what is Soyboy: the game?
What is Soyboy: the game?
We need to find a solution to the Sup Forums problem
Sup Forums.
The Last of Us
Why not start with the final solution? :^)
Stardew Valley
What the fuck is a Soyboy
The Last of Us
Literally raising someone elses child
The fuck is a "soyboy" anyway, some new forced Sup Forums meme?
someone get the trees ready because we about to put some rope and people on those things
Game I don't like.
Any Zelda game. Seriously you will not believe how many of them get triforce tattoos.
Why did Sup Forumstards replace "cuck" with "soyboy" in the span of a day?
Sup Forums thinks soy makes you gay
a gay person
Sup Forums, my man
Sup Forums decided that because soy has estrogen in it, that all SJW types are the way they are because of a high-soy diet. Thus soyboys.
Ignore the fact that dietary estrogen isn't absorbed on any level significant enough to actually impact on the body's hormone imbalance.
Also ignore that the whole meme is being pushed by fucking Infowars of all places. A company that sells supplements which contain high levels of soy.
not Sup Forums
and it started on /fit/ seen it used on /lit/ by a /fit/izen
This the latest buzzword?
That's like saying the meme is from Sup Forums by posting all the Sup Forums threads with "soyboy" on it. Sup Forumstards spam it all over the website.
Sup Forums sucks at memes, man.
Persona series.
>tfw soyboy memesters still can't get laid and die from prostate cancer
>Ignore the fact that dietary estrogen isn't absorbed on any level significant enough to actually impact on the body's hormone imbalance.
That's what they say but all time low testosterone and sperm cell counts in men paint a different story. Something is turning men into soyboys, we can't ignore that.
The last of us
That Dragon, Cancer
Destiny 2
Shadow of War
Thomas was alone
Battlefront II
No Man's Sky
all nu-male trash
Got a source for either of those statistics?