make it vidya.
Here's a template
>Here, my bros, make this random shit vidya
>He doesnt keep up with news.
War criminal committing suicide via poison in court
random shit, gotcha
fuck off out of Sup Forums
vidya not virgin
I only heard a tidbit of this story. Was he a super neat CIA spook or some shit? Or just a dude that did war crime
Just a Balkan slavnigger with a chip on his shoulder that chimped out once they were let off the leash and daddy Tito wasn't around to spank them
just a Croat war criminal
remember, he did nothing wrong and just served his country.
eh. never mind then
Good shit
This meme used to mean something
can't wait to see you repsoting this shit to face book XD
Moot is gone. Stop this meme
You don't know the context of the image, do you?
Fixed it for you
> used to be
> something happened really just yesterday
This isn't even funny in the slightest, at least the door opener had a few audible breaths.
Used to be in itself is a meme. Lurk more.
Sup Forums are shit at memes
I forgot she says that gay shit.
Long story short
>General for country during slav wars in the 90s
>After war makes a successful business , stepsons take his last name and run business together
>Arrested on war crimes which were and still are debated to this day whether he actually did anything
>spends 15 years in prison
>just as he is about to get out the international courts sentence him again for essentially another 5 years
>declares his disappointment and says he is no war criminal , later announces in front of the judges he just drank poison and dies hours later
>both people missed the fucking meme
Please don't tell me youre confusing this with the Drake meme?
why the fuck are you forcing this meme?
im going to take a bet this specific poster posts that same sentence to about 5 more times in there life before they stop getting annoyed by pointless shit on Sup Forums
there are rules fag, even on Sup Forums, so fuck off bac to your containment board, it's called like that for a reason.
how did he get poison if he was in prison?
They go hand-in-hand usually. Normalfags don't know a lot of video games.
what rule pertains to the soyboy meme?
They're both shit! You messed up
Literally who?
And what is he even trying to convey?