ITT: Fuck you, I liked it


Yeah, same.
Completed it a few times on PC, actually got plat on PS4. I dunno, reminded me of my youth.

do I need to have completed pst to play that?

No. Aside from common inspirations and structure they're not connected.

Nope. I did, and it certainly filled in a few blanks, but they were more passing details than pivotal plot elements.
There was actually a bit of controversy when it first launched, that it didn't include enough from PS:T, so take that however you will.
That said, I would recommend playing it regardless. It's a gem. Fucks up a lot of stuff this one nailed, but it works the other way around too. Like they're two pieces to the same puzzle.

Numenera has nothing to do with Planescape besides superficial callbacks.

thanks mates. I've tried PST a few times and have got very burned out on the first 1-2 hours

That's understandable, it's quite a slow-starter. I had some troubles getting into it too.
Most of the process is just exploring every new area and talking to every imaginable NPC with unique name, plus there are some occasional clunky combat encounters. I would say once you resolve some side-quests in Sigil and get to the Pharod you would definitely know if it's the game for you.
It's still a very unique game even with Numenera out there.

This. I genuinely love the world and characters. The fact that I played the first 2 games also really helps.

Fuck you, I didnt like it and its not even finished

>its not even finished
Sure, some content was cut, but it's a complete self-sustained experience. My walkthrough took 42 hours, which is more than enough amount of content for cRPG.
What's exactly not finished there?

Internet """culture""" was way too harsh on this after the youtube buffoons decided to LP it.

Granted, David Cage is a hack and an easy target and the digital re-release was lazy and sloppy as shit, but fuck you I liked it.

>and characters

I really hope you don't include Sera to that

Fallout 3, Skyrim, Guild Wars 2, DmC

neo Sup Forums everyone. these threads are cancer because they validate terrible opinions.

I love you and I forgive you.


Most of the games you've pointed out are at least okay in their own right. They mostly get a ton of negativity because they're compared to their predecessors a lot, which is not really a bad thing, but in some cases it creates a stigma which draws a lot of unnecessary criticism.
It's like when a lot of people hated KotOR 2 when it was out, but now it has a cult status, or Ultima 9 that had a lot of criticism from fans at the release, but nowadays its viewed as an enjoyable game in its own right.

>I've tried PST a few times and have got very burned out on the first 1-2 hours
Jesus Christ.

They tried too hard to be deep.
The worst combat system I've ever seen in a crpg.
Feels like a huge step back from a game that came out in 1999 which is a fucking accomplishment.

How did they got away with such a blatant Rift ripoff?

>They tried too hard to be deep.
I guess. In comparison to PST it's not as focused thematically, and therefore is a bit all over the place. But PST has an advantage in form of setting, whose central motif is beliefs having physical consequences. Numenera on the other hand is all about "It's numenera, I ain't explain shit".
I had a funny tendency when I was GMing a tabletop Numenera. If players didn't understand something about their surroundings, they simply asked to check "Knowledge of numenera" skill, which is applicable to almost anything in the Ninth World.

>The worst combat system I've ever seen in a crpg.
Pacing was really terrible, but otherwise I think it's okay. They could just solve it by making a fast-forward button, like in PoE.