action game with single digit framerates?
I understand your point, but what if the game ran at 60fps? Would that "fix" it, or are the mechanics also broken?
It barely ever got that bad, but there definitely were a lot of drops. Regardless, it was by no means unplayable. I certainly enjoyed the game even if it took me a month to will myself through the final boss.
I don't care about the Nier 1 remake that's definitely being made, I honestly want them to remake Drakengard 1 and 3. These games would be absolutely amazing if they had good gameplay.
Can someone who has actually played through Drakengard 2 tell me if its more bareable as a game than Drakengard 1?
Drakengard 1 is far more "unplayable" than Drakengard 3 will ever be and now I only have Drakengard 2 left to play which isn't even a real Taro game. I don't really mind that though; I just want to know if its actually an improvement over Drakengard 2 technically.
yeah, the gameplay, especially the flight segments, are heavily improved upon
give it a go. its really not as bad as most people say
Yeah, EDF, my favorite series of all time
>its really not as bad as people say
This. Bitches are just mad that they got a whiny protagonist instead of IT'S MURDAAAAA: The Character. The combos and certain effects of your characters combos are pretty good, and speaking of characters, unlike the first you don't spend just a certain amount of time playing as your companions. As long as you got one of their weapons you can use them.
And I can't think of a reason why you WOULDN'T want to play as a dude who has THE GRIM FUCKING REAPER as their pact-partner. Can you?
I'll just say if you can bare and grit through 1, you can make it through 2. 2 is essentially the same game but with a pants on head retarded story and bad characters. It removes the only "redeemable" part of drakengard 1. If however you liked drakengard 1 for more than it's craziness, you'll be fine with 2 I personally had a ok time playing it before automata came out
I'd like them to remake Drakengard 1 too, I just hope that if they did they wouldn't take out all the weird shit Taro put it in, in a misguided attempt to appeal to a broader audience.
So when are they letting Taro and Platinum do an FF spinoff?
Atrocious framerate.
Gameplay is a fucking mess. To fly, you constantly have to flap your wings for altitude otherwise you plummet.
It's a bad game. I don't care if others on Sup Forums like it for whatever reason, but from a technical standpoint its a fucking mess.
Gameplay at first glance seems better than Drakengard 1, but the following glaring problems arise.
>Route A is insanely fucking long
>Enemies are typed, and certain characters are designed to take out certain enemies.
>Eris for Skeletons, Manah for mages, and Urik for ogres, Nowe is a fuccboi and gets no bonuses
>Keep in mind, you lose access to these characters, and the enemy types continue to show up
>Tons of missions are corridors
>Tons of missions are repeated constantly
>It's a massive fucking drag (on dragoon)
>The story is fucking retarded
>Like Nowe literally becoming a super saiyan retarded
Drakengard 2 starts off good, but shits the bed after about 3 hours, and you're in it for the long haul.
because he somewhere found guys who could manage to create scenes such as this:
just listen to the shit at 1:40. Just for this reason Taro is worth it.
Honestly I'd almost hope that they'd put more weird shit in. Some things like Route C's ending felt like they initially had more planned behind it, and I think it'd be interesting to see a Director's Cut of sorts.
But I'm not holding my breath.
I actually defend Drakengard 2's story more often than Drakengard 3 despite my hate for Nowe.
But the way the different routes are unlocked is a hefty issue. Unlike the other Drakengards, you actually do have to play through the entire thing again from the start to see new endings. Not just some specific chapter requirements halfway through.
Because majority of people have only played Automata and just parrot what they hear
Mostly, the combat still wouldn't be that great but it would be fun. Think of Drakengard 3 as Nier 1 combat with less fps. Outside of the gameplay the game is pretty cool tho
It's not even a yoko taro game, the story is garbage(the only interesting part of drakengard games) and it's disliked more than Drakengard 1 and 3. Why bother?
Automata is Persona, Drakengard is SMT.