If you could be a Mario species, what would you be...

If you could be a Mario species, what would you be? Tell us about how your day-to-day life would go! I have many examples, but for ease of understanding I will use a Koopa for an example. If I was a Koopa, I would live in a village of friendly Koopas and take good care of my shell, and make sure I wash it several times a day so it's shiny and clean! I would try all of the different Mushroom dishes that the restaurants and stores have! I would associate with other species too like the Goombas, and even the Shy Guys (but I would help them not to be shy). Oh, I could go on for hours, but I should stop, I don't want to make it too long. Now is your turn!

I would want to be a business man in the metro kingdom working ungodly hours throughout the week doing nothing but sleep in between shifts.

I'm already living it.

Are you sure that's fun?

Bonneter. I would possess Mayor Pauline's hat and then when she goes home I'd watch her shower.


Cheep cheep, I'd swim around and chill out.

what would your work even consist of that you would need to be doing it 16hrs a day? In the modestly sized mushroom kingdom

I'd be a bee from the honeycomb galaxy
Those guys are awesome

Depends on which Mario game we're talking about. For example, if you lived in Paper Mario as a Goomba you'd probably be able to live a pretty good life. But if you were one in most of the other Mario games, you'd be fucked.

Reminds of how I always wanted to play a DnD game seti the Zelda universe.

Isn't it strange that there's no black colored folks in Mario? Hmm....

I'd be a Buzzy Beetle. I'd try to live in densely populated area with no gaping chasms (this is important). I would make a deliberate attempt to always be underfoot. Obstruct busy pedestrian crossings, pace back and forth in front of large crowds, that sort of thing. At some point some one, probably a koopa, will become so frustrated with me they will feel compelled give me a swift kick. This is what I've waited for. Back and forth I'll zoom! Over hither and yon!
To be a big black ball of condensed cute, speeding over the horizon. This is what's best in the Mushroom Kingdom.

A yoshi haha
just pooping eggs all day hahaha
just for fun haha

Me Thwomp. Me wait in castle. Wait for Plumber to come. Then, when Plumber get close... WHAM! THWOMP SMASH PLUMBER! Then Thwomp go back up. Then Thwomp wait. Wait for Plumber again. Thwomp life very exciting. Thwomp love job.

I would be a Luma. Floating around the observatory sounds pleasant.

captcha: healthy space

I'd be a Drybone, sure never dying wouldn't be fun. But I still get to spook you fleshy faggots.

There's the chain chomp, the bullet bill and the bob-omb.

You're the only real poster in this thread.
You should close this tab, and delete it from your history if you aren't using incognito. Forget about it entirely. This never happened.

Well, fuck you, too.

>watch your step


I'd be a Goomba so i can suck my own dick


Whomps are woefully underused


i'd be poochie and rape everything

it's not going to happen.

Lakitu, the cloud guy who chucks spinies and is a dickhead troll

Sounds like it could be interesting, except for the fact that nearly everyone but link/zelda is a useless sack of shit.


>forgetting Donkey Kong

This. Boos have all the fun.